The Yuuzhan Vong

1. Who are the Yuuzhan Vong?

A Yuuzhan Vong

The Yuuzhan Vong, also known as the “Children of Yun-Yuuzhan” were a nomadic, sentient species from outside the galaxy, almost destroying the New Republic during their invasion. Their conflict resulted in the deaths of more than 300 trillion sentient beings.

They originated beyond the galaxy’s edge and were similar in form to humans, though generally larger and heavier with less hair. The Yuuzhan Vong were fanatically religious and rejected mechanical technology, considering it sacrilegious. Instead, they developed advanced organic technology through genetic engineering. Pain was highly revered in their society, with many striving to enhance themselves through the grafting of organs, a practice that elevated one’s social standing.

One of their most mysterious traits was their absence from the Force, which baffled the Jedi upon first encounter. However, while the Yuuzhan Vong could not be detected through the Force, they could still be harmed by some Force-based techniques.

2. Characteristics

The Yuuzhan Vong were humanoid, which led to early assumptions that they might be a branch of the human species. However, there were key differences, such as their lack of kidneys. They were taller and more heavily built than most humans, potentially due to selective breeding. Yuuzhan Vong lived for around 76 standard years on average, though some lived up to two or three times longer. Genetically, they shared certain similarities with humans, which was surprising given their extragalactic origin, but they had a unique element in their DNA that was found throughout their organic technology.

Their foreheads were sloped and ridged. Some Yuuzhan Vong had pointed ears, while others did not, possibly due to ritual modifications or genetic variation. Their noses were small and flat, giving their faces a skull-like appearance. Their hair, usually black, was thinner and less abundant than that of humans, though it was often worn much longer or entirely shaved off. They had distinctive blue sacs under their eyes, considered a mark of beauty, which expanded and contracted to convey emotion. These sacs were essential to interpreting their moods, as their facial expressions were limited compared to humans. The most common skin color was gray, followed by yellow, and they had jet-black blood.

Their nervous systems were highly conductive, almost as if designed to experience pain. There were key differences between their nervous systems and those of humans, making certain technologies, such as the Yuuzhan Vong Qah cells, incompatible with them, as the human brain eventually rejected these cells.

Perhaps the most unsettling trait of the Yuuzhan Vong was their lack of presence in the Force. They couldn’t be sensed, and most Force powers had no effect on them. Jedi struggled to predict their actions or sense their intentions, though the absence of a Force presence could still be detected. A powerful telekinetic attack that would usually throw a person across a room might only cause a Yuuzhan Vong to stumble. While they were immune to most direct Force powers, indirect methods, such as manipulating objects or altering air pressure, could still harm them. Techniques like Force lightning, Dark Transfer, and Shatterpoint were some of the few Force abilities that affected them.

A few Jedi developed a new skill known as “Vongsense,” which allowed them to perceive the Yuuzhan Vong and their biots similarly to how the Force worked.

3. What Defined Yuuzhan Vong Culture?

Yuuzhan Vong warriors

Yuuzhan Vong culture revolved around sacrifice and their gods. Warriors, in particular, focused on pain as a central tenet of life, glorifying it not as a means to an end but as a way of being. They believed that just as their gods sacrificed parts of their bodies to create the universe, they too must sacrifice their own bodies to become closer to their deities. While they would modify their bodies extensively, they avoided injuries that would permanently hinder their abilities. This led to the prevalence of scars, tattoos, and organ grafts, with the elite often incorporating organs from other creatures. Bloodletting was a common practice during prayers, but the Shamed Ones were forbidden from participating in religious rituals.

As individuals succeeded in their lives, they would undergo ceremonies to sacrifice parts of their bodies and replace them with enhancements from other creatures. This occurred during the Escalatier Ceremony, where a specialized organism made incisions and implanted the new organs. If the body accepted the implants, the Yuuzhan Vong rose in rank, but failure could result in death or being cast out as a Shamed One. These failures were attributed to the will of the gods, though sometimes it was due to the Shaper performing the procedure.

Family ties were essential to the Yuuzhan Vong. Individuals were part of family groups known as Domains, with some Domains wielding more power than others. In addition to their family structure, they also followed a strict caste system. Relationships between different castes were forbidden, and domain loyalty was considered far more significant than personal likes or dislikes. Members of lower ranks were expected to perform certain ritualized greetings to those of higher status. However, a person of one caste did not have to salute someone of higher rank from another caste.

Yuuzhan Vong children were raised in crèches specific to their caste, often not meeting their biological parents until later in life. The caretakers who raised them gave them their names. Deformed children were usually killed at birth unless the deformity was minor, in which case they were spared, like Ona Shai. Paranoia was a common survival trait in their harsh and competitive environment. Twin births were rare and considered significant, often leading to one twin killing the other as part of a preordained destiny. Funerals did not focus on preserving the dead, and priests often removed body parts to dedicate them to the gods during funeral rites.

Some Imperial officers observed similarities between the Yuuzhan Vong and the Empire, particularly in terms of discipline and loyalty to superiors. However, the goals of the Yuuzhan Vong were vastly different, as they sought to reshape the galaxy’s way of life, including the destruction of all forms of manufactured technology, a strength of the Imperial Remnant. This devotion to discipline meant subordinates rarely contradicted their leaders, although they might subtly alter their orders. Despite their rigid obedience, they were skilled warriors who never retreated, fearing it would dishonor their gods.

Yuuzhan Vong beliefs had a profound impact on their behavior and mindset. Their religion taught that life was suffering and death was a release. Many among them believed that nothing could be learned without pain, and they willingly embraced death. Groups like Domain Shai went so far as to inflict pain on themselves for pleasure, believing it earned them favor with their gods. Dying in battle was seen as the highest honor, though dying in the cold void between galaxies was considered disgraceful. This mindset meant that most Yuuzhan Vong fought to the death, giving other galactic powers little chance to study their organic technology.

The priest caste maintained that they would never ask of others what they would not do themselves, often sacrificing both their own people and their enemies to the gods. They believed their deities had sacrificed their bodies to create the universe, so they followed suit. Honor was another highly regarded trait in their society. Even under interrogation, Yuuzhan Vong typically kept their word. In one case, a Yuuzhan Vong commander agreed to a duel for the fate of a planet, promising to spare it if he lost. Though sincere, his subordinates conspired with the Warmaster to subvert the agreement. The denial of honorable combat was considered an insult by the warrior caste, and a single opponent who faced a Yuuzhan Vong warrior was respected for their bravery and skill. They also practiced something akin to the Wookiee Life Debt, called Us-hrok, a display of eternal loyalty and gratitude to someone who had helped them.

The Yuuzhan Vong found no pleasure in eating, viewing it merely as a necessity. However, they might take some enjoyment if a meal followed the ritual slaying of a beast.

4. How Was Yuuzhan Vong Society Organized?

The Yuuzhan Vong functioned within a rigid caste system, ranging from the all-powerful Supreme Overlord to the oppressed Worker caste. Their political structure was a theocracy, with the Supreme Overlord deriving his authority from his status as the voice of Yun-Yuuzhan, their supreme deity. By the time of Darth Krayt’s Sith Empire, the caste system was still in place, with warriors and Shapers maintaining their roles.

  • Supreme Overlord: The Supreme Overlord was the highest position within the Yuuzhan Vong hierarchy, commanding all other castes. During their invasion of the galaxy, the Supreme Overlord was believed to be Shimrra Jamaane, though it was later revealed he was controlled by Onimi. Only the Supreme Overlord could communicate directly with Yun-Yuuzhan, the creator god.
  • Shaper Caste: Shapers were scientists responsible for managing the biotechnology of the Yuuzhan Vong. They were the creators and developers of their organic technology, often working closely with the priests to oversee its arcane aspects. Shapers were typically shorter than other Yuuzhan Vong, and were notable for their intricate headdresses and specialized hands. A Master Shaper’s hand had eight fingers, each equipped with a different tool, while a Shaper Adept had only five fingers. Some Shapers, like Mezhan Kwaad, concealed weapons within their Shaper hand. Their headdresses, linked to their nervous systems, could change shape to reflect mood or ceremonial gestures. The ranks within this caste included Master Shaper, Shaper Adept, and Shaper Initiate (or Novice).
  • Priest Caste: The priest caste was powerful in the Yuuzhan Vong’s theocratic society, with members serving the various deities that governed different aspects of life. Each sect worshipped a specific god or goddess. The ranks of the priest caste included Mosthigh Priest, High Priest(ess), Priest(ess), Seer, and Novice.
  • Warrior Caste: The warrior caste made up the Yuuzhan Vong’s military and was one of the largest castes. From a young age, warriors were trained for combat and were noted for their aggression. Some of the most famous warriors were Tsavong Lah and Nas Choka, both of whom became Warmasters. Their primary weapon was the amphistaff, a snake-like creature capable of spitting venom or strangling foes. They revered the Slayer god Yun-Yammka and sought honor in battle, wearing vonduun crab armor that could resist blaster bolts and even lightsabers, though it had weak points at the joints. Ranks within the warrior caste included Warmaster, Supreme Commander, Commander, Subaltern, and Warrior.
  • Intendant Caste: The Intendant caste was responsible for maintaining the Yuuzhan Vong’s economy and handling trade, bureaucracy, and the management of slaves. It was the smallest caste and lacked a specific war cry or patron deity. Notable members of this caste included Nom Anor, a notorious enemy of the Jedi. Some Intendants rose from the Shaper or Warrior castes, and Shimrra Jamaane himself was once an Intendant before becoming Supreme Overlord. They favored the Trickster goddess, Yun-Harla. Ranks included High Prefect, Prefect, Consul, Executor, and Attendant.
  • Worker Caste: The worker caste was the largest and lowest caste, made up of servants, slaves, and laborers. This caste also included the Shamed Ones—those whose bodies had rejected organic implants—and those who had failed to succeed in other castes. The Chazrach, a subservient species conquered by the Yuuzhan Vong, were also part of the worker caste. Workers were treated with disdain, even by other members of their own caste.

5. Religion

Yuuzhan Vong priest

The Yuuzhan Vong’s religion, called the True Way, was central to their society. They worshipped many gods and believed it was their duty to appease these deities through conquest and sacrifice.

  • Yun-Yuuzhan: Yun-Yuuzhan was the creator god, the most powerful deity in the Yuuzhan Vong pantheon. He sacrificed his body to create the lesser gods and the Yuuzhan Vong’s galaxy. Only the Supreme Overlord could communicate directly with Yun-Yuuzhan.
  • Yun-Harla: Yun-Harla, the Trickster and Cloaked Goddess, was the deity of deception and politics. She represented the political caste. The New Republic military used this knowledge in psychological warfare by codenaming their top pilot, Jaina Solo, “Trickster” and “Goddess,” leading some Yuuzhan Vong to believe they were fighting an incarnation of Yun-Harla.
  • Yun-Yammka: Yun-Yammka, the Slayer, was the god of war, worshipped primarily by the warrior caste. Depicted as a multi-tentacled being, Yun-Yammka was the inspiration for the form of the yammosk. He was created by the priest caste to symbolize the Yuuzhan Vong’s shift toward war.
  • Yun-Ne’Shel: Yun-Ne’Shel, the Modeler, governed natural life cycles and was worshipped by the Shaper caste.
  • Yun-Txiin and Yun-Q’aah (The Lover Gods): Yun-Txiin and Yun-Q’aah were twin deities representing forbidden love. In Yuuzhan Vong society, relationships outside one’s caste were prohibited, and offenders were sacrificed to these gods.
  • Yun-Shuno: Yun-Shuno, the Pardoner, had a thousand eyes and was the deity of the Shamed Ones. She was the only god allowed to be worshipped by those who were outcast by the rest of Yuuzhan Vong society.

6. The Organic Technology of the Yuuzhan Vong

6.1 Why Did the Yuuzhan Vong Reject Conventional Technology?

Due to their beliefs, the Yuuzhan Vong were strongly opposed to conventional technology, especially machines and droids, which they viewed as unnatural and corrupting. As a result, all of their technology was organic, comprised of living “biots”—creatures bred specifically for different tasks. They preferred these living tools over lifeless machines, which they believed lacked any form of spirit. From their starships to their weapons to everyday objects, everything the Yuuzhan Vong used was biologically based. They held a deep hatred for machines, electronics, and anything manufactured by conventional means.

6.2 How Did Yuuzhan Vong Biotech Replace Machines?

Their biotech was carefully shaped by Shapers and often demonstrated greater resilience than traditional technology. One of their most feared technologies was the yammosk, a “war coordinator” that functioned as a living Battle Analysis Computer, capable of coordinating Yuuzhan Vong forces with terrifying efficiency. Their communication system relied on villips, which allowed for a level of communication comparable to the galactic HoloNet. Some breeds of villips could even generate living holograms. Their ships’ collision avoidance systems were as advanced as any in the galaxy, and their equivalent of antennas were spiral fibers embedded in yorik coral hulls that could receive communications. Additionally, they employed nutrient feeds for their biots, serving a similar role to power lines for machines. Instead of navigation computers, Yuuzhan Vong ships had navibrains for plotting hyperspace jumps.

6.3 Weapons

Yuuzhan Vong weaponry included amphistaffs, living serpentine weapons that could change shape, allowing them to be used as spears or whips. They also wore Vonduun Skerr Kyrric armor, capable of deflecting both blaster fire and lightsaber strikes. Their larger, coral-shaped ships were armed with Yaret-Kor plasma weapons that could melt through enemy hulls, and their defenses were protected by dovin basals, gravity-manipulating organisms that created singularities to absorb incoming fire. These same organisms could also strip enemy shields and create powerful gravitational fields to pull enemy ships out of hyperspace.

6.3.1 Long-Range Weaponry

  • Blast bug (thrown)
  • Magma pebble (thrown)
  • Nang hul (thrown)
  • Plaeryin bol
  • Plasma Eel (thrown)
  • Razor bug (thrown)
  • Snap bug (thrown)
  • Yaret-Kor

6.3.2 Melee Weaponry

  • Amphistaff (mid-range)
  • Claws (short-range)
  • Coufee (short-range, common Chazrach weapon)
  • Tsaisi (mid-range)

6.4 How Did the Yuuzhan Vong Use Organic Starships?

The Yuuzhan Vong’s primary construction material was yorik coral, a substance that formed the hulls and internal structure of their ships. While other races had mastered bioengineering, the Yuuzhan Vong were one of the few to develop a mass-production system for such organisms. They could grow coralskippers, a type of starfighter, in under a month, comparable to the production rate of Incom Corporation’s X-wing, with the added advantage of generating no waste byproducts. While the outer “skin” of their ships, despite being alive, lacked nerve endings and was impervious to the cold of space, breaches in the inner hull triggered alarm systems, alerting the Yuuzhan Vong to any intruders.

6.5 What Was the Role of Cognition Hoods in Yuuzhan Vong Piloting?

A critical element in the interface between Yuuzhan Vong biots and their organic ships was the “cognition hood.” This organic helmet was placed on an individual’s head, connecting them through an organic cord to the ship. This direct interface allowed the pilot to communicate and control the vessel. This system was used both by organic pilots and droids, which processed data sent through the hood. On larger carrier ships, a central cognition hood allowed the ship’s commander to issue orders, but if the hood was damaged, secondary cognition hoods on smaller craft like coralskippers could be used to transmit commands from the fighter to the carrier.

7. Notable Warriors and Leaders

Shimrra Jamaane, the Supreme Overlord during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion
  • Shimrra Jamaane, the Supreme Overlord during the invasion, was slain by Luke Skywalker.
  • Onimi, Shimrra’s jester and a Shamed One, was a former Master Shaper who added yammosk tissue to his brain, making him powerful but also “shamed.” He manipulated Shimrra, turning him into his puppet and ruling from behind the scenes. He was killed by Jacen Solo.
  • Nom Anor, a member of the Intendant Caste, specialized in espionage and was responsible for much of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion strategy. He inflicted a deadly illness on Mara Jade Skywalker and was killed during the Liberation of Coruscant.
  • Shedao Shai, who dueled Corran Horn for control of Ithor but lost, though the planet was destroyed anyway.
  • Quoreal, the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong prior to the invasion, was killed by Shimrra.
  • Nen Yim, a Shaper who traveled to the living planet Zonama Sekot alongside Jedi Master Corran Horn, Tahiri Veila, Nom Anor (in disguise as the prophet Yu’shaa), and the Yuuzhan Vong priest Harrar. She learned that Zonama Sekot was a seed of the original Yuuzhan’tar and that her species had strayed far from their intended path. She was killed by Nom Anor.
  • Harrar, a Priest of Yun-Harla, recognized early on that the Jedi posed a significant threat and consistently advocated for their destruction. He traveled to Zonama Sekot with Nen Yim, where the planet’s beauty profoundly moved him. He was the first to renounce the violent ways of his species and sought to end the war.
  • Viull Gorsat, a Yuuzhan Vong member of Garik Loran’s reformed Wraith Squadron in 44 ABY. Nicknamed “Scut,” he differed from other Yuuzhan Vong in that he was raised by a human family.
  • Tsavong Lah, Warmaster of the Yuuzhan Vong, was one of the New Jedi Order’s most dangerous foes. He offered to end the invasion if the New Republic handed over the Jedi. Tsavong Lah was disfigured, with many organic implants integrated into his body. He was killed during the Battle of Ebaq by Jaina Solo.
  • Zenoc Quah, a Shaper and collaborator with the One Sith.
  • Nas Choka, Supreme Commander of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet and Tsavong Lah’s successor as Warmaster. After the deaths of Shimrra and Onimi, Choka ordered the Yuuzhan Vong’s surrender, effectively ending the war. He became the de facto leader of the species.
  • Nei Rin, a Master Shaper of the Shaper Caste and ally of the Jedi before, during, and after the Sith–Imperial War.

8. History

8.1 Origins

Yuuzhan’tar, the original homeworld of the Yuuzhan Vong

The Yuuzhan Vong were displaced individuals from a faraway galaxy. Their original planet, Yuuzhan’tar, was a lush, tropical world surrounded by a significant asteroid belt. This homeworld was destroyed thousands of standard years before they began their invasion of the galaxy.

In their language, “Yuuzhan’tar” translated to “Cradle of the gods,” and the living world served as a model for the Yuuzhan Vong’s deities. It’s possible that Yuuzhan’tar inspired the creation god of the Yuuzhan Vong, Yun-Yuuzhan.

Little is known about the earliest periods of their history, but at one point, the Yuuzhan Vong lived symbiotically with their planet and were even connected to the Force. Their technology was mostly organic. However, at a certain time in their history, they were caught in a catastrophic war between two droid civilizations—presumed to be the Silentium and the Abominor—leading them to develop an intense hatred for mechanical technology and xenophobia towards other sentient beings.

Yuuzhan’tar, their living planet, helped them during this war by giving them the knowledge to create living weapons. But as the conflict dragged on, the Yuuzhan Vong as a species grew more violent and warlike. Eventually, they triumphed over their enemies, forcing the two droid powers to flee their galaxy.

After the war, the Yuuzhan Vong launched a crusade to purge their galaxy of all mechanical technology. They conquered much of their galaxy, either eradicating or enslaving the species they encountered. One of these species, the reptilian Chazrach, became the Yuuzhan Vong’s slave soldiers.

With their galaxy largely under their control, the various Domains (which were like clans or families among the Yuuzhan Vong) began to fracture and war with each other, leading to the devastating Cremlevian War. This conflict resulted in the destruction of much of their galaxy, including Yuuzhan’tar. The exact details of the planet’s demise have been lost over time. However, a seed from Yuuzhan’tar eventually became the living planet Zonama Sekot, which was later colonized by the Langhesi and Ferroans.

Separated from their original symbiosis with Yuuzhan’tar, the Yuuzhan Vong lost their connection to the Force and experienced deep pain. As a result, they believed that pain was the only way to restore their connection with their former home and began to practice self-inflicted body modifications. In place of their lost planet, they developed a belief in a pantheon of deities, which governed nearly every aspect of their society.

The Yuuzhan Vong eventually left their galaxy, traveling through space in their massive Worldships. Near the end of the war, Steng became the first Warmaster. Another Warmaster, Yo’gand, developed the Yo’gand’s Core strategy, which he employed to annihilate the planet Ygziir and its moon. Ygziir’s destruction led to Steng’s death and the end of the war. Ultimately, Yo’gand united the Domains into a single sociopolitical entity, becoming the first Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong.

With their galaxy in ruins, the Yuuzhan Vong began a lengthy journey to another galaxy in search of a new home. For a long time, perhaps even centuries, the species wandered through the Intergalactic Void aboard their worldships. During this period, they nearly destroyed themselves. Violence and competition were deeply ingrained in their society, and without an external enemy, they began to turn on each other. Although there were no large-scale wars like the Cremlevian War, the Domains continued to vie for the favor of the Supreme Overlords through internal conflict.

8.2 How did the Yuuzhan Vong infiltrate the galaxy?

It’s unknown exactly when the Yuuzhan Vong left their galaxy, how long their journey took, or even if they had a predetermined destination. At least one account suggests their voyage spanned several millennia, though by 26 ABY, one of their oldest worldships (so ancient it was dying) was less than a thousand years old. It seems that by 3997 BBY, sometime after Exar Kun became the Dark Lord of the Sith, the Praetorite Vong’s slivilith probe creatures had arrived, and by 3963 BBY, at least one scout had reached the Wild Space region of the known galaxy. During that year, a group of Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders under the command of Canderous Ordo encountered what would later be identified as a Yorik-stronha disguised as an asteroid in the Crispin system. They were pursuing a group of pirates in an asteroid belt when Ordo melted the frozen methane covering the “asteroid” using a thermal generator. The Yorik-Stronha “woke up,” started spinning rapidly, and fired plasma at the Mandalorians, melting their armor “like wax.” This encounter marked the first known contact with the Yuuzhan Vong. The probe fled after a brief skirmish with Ordo’s forces. The Mandalorians tracked its hyperspace wake to the galaxy’s edge but eventually turned back, assuming the mysterious ship was on a suicide mission into the void.

Darth Maul engages in a fierce gladiatorial battle against a Yuuzhan Vong warrior, defeating the champion without using the Force.

Around the same time, a female Yuuzhan Vong Shaper arrived in the galaxy in suspended animation, crash-landing on Lorrd. She survived there for several decades, interacting with the locals, who mistook her for a demon.

Between 229 and 89 BBY, the living planet Zonama Sekot—a seed of Yuuzhan’tar—entered the Gardaji Rift. In 33 BBY, a Yuuzhan Vong warrior was captured and ended up in Cog Hive Seven, a prison colony known for its deadly gladiatorial matches. After killing two fellow inmates during the trip to the colony, the Yuuzhan Vong emerged as the latest champion. For six months, the warrior defeated every opponent, but eventually, Sith Lord Darth Maul—on an undercover mission—faced off against the champion. In a brutal battle where Maul was ordered not to use the Force, he managed to kill the warrior. The Yuuzhan Vong only spoke their native language, and the prison’s systems failed to identify the species’ origin or even the individual’s gender, though some guards suspected the warrior was female.

In 32 BBY, during the invasion of Naboo, an advance group of Yuuzhan Vong—called “Far Outsiders” by the planet’s inhabitants—discovered Zonama Sekot. Recognizing similarities to Yuuzhan’tar but failing to make a clear connection, they attempted to colonize the planet. However, Zonama Sekot’s biosphere killed off the Yuuzhan Vong flora and fauna, which angered them. Sekot tried to negotiate, but they attacked the planet. After two years of costly fighting, the assault ended when Jedi Knight Vergere convinced the Yuuzhan Vong to leave in exchange for her going with them. The Galactic Republic only received vague information about the attack. Even when Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, investigated Vergere’s disappearance, they only found that a mysterious race using unfamiliar biotech weapons had attacked the planet.

In 29 BBY, Supreme Overlord Quoreal began to reconsider the plan to invade after learning about Zonama Sekot. The planet was no longer in its original location, and there was no evidence it had been destroyed. Concerned by the power of this entity, Quoreal suggested moving on to another galaxy. However, Shimrra Jamaane, influenced by Onimi and supported by more aggressive Domains, launched a coup, killed Quoreal, and took over, ensuring the invasion would proceed as planned, though it would still take some time to execute.

For the next few decades, little is known about Yuuzhan Vong activity within the galaxy. By 27 BBY, at the beginning of the Outbound Flight Project, Palpatine had somehow learned of the incoming Yuuzhan Vong fleet, though he intended to keep it secret from the Republic until after his New Order was in place. One of his subordinates, Kinman Doriana, was informed of the threat. This looming invasion was one reason Palpatine ordered the destruction of Outbound Flight: to prevent its crew from falling into the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong and to eliminate six Jedi Masters and twelve Jedi Knights. After the Clone Wars ended, Emperor Palpatine hinted at the Yuuzhan Vong’s existence to the public. He justified maintaining the Imperial Navy even after the war by citing the threat of extragalactic invasion.

Around this time, a small reconnaissance force of Yuuzhan Vong fought the Chiss Defense Fleet at the edge of the Chiss Ascendancy. Although Admiral Ar’alani managed to defeat the invaders, the Yuuzhan Vong performed better than the Chiss had expected from such a small fleet. Shortly after, the appearance of Outbound Flight led the CEDF high command to briefly wonder if the invaders were allied with the Republic.

Between 27 BBY and 22 ABY, some Chiss speculated that the Yuuzhan Vong had allied with the Vagaari against the Chiss. Yuuzhan Vong scouts kidnapped dozens of sentients from the galaxy, including Humans, Verpine, and Talz. These individuals were interrogated, experimented upon, and many were sacrificed. Those who survived, like Vergere, were rewarded by being treated as familiars. Around 25 BBY, the Yuuzhan Vong established a small outpost on the planet Bimmiel. Three years later, the Empire’s scientists set up a base on the same planet, suggesting Palpatine might have had direct contact with the invaders. The remains of the Yuuzhan Vong at this outpost remained undisturbed until they were discovered during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. It’s also known that Yuuzhan Vong scouts were active in the galaxy during the Clone Wars.

The Yuuzhan Vong advance scouts shared the sentiment of their superiors. Following the creation of the Imperial Interim Council in 11 ABY, after the final death of the reborn Emperor Palpatine, Yuuzhan Vong executor Nom Anor was tasked with infiltrating the Council. He succeeded, manipulating its leader Xandel Carivus, orchestrating the deaths of several Councilors, and intensifying the internal conflict within the crumbling Empire.

Meanwhile, the Yuuzhan Vong also meddled in the political affairs of the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium. They planted one of their agents, E’thinaa, in a high-ranking military position and influenced the rise to power of the Keeramak, aiming to use the Ssi-ruuvi to sow chaos during the upcoming Yuuzhan Vong invasion.

In 24 ABY, Yuuzhan Vong agent Yomin Carr infiltrated the ExGal Society, taking up a post at the ExGal-4 base on Belkadan, located along Vector Prime.

In 25 ABY, Nom Anor struck a deal with Boba Fett to have him and a select group of Mandalorians assist the invasion force. Fett, realizing that resisting the Yuuzhan Vong would lead to Mandalore’s enslavement, agreed. However, he secretly helped the New Republic by allowing their personnel to escape from doomed worlds, leading to the escape of Jedi Knight Kubariet on New Holgha.

8.3 The Yuuzhan Vong War

The Yuuzhan Vong War

The Yuuzhan Vong, under the command of executor Nom Anor (disguised as the leader of the Red Knights of Life), instigated a war between the worlds of Rhommamool and Osarian. While this war unfolded, he also infected Mara Jade Skywalker and numerous diplomats with a deadly Yuuzhan Vong plague. Amidst this distraction, the New Republic failed to notice the initial invasion force, the Praetorite Vong, landing on the remote planet Helska IV. At the same time, they also caused Sernpidal’s moon to crash into the planet, killing millions—including the beloved Wookiee Chewbacca—and leaving Sernpidal itself in ruins. The Yuuzhan Vong soon crossed paths with the Jedi, who they deemed the most dangerous of all the galaxy’s inhabitants, partly due to the Jedi’s mastery over the Force, which the Yuuzhan Vong had lost. Galactic heroes like Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, and Lando Calrissian defeated the Praetorite Vong.

But the main Yuuzhan Vong fleet arrived soon after and swiftly conquered several worlds. Among those captured were Bimmiel, Dantooine, Dubrillion, and Obroa-skai, while Ithor was consumed by firestorms and rendered uninhabitable. The New Republic, overwhelmed by the refugee crisis from the invasion corridor, could no longer ignore the Yuuzhan Vong threat. However, political leaders were ineffective in responding to the invaders, even attempting to blame the Jedi for the conflict. The Yuuzhan Vong exploited this, encouraging locals to betray the Jedi in exchange for protection. This birthed the Peace Brigade, an organization comprised of individuals eager to turn over Jedi in exchange for safety.

The Yuuzhan Vong also negotiated with the Hutts, allowing them safe passage through Hutt Space in exchange for cooperation. However, the Hutts played both sides, secretly passing on fleet movement information to the New Republic. In retaliation, the Yuuzhan Vong ruthlessly subjugated Hutt worlds. Their passage through Hutt Space allowed them to launch an attack on Fondor, but they faced severe losses in the Battle of Fondor, when Thrackan Sal-Solo, Han Solo’s cousin, fired the Centerpoint Station weapon, devastating both the Yuuzhan Vong and the defending Hapan fleet.

After conquering Duro, Warmaster Tsavong Lah offered a ceasefire to the New Republic, demanding that all Jedi be handed over. The Jedi became public enemies as never before, with several planets collaborating with the Yuuzhan Vong in hunting them down. The New Republic even issued a temporary arrest warrant for Jedi Masters Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker.

The Peace Brigade later attempted to attack the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4, intending to capture the children training there. Although the attack failed, the Yuuzhan Vong soon arrived, complicating matters for the few Jedi left on the moon. They captured Jedi trainee Tahiri Veila and began transforming her into one of their biological constructs. She was eventually rescued by her close friend, Anakin Solo, with the help of the Shamed Yuuzhan Vong, Vua Rapuung, who redeemed himself in the process. This event sparked a heretical movement among the Shamed Ones (later led by Nom Anor), who began worshiping the Jedi as saviors, much to the dismay of the ruling castes. Shortly afterward, the Yuuzhan Vong broke the ceasefire by launching a surprise attack on Yag’Dhul.

Two years into the war, the Yuuzhan Vong unleashed the voxyn, a new biological weapon designed to hunt Jedi. In response, Anakin Solo led an all-Jedi strike team to eliminate the Voxyn Queen, from which all other voxyn were cloned. The mission succeeded, but at great cost—nearly half the team perished, including Anakin Solo himself, and his brother Jacen Solo was captured. Meanwhile, the Yuuzhan Vong launched a massive assault on Coruscant, capturing the capital of the New Republic and killing Chief of State Borsk Fey’lya. They renamed the planet Yuuzhan’tar and began transforming it, remaking it in the image of their long-lost homeworld. Jacen Solo, after sabotaging the transformation process, escaped with the help of Vergere. Internally, the Yuuzhan Vong began experiencing strains, as the pressures of maintaining an empire began to take a toll on their resources.

After relocating the capital to Dac, the New Republic elected Cal Omas as Chief of State. He formed the High Council to coordinate the Jedi’s role in the war. Simultaneously, the Jedi discovered a secret New Republic Intelligence (NRI) project called Alpha Red, which was designed to wipe out the Yuuzhan Vong and their creations through biological warfare. The Jedi were unable to convince Omas to abandon the weapon, but rogue Jedi Vergere destroyed the project. This action caused tensions between the Jedi and the New Republic to escalate.

With conventional warfare being their only option, the New Republic planned a trap for the Yuuzhan Vong in the Deep Core, centering on the moon Ebaq 9. Using Jedi Knight Jaina Solo as bait, the trap succeeded, destroying much of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet. Warmaster Tsavong Lah was killed by Jaina Solo during the battle, and Vergere sacrificed herself to eliminate the remaining Yuuzhan Vong forces on the moon. Seizing political power, Omas drafted a new constitution that transformed the New Republic into the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances (Galactic Alliance or GFFA for short), stripping the Senate of its executive powers.

Following the victory at Ebaq 9, Luke Skywalker assembled a team to investigate Vergere’s information about the living planet Zonama Sekot. Journeying into the Unknown Regions, they received help from both the Imperial Remnant and the Chiss, though they had to provide services in return. Eventually, they found Zonama Sekot and entered negotiations to convince it to help end the war.

Meanwhile, disgraced for his failure at Ebaq 9, Nom Anor disguised himself as the prophet Yu’Shaa and began sowing dissent and heresy on Yuuzhan’tar (formerly Coruscant). Upon learning about Zonama Sekot, he organized a mission to the living planet, consisting of himself (still in disguise), Shaper Nen Yim, Yuuzhan Vong priest Harrar, and Jedi Knights Tahiri Veila and Corran Horn. When they arrived, Nom Anor revealed his true intentions, killing Nen Yim and pushing Harrar over a cliff before sabotaging the planet’s hyperdrive. Though the Jedi couldn’t prevent his escape, Zonama Sekot, seemingly aware of what to do, activated its hyperdrive and traveled to Yuuzhan’tar, orbiting the same star as the former capital of the galaxy.

During this time, the Galactic Alliance prepared to launch an offensive to retake Yuuzhan’tar and cripple the Yuuzhan Vong’s war efforts by targeting Supreme Overlord Shimrra. In the final confrontation, it was revealed that Shimrra was merely a puppet, with the real leader being Onimi, a Force-sensitive Shamed One. Luke Skywalker killed Shimrra, while Jacen Solo defeated Onimi during the Second Battle of Coruscant. Nas Choka, the new Warmaster and Shimrra’s successor, ordered the remaining Yuuzhan Vong forces to surrender, effectively ending the war.

8.4 What happened after the Yuuzhan Vong War?

As part of the surrender terms, the Yuuzhan Vong agreed to help rebuild Coruscant to serve as the capital of the Galactic Alliance. While the reconstruction efforts were underway, the Galactic Alliance temporarily based its government on Denon, before eventually moving back to Coruscant once the rebuilding was complete.

Zonama Sekot, the Yuuzhan Vong’s new homeworld

Zonama Sekot also revealed itself to be the seed of the long-dead Yuuzhan Vong homeworld, Yuuzhan’tar. After the war, the remaining Yuuzhan Vong were called back from across the galaxy to Zonama Sekot, where they would be confined. Those selected for roles in restoring the damage their people had caused would continue their duties, while those refusing exile faced execution. Zonama Sekot, with the new Yuuzhan Vong population, then disappeared into the Unknown Regions, allowing the Yuuzhan Vong to live peacefully and reestablish their relationship with Sekot. Among their goals was the abolishment of the caste system, and they had already eliminated the positions of Warmaster and Supreme Overlord, though Nas Choka remained the de facto leader of the species.

However, not all were content with this resolution. The Bothans, seeking vengeance for the death of Borsk Fey’lya, maintained their state of ar’krai—an open call for genocide against the Yuuzhan Vong. They continued sending ships into the Unknown Regions to hunt for Zonama Sekot. By 36 ABY, their efforts had been somewhat thwarted by the Galactic Alliance, which impounded ships designated for the mission.

The Yuuzhan Vong War was one of the most devastating crises the galaxy had ever faced. The death toll was staggering, with estimates of over 300 trillion sentient beings losing their lives across the known galaxy.

8.5 How Did the Sith Manipulate the Yuuzhan Vong Terraforming Project?

Years after the war, the Galactic Alliance had finished rebuilding, but it would never be the same as the pre-invasion New Republic. Sometime after 41 ABY, in an effort to improve relations between the Yuuzhan Vong and the rest of the galaxy, the Galactic Alliance’s New Jedi Order allowed Yuuzhan Vong Shapers, led by Master Shaper Nei Rin, to use a desolate area of Ossus—one of the Jedi Order’s most ancient strongholds—as a test site.

Kol Skywalker, a prominent member of the Jedi Council, supported the Ossus Project

The goal of the project, supported by Jedi Master Kol Skywalker, a prominent member of the Jedi Council, was to see if the Yuuzhan Vong’s terraforming techniques—similar to those that had once transformed Coruscant into their temporary homeworld of Yuuzhan’tar (27–29 ABY)—could restore the devastated and barren Ossus. Though most of the Yuuzhan Vong had relocated to Zonama Sekot in the Unknown Regions, enough Shapers remained to start a pilot program on Ossus. Initially, the project appeared successful, bringing new life to Ossus. The Jedi revealed the results to the galaxy, and soon, other worlds sought the Yuuzhan Vong’s help in restoring planets devastated by the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Ultimately, one hundred planets were selected for terraforming. Yuuzhan Vong Shapers, accompanied by Jedi, began working on these worlds, and the results were initially astonishing. However, the One Sith, led by Darth Krayt, secretly sabotaged the terraforming process. The plants grew in unnatural ways, and painful, bony growths reminiscent of the Yuuzhan Vong’s slavery devices began to appear on the inhabitants, killing millions.

Although the Jedi suspected sabotage, they were unsure of who was responsible. Across the galaxy, however, the blame fell on the Yuuzhan Vong. The lingering resentment from their invasion meant that many were quick to believe they had not abandoned their ambitions of conquest. Despite this, the Jedi remained convinced of the Yuuzhan Vong’s innocence and managed to secure the Galactic Alliance’s support for them against the growing domestic criticism.

This stance proved too much for the Empire. The signing of the Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty in 19 ABY had brought peace between the Imperial Remnant and the New Republic, and the war against the Yuuzhan Vong had nearly united the former rivals. However, many hardliners in the Moff Council still yearned to restore the Empire to its former glory as the dominant galactic power. Citing the Treaty of Anaxes and calling for retribution, they declared war on the Galactic Alliance. The fragile peace that so many had fought for was shattered, just as the Sith had planned.

Fearing the worst, the Jedi High Council ordered the creation of a Hidden Temple at the start of hostilities, with its location chosen by Nat Skywalker to serve as a refuge for the Jedi.

From the outset, the Galactic Alliance was at a disadvantage. Its defense of the Yuuzhan Vong alienated numerous member worlds, many of which still harbored bitter memories of the Vong invasion. These worlds refused to support the Alliance, leading to a growing secessionist movement in addition to the general state of war. The Empire used this to their advantage, luring many disillusioned worlds into their camp, weakening the Galactic Alliance’s government. Some worlds, like Hapes, declared neutrality. Thus, the war began with the Empire holding nearly every advantage, except one: Emperor Roan Fel himself was not enthusiastic about the war. He had reluctantly declared it, but never fully committed, even preventing his Imperial Knights from participating.

Despite the Alliance’s setbacks, the Jedi made up for the imbalance. Roan Fel’s refusal to deploy the Imperial Knights deprived the Empire of the necessary strength to counter the Jedi. The Sith soon inserted themselves into the conflict, offering their services to fill the void left by the absence of Force users in the Empire’s ranks. Moff Nyna Calixte, the ruthless and ambitious Director of Imperial Intelligence, facilitated an alliance between the Sith and the Empire. Once the Sith revealed themselves, the Jedi quickly realized that they were responsible for sabotaging the Yuuzhan Vong terraforming projects, although they could never gather definitive proof. Over time, even members of the Imperial regime, including Emperor Fel himself, recognized that they had been manipulated by the One Sith as part of a broader scheme for galactic domination. Tragically, by the time Fel and others understood the Sith’s true intentions, it was too late to stop the chain of events that had already been set in motion. The Yuuzhan Vong, after learning the truth, were relieved to know it was not the will of their gods and became determined to reverse the damage caused by the sabotage. Shaper Nei Rin set out to uncover the Sith’s method of sabotage, hoping this knowledge would discredit the Sith and bring an end to the war.

After three years of intense warfare, the Galactic Alliance was exhausted, while the Sith only grew stronger, even creating their own starfighters. Imperial forces recaptured Coruscant for the first time in more than a century, and the Alliance ultimately surrendered. Much of its territory was absorbed into the Empire. It remains unclear if the Empire made any effort to exterminate the Yuuzhan Vong. The Emperor called upon the Jedi Order to surrender and submit to Imperial rule. Some Jedi complied, joining the Imperial Knights, while others, loyal to the Force, refused to ally with the Sith. These Jedi withdrew to their temple on Ossus, but the Sith pursued them. Darth Nihl, a former Nagai warlord-turned-Sith, led the attack on Ossus alongside Imperial forces under Moff Rulf Yage’s command. This brutal assault, known as the Massacre at Ossus, scattered the Jedi throughout the galaxy, though the Order was not entirely destroyed. Nei Rin returned to Ossus the day after the massacre, bringing proof that the Sith were behind the sabotage of the terraforming projects, but it was too late to prevent the war or the massacre.

Shortly after, the Sith, now determined to rule the galaxy themselves, turned on Emperor Roan Fel and his Imperial Knights. Darth Krayt, believing he had killed the Emperor, assumed the Imperial throne and became the first Sith Lord to rule the galaxy since Darth Caedus. Krayt restored the rulership of the Sith over the galaxy and became the first Sith Emperor in over a century.

Although most of the Yuuzhan Vong involved in the Ossus Project were killed, three survivors remained hidden beneath the Jedi Temple, guarding the remains of the fallen Jedi in respect for the Order. Master Shaper Nei Rin had been off-world investigating the sabotage and returned too late to prevent the massacre. She, along with her guards and a few surviving Jedi, hid from an Imperial patrol beneath the temple when the Sith commander ordered the Academy to be destroyed from orbit. Thanks to Jedi Master K’Kruhk, they managed to survive.

Some time later, it was revealed that a fanatical Yuuzhan Vong named Zenoc Quah had survived the war and had been hiding on Wayland for over a century. He later allied with the One Sith to sabotage the Ossus Project. Seven years after the Sith took control, he played a role in Darth Maladi’s scheme to overthrow Darth Wyyrlok, intending to place a new, more powerful Dark Lord at the head of the Sith. Quah and Maladi worked together to create a new weapon to consolidate their power and eliminate dissident Sith. As part of their plan, they set a trap to capture Cade Skywalker, intending to use him as a test subject.

Tony Allen is a writer for, a website focused on everything related to lightsabers. Tony grew up in Austin, Texas, and went on to study Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas. Passionate about science fiction and fantasy, Tony has always been deeply involved in hobbies like tabletop RPGs, sci-fi novels, miniature painting, and crafting. This love for creative pursuits drives Tony to write about lightsabers in a way that ignites the imagination of fans around the world.

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