Force-Sensitivity and Force-Users

Force Sensitivity and Force Users

Force sensitivity is the ability of certain beings to perceive and interact with the Force, a mysterious energy field that existed throughout the universe. This sensitivity allows individuals to sense the presence of other life forms, feel emotions, and even foresee events. It is a rare trait that varies in strength among those who possess it, often requiring training and discipline to harness effectively.

Force-users, also known as Force-sensitives, were living beings who had a strong connection to the Force. These individuals could feel and use the Force, which gave them special abilities that normal beings couldn’t have. The ability to use the Force was possible because of tiny life forms called midi-chlorians that lived inside all living things and helped connect them to the Force.

People who used the Force could choose to follow either the light side or the dark side. The light side was about using the Force for good and protecting life, while the dark side was about using the Force for selfish reasons and to hurt others. Some people found the dark side easier to use because it was powered by strong emotions, but it could also corrupt them and turn them into dark side users.

Some people were born with more midi-chlorians, which made it easier for them to use the Force. This ability could also be passed down in families, like in the Skywalker family. Anakin Skywalker, who was called the Chosen One, passed his Force abilities to his children, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. Leia then passed it to her son, Ben Solo.

Throughout history, different groups trained Force-sensitives to use their abilities. The most famous were the Jedi Order, who used the light side, and the Sith, who used the dark side. During the time of the Empire, a group called the Inquisitors hunted down Force-sensitive people. After the Sith were defeated, Luke Skywalker tried to train new Force-sensitive students to bring back the Jedi, but his efforts were destroyed. Later, he and Leia trained Rey, who became the last Jedi after Luke died.

1. The Nature of the Force

1.1 Understanding the Force and Force-sensitivity

The Force was a mysterious energy that existed in all living things and connected everything in the galaxy.

The Force was a mysterious energy that existed in all living things and connected everything in the galaxy. While all living things had the Force in them, only some were strong enough to feel and use its power.

These people were called Force-users, Force-sensitives, or Force Adepts. These terms could be used for both light side and dark side users, but dark side users were sometimes called “dark side adepts.”

Without training or knowledge, a Force-sensitive person’s connection to the Force would stay hidden. For example, Rey didn’t discover her Force abilities until she was nineteen years old. Even without training, Rey was as strong in the Force as Kylo Ren, and their special connection allowed her to learn some of his Jedi skills.

Force-sensitives could be found in many different species, including humans and aliens. The few known members of Yoda’s species were all Force-sensitive, including Grogu, Yaddle, and Yoda himself.

1.2 Midi-chlorians and Force potential


Midi-chlorians are microscopic lifeforms that exist in symbiosis with sentient and non-sentient beings, enabling them to connect with the Force. They facilitate awareness of life energy and the ability to harness and manipulate its flow, effectively communicating the will of the Cosmic Force. This connection allows individuals, through focus and training, to develop extraordinary abilities.

Midi-chlorians showed how strong a person’s connection to the Force was before they had any training. The more midi-chlorians a person had, the stronger they could become with the Force. Anakin Skywalker had more midi-chlorians than any other Force-sensitive of his time, even more than Yoda. Although Darth Vader was very powerful, his injuries left him weaker because he was more machine than human, and the Force flowed through living things.

2. Manifestations of Force-sensitivity

2.1 Degrees of Force-sensitivity

Force-sensitives could use the Force to do amazing things that normal people couldn’t do. The amount of Force-sensitivity a person had determined how well they could use the Force. Some people, like the Archivist, could sense the Force but weren’t strong enough to use it. However, even people who weren’t very Force-sensitive at birth could become skilled with training and practice.

For example, Lyr Farseeker wasn’t very Force-sensitive but became a Jedi Master and wrote important Jedi texts. Sabine Wren had less Force-sensitivity than most Jedi students but was still trained by Ahsoka Tano, who believed Wren could learn to use the Force.

According to Ahsoka Tano, while the Force existed in all living things, some people had more “talent” for sensing it. She believed that even people who weren’t naturally Force-sensitive could learn to use the Force through training and focus. Luke Skywalker thought that no one was actually “stronger” in the Force than others, but some people started out more open to it. He compared it to a door, saying that the wider you open yourself to the Force, the easier it flows through you.

In some cases, Force-sensitive people could lose their abilities. For example, most Chiss navigators lost their Force powers before becoming adults. It was also possible for someone to push away their connection to the Force or cut themselves off from it completely.

2.2 Hereditary aspects of Force-sensitivity

Force-sensitivity could be passed down in families. Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa were Force-sensitive because of their father, Anakin Skywalker. Ben Solo was Leia’s son and had even more potential because of his family history. Rey also inherited her Force powers from her grandfather, Darth Sidious.

3. Historical Evolution of Force Users

3.1 Primordial Origins

The Force began on a mysterious world that was believed to be the home of the midi-chlorians. This world was where the energy of the Living Force, which existed in all living things, connected to the Cosmic Force, which had its own will. Five ancient beings called the Force Priestesses lived on this world and represented the connection between the Living Force and the Cosmic Force.

While the Force existed everywhere in the universe, there were special places called “vergences” where the Force was stronger. One of these places was Mortis, home to powerful beings called the Ones: the Daughter (light side), the Son (dark side), and the Father (balance).

3.2 The Zeffo Civilization

ancient Force-sensitive Zeffo

Long before the Jedi and Sith existed, an ancient civilization called the Zeffo respected the Force, which they called the “Life Wind.” Not all Zeffo could use the Force, but those who could were called sages. The Zeffo built tombs and monuments to honor their sages and the Life Wind on their home planet and other worlds they visited.

The Zeffo sages also knew about the dark side of the Force. One sage named Kujet used the dark side and was a cruel leader who destroyed anyone who opposed him. Eventually, the Zeffo civilization fell apart, and they believed it was because they had lost balance in their pursuit of power and control. By the time of modern galactic civilization, the history of the Zeffo was mostly forgotten.

3.3 The Rise and Fall of the Jedi Order

3.3.1 The Jedi-Sith Conflict:

In its early days, the Jedi Order protected the Galactic Republic as peacekeepers. They followed the Jedi Code, which focused on peace and calm, and used the light side of the Force for knowledge and defense. The Jedi rejected the dark side and the emotions that fueled it, believing that Jedi should avoid emotional attachments.

Not all ancient Jedi agreed with the Code. Some turned to the dark side and formed the Sith, a group that wanted to use the Force for power and to control others. This led to a long war between the Jedi and Sith that damaged many star systems. After thousands of years of fighting, the Jedi defeated the Sith and brought peace to the galaxy, becoming peacekeepers for the Galactic Republic.

3.3.2 The Golden Age of the Jedi:

The Jedi found Force-sensitive children and took them to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for their training. However, not everyone agreed with this practice. On the planet Bardotta, the Dagoyan Order, another group of Force users, didn’t want the Jedi to take their children. This led to bad feelings between Bardotta and the Jedi for centuries.

During the High Republic Era, the Jedi expanded their activities across the galaxy. They worked with other Force-using groups on the moon of Jedha, forming a group called the Convocation of the Force. The Jedi also brought orphaned children who were too old for Jedi training to Jedha, where other Force-using groups could adopt them.

3.3.3 Challenges to Jedi Philosophy

The Jedi faced a new challenge from a group called the Path of the Open Hand. This group believed that using the Force was wrong and that it needed to be “freed.” They allowed Force-sensitive people to join but made them suppress their abilities. Under their leader, Elecia Zeveron, the Path started a campaign to get rid of Force users, which led to a battle on Jedha.

The conflict with the Path ended in a battle called the Night of Sorrow on the Path’s home planet, Dalna. The Jedi, the Republic, and their allies defeated the Path, but many lives were lost. After the battle, Jedi Masters Yoda and Creighton Sun decided to keep some information about the battle secret until they could learn more about a dangerous species called the Nameless that the Path had used.

3.4 The Sith Resurgence

Sheev Palpatine

As the Republic was coming to an end, a Force-sensitive politician named Sheev Palpatine rose to power. He kept his Force abilities a secret and was elected as Supreme Chancellor. What no one knew was that Palpatine was actually Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, who was planning to bring the Sith back to power.

Around this time, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn discovered a young boy named Anakin Skywalker who had more midi-chlorians than any other known being, including Master Yoda. Jinn believed Skywalker was the Chosen One from a Jedi prophecy and thought he was meant to bring balance to the Force by eliminating the Sith.

During the Clone Wars, Darth Sidious tried to create an army of dark side users by kidnapping Force-sensitive children. His plan was stopped by Anakin Skywalker, now a Jedi Knight, and his apprentice Ahsoka Tano.

At the end of the war, Sidious took control of the Republic, turning it into the Galactic Empire with himself as Emperor. He also convinced Anakin Skywalker to join the dark side, turning him into Darth Vader. Vader then attacked the Jedi Temple, killing many Jedi, including young Force-sensitive children.

3.5 The Imperial Era

3.5.1 Persecution of Force Users

After the Empire took power, they worked hard to make people forget about the Jedi and the Force. They spread false information, saying the Jedi were fake and the Force was just an old superstition. The Empire also created a group called the Inquisitors, former Jedi who had turned to the dark side, to hunt down any remaining Jedi and Force-sensitive children.

3.5.2 Survival and Resistance

Some surviving Jedi tried to keep the Jedi tradition alive. Ferren Barr, a former Jedi student, started training a Force-sensitive woman named Verla. He told her to find other survivors and continue training new Jedi. Another former Jedi, Cere Junda, had a similar idea. She rescued a young Jedi named Cal Kestis and together they looked for a list of Force-sensitive children that could help them rebuild the Jedi Order. However, after seeing a vision of the children being captured and tortured, Kestis destroyed the list to protect them.

Even though Kestis and Junda gave up their plan, another Jedi survivor, Kanan Jarrus, took on an apprentice named Ezra Bridger. Bridger was a young orphan with a strong connection to the Force. Although their training was difficult at first, Jarrus eventually helped Bridger learn to use his abilities responsibly.

Unknown to Darth Vader, his wife Padmé Amidala had given birth to twins, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, before she died. Both were strong in the Force, having inherited their father’s abilities. To protect them from the Sith, they were separated. Luke was sent to live with relatives on Tatooine, while Leia was raised as a princess on Alderaan.

Luke Skywalker showed great potential in the Force. During the Battle of Yavin, he used the Force to help him destroy the Death Star, a powerful Imperial weapon. This victory gave new hope to the Rebel Alliance fighting against the Empire.

The Sith Lords, Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine, tried to turn Luke to the dark side. Their efforts led to a final battle between Luke and Vader during the Battle of Endor. Luke won but refused to kill his father. When the Emperor tried to kill Luke, Vader turned back to the light side and saved his son, sacrificing his own life to destroy the Emperor. By doing this, Anakin Skywalker fulfilled the Chosen One prophecy, bringing balance to the Force.

3.6 Renewal and Conflict

3.6.1 Luke Skywalker’s New Jedi Order

Luke Skywalker with the new generation of Force-sensitive students

After the Sith were defeated and the Empire fell, Luke Skywalker spent years thinking about whether he should rebuild the Jedi Order. He traveled the galaxy looking for answers and knowledge about the Jedi. Eventually, he decided to train new Jedi students, mainly because of his nephew, Ben Solo. Luke saw that Ben was very strong with the Force but also struggled with his emotions, and needed guidance.

However, the new Jedi Order didn’t last long. Ben Solo turned to the dark side, just like his grandfather Anakin had done. He took on the name Kylo Ren and became the apprentice of a powerful dark side user named Snoke. Feeling like he had failed, Luke went into hiding on a remote planet called Ahch-To, thinking he would be the last Jedi.

3.6.2 The Force Awakens: A New Generation

The Force had other plans. It “awakened” in a young woman named Rey, who discovered she had strong Force abilities. What Rey and Kylo Ren didn’t know was that they shared a special connection in the Force called a dyad, which linked them across time and space.

This awakening of the Force set the stage for new conflicts and challenges in the galaxy, as Rey began to explore her newfound abilities and the legacy of the Jedi, while Kylo Ren continued to be pulled between the light and dark sides of the Force. The future of the Force and its users remained uncertain, but the ancient struggle between light and dark was far from over.

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