The Light Side of the Force

the light side of the force

The light side of the Force, also called Ashla, was one of two ways to use the Force. It was linked to calmness, peace, and not being aggressive. People who used the light side only did so to gain knowledge and to protect themselves and others. The Jedi were well-known users of the light side. They served the will of the Force without thinking of themselves. Their enemies, the Sith, followed the dark side of the Force instead.

1. The Core of Light Side Philosophy

1.1 The Essence of Selflessness

The light side of the Force was all about not thinking of yourself. The Jedi showed this by helping others and letting go of their own wants and needs.

The Jedi lived in the present moment. They cleared their minds, let go of their own thoughts, and listened to the Force. This helped them act on instinct. The Jedi Order, which followed the light side, had a main goal of keeping peace and justice in the galaxy. During the High Republic Era, they showed this by helping others without expecting anything in return.

The Jedi Code said that Jedi should care for all living things without limits. This even applied to dying. Jedi believed it was okay to die if it helped others. Understanding this idea helped Jedi become stronger in the Force and resist evil spirits.

There was a group called the anchorites who were connected to the Jedi Order. They believed that suffering was a normal part of life. They thought people shouldn’t ask for good things to happen to them because helping others was its own reward.

The Force didn’t belong to just the Jedi or any other group. Some people who weren’t part of any religion also believed in helping others. For example, a rebel group called the Spectres taught their members to help anyone who needed it, no matter what. Their leader, Hera Syndulla, said that if you only fight for yourself, your life doesn’t mean much.

1.2 Balance in the Force

1.2.1 Definition

Balance in the Force meant harmony between all living things. To achieve this, people had to understand and accept the dark side that existed inside them while still serving the light side. Jedi did this by following what the Force wanted them to do. They believed in two parts of the Force: the Living Force and the Cosmic Force.

  • The Living Force: was the energy of all life.
  • The Cosmic Force: was the bigger energy field that connected everything. Jedi tried to listen to what the Cosmic Force told them through tiny life forms called midi-chlorians.

People who fully gave themselves to the Force could keep their minds alive after they died. They became one with the Cosmic Force and achieved a kind of immortality.

1.2.2 The Prophecy of the Chosen One

Long ago, there was a prediction about someone called the Chosen One. This person was supposed to bring balance to the Force. The Jedi Order thought the Chosen One would destroy the Sith and make the Force balanced again.

A Jedi Master named Qui-Gon Jinn found a boy named Anakin Skywalker on a planet called Tatooine. Anakin didn’t have a father, and Qui-Gon thought he might have been created by midi-chlorians, just like the prediction said. Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was Qui-Gon’s student, trained Anakin to be a Jedi.

But Anakin fell to the dark side because he couldn’t let go of his love for Padmé Amidala. He became Darth Vader and worked for the evil Darth Sidious. Years later, Anakin’s son Luke Skywalker convinced Vader to return to the light side. Vader sacrificed himself to destroy Darth Sidious. This fulfilled the prediction about the Chosen One and brought balance to the Force.

1.2.3 The dyad

After the Chosen One restored balance, two new important people appeared: Ben Solo and Rey. Ben was Anakin Skywalker’s grandson, and Rey was secretly Darth Sidious’s granddaughter. Rey trained as a Jedi with Luke Skywalker and his sister Leia Organa.

Ben and Rey had a special connection through the Force. They were bonded together as one, which was very rare and powerful. This bond let them do things that most people couldn’t do. Together, they were able to defeat a newly revived Darth Sidious and bring balance to the Force again, just like Anakin Skywalker had done before.

2. Abilities and Practices of Light Side Users

2.1 Defensive and Healing Powers

Jedi used the light side of the Force mainly to defend themselves and others, not to attack. Yoda, a wise Jedi Master, said that the dark side wasn’t stronger than the light side. It just seemed easier and more tempting to use.

People who used the light side could do some things that dark side users couldn’t. For example, they could “heal” kyber crystals that had been turned red by dark side users, making them pure again. Some light side users could also heal wounds.

The Jedi Order had an old technique called Morichro that could slow down an opponent’s body functions so much that they might die. It was very dangerous, so only one Jedi named Yaddle was known to use it.

The light side could also be used to create protective barriers. Cere Junda used this ability to defend Cal Kestis.

One of the most impressive abilities of light side users was becoming a Force spirit. This let them keep their minds alive after death and appear as spirits to talk to living people. They didn’t need any special object to do this. Some Force spirits could even do amazing things like call down lightning and interact with the physical world.

Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, and Leia Skywalker Organa Solo all became Force spirits.

Qui-Gon Jinn was the first person to figure out how to become a Force spirit, but he died before he could fully master it. At first, he could only come back as a voice without a body. Almost ten years later, he finally learned how to appear as a blue, see-through version of himself that looked almost exactly like he did when he was alive.

3. conclusion

The light side of the Force represents a path of selflessness, balance, and defense. Its practitioners, like the Jedi, dedicate themselves to maintaining peace and justice in the galaxy. They achieve this through compassion, letting go of personal attachments, and serving the will of the Force. The light side also offers unique abilities, such as healing and becoming one with the Force after death. While the dark side might seem more tempting, the light side proves to be equally powerful and provides a way to achieve true harmony with the Force.

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