Purple Lightsaber Meaning and Users

Purple Lightsaber Meaning and Users

A purple lightsaber is a unique and rare weapon in Star Wars, symbolizing a blend of light side and dark side attributes. Duelists with purple lightsabers are known for their foresight and forceful strikes. They are confident but emotional, sometimes losing control.

In battle, they seek glory and thrive on excitement, showing their passion in their movements. Their fighting style involves quick, powerful, and adaptable moves, with gymnastics like flips and leaps. They rely heavily on the Force, using Force-adjusted swings, pushes, and throws.

Purple lightsaber crystals, rare and beautiful, are mainly found on Hurikane. Mace Windu, a famous Jedi, got his purple crystal there after showing mercy to a native. Few others wield purple lightsabers, as they require great strength and bravery.

In this article, we will explore the meaning of the purple lightsaber, discuss the users associated with it, and talk about the Hurrikaine crystals that produce this color.

What Does a Purple Lightsaber Mean?

The purple lightsaber represents balance, individuality, moral uncertainty, reconstruction and recovery.

Here’s a detailed explanation for each point:

  • Balance: The purple lightsaber symbolizes balance, as it merges the blue lightsaber, associated with the Jedi, and the red lightsaber, associated with the Sith. This indicates that the wielder embraces both sides of the Force.
  • Individuality: The purple lightsaber signifies individuality because it is rare and unique, showing that the wielder has a special and distinct connection to the Force.
  • Moral Uncertainty: The purple lightsaber is a symbol of moral ambiguity, indicating that its wielders are willing to confront and understand the darker aspects of their personalities. It represents the ability to acknowledge and navigate one’s own moral complexities.
  • Reconstruction and Recovery: The purple color also represents reconstruction and recovery, symbolizing the ability to rebuild and recover from challenges and conflicts in the Star Wars universe.

To learn more about the meanings behind lightsaber colors, check out our article 17 Lightsaber Color Meanings Explained.

Who Has a Purple Lightsaber in Star Wars?

Mace Windu is the only character known to have a purple lightsaber in Star Wars canon. However, in Legends, other characters also wielded purple lightsabers.

The characters who have a purple lightsaber in Star Wars are:

  • Mace Windu
  • Darth Revan
  • Jaina Solo Fel
  • Anakin Solo
  • Ki-Adi-Mundi
  • Kyp Durron
  • Saesee Tiin
  • Darth Zash
  • Tott Doneeta
  • Jaden Korr
  • Ty Yorrick
  • Vernestra Rwoh
  • Cal Kestis (in “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order”)
  • Gella Nattai
  • Lomi Plo
  • Siri Tachi
  • An’ya Kuro
  • Beldorion
  • Horak-mul
  • Darrus Jeht
  • Drake Lo’gaan
  • Darth Andru
  • Kalatosh Zavros
  • Ry Ki-Sakka
  • Savina Besatrix Malagán
  • Huulik
  • J’Mikel
  • Ergast
  • Valis
  • Bleth Fahr
  • Lys Solay
  • Obratuk Glii
  • Karbin
  • Kildo
  • Quux
  • Raptus
  • Darth VaGhal
  • Vincine
  • Vang
  • Tahm

Here are overviews of the most famous purple lightsaber users on the list:

Mace Windu

Mace Windu was a Force-user human male Jedi Master and part of the Jedi High Council in the final years of the Republic.

While in the Jedi Order, he was once chosen as their leader and, during the Clone Wars, served as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic. He was the champion of the Jedi Order, upholding its old traditions as the dark side of the Force grew stronger in the corrupt and weakening Republic.

As a Jedi Initiate, Mace Windu had a hard time building his lightsaber. He couldn’t fit the parts together and felt hopeless until the architect droid Huyang reminded him that the Force connected the pieces through Windu, making the Jedi the real weapon, not the lightsaber. With the droid’s help, Windu finished building his purple lightsaber, which he would carry for many years.

Windu wielded this lightsaber in many battles throughout the Clone Wars while serving as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic. He lost the lightsaber when it fell out of a window during a fight with Sheev Palpatine. This occurred after the intervention of Anakin Skywalker, who betrayed Windu and saved Palpatine’s life, leading to Windu’s death.

Darth Revan

Revan was a Human male who played roles as both a Jedi and a Sith, known by many titles including the Revanchist, Darth Revan and the Prodigal Knight.

Born around 3994 BBY in the Outer Rim, he trained under various Jedi Masters. As a Jedi Knight, he criticized the Order’s inaction during the Mandalorian Wars and led the Revanchist movement, eventually becoming Supreme Commander of the Republic Military.

Revan used several different lightsabers during his life. When he first became known as Revan, he had a purple lightsaber but used a cyan lightsaber during most of the Mandalorian Wars.

As a Sith Lord, he wielded a red lightsaber with a red crystal he made himself and wore special robes from the Star Forge that offered more protection than regular armor. After being redeemed, Revan used a blue lightsaber to fight Darth Malak and the Sith, later changing it to a green blade by 3954 BBY.

Once freed from stasis, Revan used the same lightsaber with a violet crystal until he disappeared at the Foundry. His use of a red lightsaber and later a purple one showed his shift from Sith Lord to Jedi Knight.

Jaina Solo Fel

Jaina Solo Fel was a Force-user Human female and a Jedi Master in the New Jedi Order. She became a member of the New Jedi High Council and was given the title “Sword of the Jedi” by her uncle, Grand Master Luke Skywalker, for her bravery during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. She was the twin sister of Jacen Solo and the older sister of Anakin Solo.

When she was thirteen, Jaina started attending her uncle’s Jedi Praxeum. There, alongside her twin brother Jacen and their friends Lowbacca and Tenel Ka, she built her lightsaber using a synthetic crystal, which gave her blade a purple color.

Jaina Solo used her purple lightsaber during several events. She used it extensively in battles during the Yuuzhan Vong War, fighting as a Jedi Knight and a pilot with Rogue Squadron. Jaina also used her lightsaber in the conflict on Hapes, especially after her friend Tenel Ka lost her arm in a training accident. Her purple lightsaber was a crucial tool in her fights and missions.

Anakin Solo

Anakin Solo was a Jedi Knight in the New Jedi Order. He was the third child of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo, and the younger brother of Jaina and Jacen Solo.

Named after his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker, he often worried about turning to the dark side like him. When he was eleven, he went to the Jedi school on Yavin 4 and became good friends with Tahiri Veila. Together, they had many adventures, including freeing the souls of trapped Massassi children.

Anakin played a crucial role in the Yuuzhan Vong War, fighting in key battles and creating effective strategies against the enemy. His mission to rescue Tahiri and help Vua Rapuung reveal the truth led to the spread of the Jeedai heresy, which helped end the war. Later, he led a team to stop the Jedi-killing voxyn and sacrificed his life to end the threat.

Anakin Solo wielded a purple lightsaber. He made and used it while fighting in the Yuuzhan Vong War. This lightsaber was important in the war and was used by Anakin and many others after he died.


Ki-Adi-Mundi was a Force-user Cerean male and part of the Jedi High Council during the last years of the Galactic Republic.

After the Clone Wars began with the First Battle of Geonosis, Mundi became a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic. He led clone troopers in many battles against the Separatist forces, including the second campaign on Geonosis.

In 19 BBY, during the final year of the war, Mundi led the Republic’s invasion of Mygeeto with the 21st Nova Corps. During this invasion, Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, who was secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, ordered the clone soldiers to execute their Jedi leaders under Order 66. This led to Mundi’s death, along with most of the Jedi Order.

Despite Mundi’s death, his lightsaber survived for many years and was eventually owned by the collector Dok-Ondar, who told some of its history to a sergeant of the First Order. When Mundi was a Jedi Knight, his lightsaber blade was purple. After he became a Master, during the Clone Wars and until his death on Mygeeto, the blade was blue.

Kyp Durron

Kyp Durron was a Force-user Human male who had a complicated and controversial history in the galaxy. He was both a leading Jedi Master and responsible for many deaths during his fight against the Empire in 11 ABY.

As a child, the Empire imprisoned him in the spice mines of Kessel, which fueled his anger. This anger was exploited by the spirit of Dark Lord Exar Kun, after Han Solo rescued Durron and took him to Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Praxeum.

Influenced by Kun, Durron stole the Sun Crusher, destroyed several Imperial targets, and accidentally killed his brother. After Kun’s influence was removed, Durron sought redemption, eventually becoming a Jedi Master and one of Skywalker’s most talented students.

Kyp Durron wielded a purple lightsaber. He built it shortly after Operation Shadow Hand, and it saw action in many missions across various locations including New Bandomeer, Apsolon, Troiken, Telos and Naboo.

Saesee Tiin

Saesee Tiin was a Force-User Iktotchi male from the moon Iktotch. He was a Jedi Master on the Jedi High Council during the last years of the Galactic Republic. Skilled with a lightsaber and a starfighter, Tiin served as a Jedi General in the Clone Wars.

Tiin and Agen Kolar were killed by Darth Sidious, making them early victims of the Great Jedi Purge. This occurred shortly before fellow Jedi Master Kit Fisto was also slain. The attack happened when Mace Windu led a group of High Council members to arrest Darth Sidious, who was actually Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Anakin Skywalker betrayed the Jedi, allowing Sidious to kill Windu and begin the destruction of the Jedi Order.

Saesee Tiin wielded a single-bladed green lightsaber with great skill. The blade’s color varied between violet, emerald and cobalt.

Tiin used this lightsaber in a training match against Mace Windu on Coruscant around 30 BBY while they discussed Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos. In 22 BBY, Tiin used it in the first battle of the Clone Wars, the Battle of Geonosis. During the war, he also used it on a mission to The Rig with Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar and Mace Windu.

Tiin’s most notable use of the lightsaber was during the confrontation on Coruscant in 19 BBY. There, he and Jedi Masters Fisto, Kolar and Windu faced and were killed by Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith.

Darth Zash

Darth Zash was a female Sith sorcerer during the Great Galactic War and Cold War. She was trained as a Sith Inquisitor and became a Sith Lord.

Zash studied ancient Sith magic and supervised acolyte training on Korriban. However, using the dark side took a toll on her body, so she sought a cure for her decaying health. She believed an ancient ritual could transfer her spirit into a new, younger body. To do this, she needed artifacts from the Dark Lord Tulak Hord and a suitable host.

Zash chose an apprentice from a group of low-born Sith hopefuls, who succeeded in retrieving important artifacts and freeing Khem Val, a Dashade assassin. Zash promoted the apprentice and used them to kill Darth Skotia, gaining the title of Darth.

When the apprentice completed their tasks, Zash tried to possess their body, but Khem Val intervened. Zash’s spirit ended up in Khem Val’s body, where she had to share control.

Despite her predicament, Zash helped her apprentice, now known as Darth Nox, defeat Darth Thanaton and rise in power. She continued researching ways to eliminate Khem Val’s consciousness to gain full control over the Dashade body.

Darth Zash used a purple lightsaber in combat. When she was an apprentice, she had a red lightsaber, but later switched to a purple one.

Tott Doneeta

Tott Doneeta was a male Twi’lek from Ryloth. He was a slave when he was young, but Jedi Master Arca Jeth found him and trained him to be a Jedi Knight.

Doneeta, a loyal follower of the Force, studied with other apprentices Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma at Master Jeth’s training school on Arkania. As he trained to be a Jedi, Doneeta gained a special ability to understand and talk to beasts.

In 4000 BBY, Doneeta and his fellow apprentices helped resolve a conflict on Onderon, defeating the dark side followers there.

Later, Doneeta attended a Jedi Conclave that was attacked by the Sith cult, the Krath. His friend Ulic Qel-Droma turned to the dark side, and Doneeta was involved in efforts to stop him and the Sith. He helped save Jedi artifacts from a supernova and participated in defeating the Sith Lord Exar Kun.

Years later, Doneeta tried to protect his people from a heat storm on Ryloth and attended another Jedi meeting where he saved Nomi Sunrider’s daughter. He then traveled with Jedi Sylvar, trying to help her manage her anger, but ultimately left her to decide her path.

Tott Doneeta was a skilled practitioner of the fourth form of lightsaber combat, Ataru, despite being flat-footed. Throughout his time as a Jedi, he built and wielded various lightsabers, often switching between single and two-handed grips while dueling.

His first lightsaber featured a distinct hilt design with a curved guard and pommel, producing a golden blade, which he used during the Beast Wars of Onderon. On occasion, he also wielded a purple-bladed lightsaber with a straight handle, secured to his wrist by a fine cord when not on his side.

During the Naddist Revolt, Doneeta alternated between his now green-bladed curved-hilt lightsaber and the straight-handled purple one. He continued using the green-bladed weapon during battles in the Krath conflict, including those on Deneba and Coruscant.

Later in life, after returning to his homeworld of Ryloth, Doneeta opted to carry a rare Jedi katana—a blade made of curved metal rather than energy. He also wielded a blue-bladed lightsaber with a smooth cylindrical hilt in a reverse grip, notably during Sylvar’s ritual blood hunt.

Jaden Korr

Jaden Korr was a Force-user human male who trained as a Jedi under Luke Skywalker and Kyle Katarn. He fought against a dark side cult called the Disciples of Ragnos and became a Jedi Knight after defeating their leader, Tavion Axmis.

Years later, during the Second Galactic Civil War, Korr attacked a Corellian superweapon, killing many people, which he regretted deeply. This led to his disillusionment with the Jedi Order, and he went into self-exile on Coruscant.

A vision from the Force led him to a frozen moon, where he found an old Imperial research facility experimenting with Jedi and Sith DNA clones. These clones had gone mad and killed their creators.

Korr, along with the crew of the salvage ship Junker, pursued the escaped clones. During this mission, he accepted his doubts and took on Idi-Shael as his apprentice. He discovered one clone, Soldier, was made from his DNA.

Eventually, Korr and his team found the clones on an ancient space station, where Korr was killed by a clone called Iteration. However, Idi-Shael used a device to transfer Korr’s consciousness into the Iteration’s body. Korr, unaware of this transfer, continued his career with the Jedi Order.

Throughout his life, Jaden Korr used three different lightsabers. His first lightsaber was made from spare parts in his uncle’s workshop and had a beautiful, thin purple blade powered by a violet crystal. Building this lightsaber was a big achievement for Korr and caught Luke Skywalker’s attention. He used it during his training with Kyle Katarn, but it was once taken from him by Joris on Dosuun. Korr managed to get it back during his escape, but eventually lost it on Vjun.

Later, Korr made a new green lightsaber, but he lost it during a fight on a frozen moon when it fell into a cloning cylinder. He replaced his lost weapon with a red lightsaber, which he purified, turning its crystal yellow.

Ty Yorrick

Ty Yorrick, once known as Tylera Yorrick, was a female Tholothian Force-user who lived during the High Republic Era and worked as a monster hunter and hired lightsaber fighter.

After leaving her training as a Jedi Padawan, Yorrick became a mercenary and joined a group led by Caratoo for a while. She encountered the Jedi again at the Republic Fair on Valo, where she was working as a bodyguard for Mantessa and Klerin Chekkat.

Ty Yorrick wielded a purple lightsaber, which she built following her Jedi Master Cibaba’s instructions. Yorrick used the lightsaber while serving the Jedi Order until she left after an incident with another Padawan, Klias Teradine, at the Yallow Shrine. She kept the lightsaber when she became a mercenary, modifying it with four long spikes around the top of the hilt.

Vernestra Rwoh

Vernestra Rwoh was a female Jedi Master from the planet Mirial who lived during the High Republic Era. She was also called “Vern,” a nickname she didn’t like.

Rwoh had been the Padawan of Jedi Master Stellan Gios and was promoted to Jedi Knight at fifteen, making her the youngest Jedi to achieve that rank in a long time. She eventually rose through the ranks of the Jedi Order to become a well-respected Master and leader among the Jedi.

Rwoh wielded a purple lightsaber that could stretch its blade into a lightwhip, a modification she made based on a Force vision. She kept this change a secret for several weeks, practicing in private, until she got stuck on the jungle moon Wevo with others. She revealed the lightwhip to clear brush and escape acid rain. To switch between modes, she twisted a ring just below the blade emitter.

What are Hurrikaine crystals, and how did Mace Windu obtain a purple lightsaber with one?

Hurrikaine crystals were purple lightsaber crystals from the planet Hurikane. People loved them because they were very pretty. These crystals, when used in lightsabers, produced blades that excelled at penetrating defenses.

In 58 BBY, when Mace Windu was young and still learning to be a Jedi, he went on a mission to Hurikane. He helped the local people there, who looked like they were covered in stone. To thank him, they gave him some of these rare purple Hurrikaine crystals. Windu used these to make his lightsaber. Later, a crystal was named “Windu’s Guile” to honor him.

Are Purple and Indigo Lightsabers The Same?

Purple and Indigo lightsabers are similar but not exactly the same, here’s the difference between the two colors:


  • Purple: Purple can range from a deep, rich hue to a lighter, more pastel shade. It encompasses a variety of tones, from bluish-purple (like violet) to reddish-purple (like magenta).
  • Indigo: Indigo appears as a deep, dark blue with a slight purple tint. It is often described as a rich and intense color.

Cultural and Historical Context:

  • Purple: For a long time, purple has been linked to royalty, luxury and spirituality. The rarity and cost of purple dye in ancient times contributed to its association with nobility and high status.
  • Indigo: Historically, indigo dye has been used for centuries and is derived from the indigo plant. It has significant cultural and historical importance, especially in textiles.

Usage in Modern Context:

  • Purple: Purple is widely used in various fields, including art, design, fashion and branding, for its vibrant and versatile range of shades.
  • Indigo: Indigo is often used in fashion, particularly in denim (indigo dye is used to color jeans), as well as in art and design for its deep and saturated hue.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the purple lightsaber canon?

Yes, the purple lightsaber is canon in Star Wars. Mace Windu’s purple lightsaber is considered canon and made its first appearance in “Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones”.

Why is Mace Windu’s lightsaber purple?

The purple color was a request made directly by actor Samuel L. Jackson, who played Mace Windu, as purple is his favorite color.

Is Kelleran Beq’s lightsaber purple?

Kelleran Beq’s lightsaber is green, not purple. Many sources spread the incorrect information about the purple lightsaber because Ahmed Best mentioned in an interview with Kristin Baver that Beq had a purple lightsaber to honor Jedi Master Mace Windu. However, in “Chapter 20: The Foundling” of The Mandalorian, Beq’s lightsaber is shown with a green blade.

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Tony Allen is a writer for LightsabersBlog.com, a website focused on everything related to lightsabers. Tony grew up in Austin, Texas, and went on to study Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas. Passionate about science fiction and fantasy, Tony has always been deeply involved in hobbies like tabletop RPGs, sci-fi novels, miniature painting, and crafting. This love for creative pursuits drives Tony to write about lightsabers in a way that ignites the imagination of fans around the world.

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