All about Din Djarin

Din Djarin, known as “Mando” or “the Mandalorian”, was a human male warrior during the New Republic era. He grew up as an orphan on Concordia, raised by a strict Mandalorian group called the Children of the Watch.

Din joined the Mandalorian Tribe on Nevarro, becoming known for his bounty hunting skills. His life changed completely when he met Grogu, a Force-sensitive child. This meeting started a big adventure for Djarin, leading him across the galaxy and changing who he was as a person.

1. Biography

1.1 Early life

Din Djarin’s story begins as a child on the planet Aq Vetina. His village was attacked by battle droids during the Clone Wars. As the droids killed people in the village, Din’s parents hid him under a hatch before they died in an explosion. A battle droid found Din and almost shot him, but a Mandalorian warrior from a group called Death Watch saved him. More Mandalorians arrived to fight the droids, and the warrior who saved Din flew away with him using a jetpack.

The Mandalorians took Din in as a “foundling,” which means a child they adopted. They trained him to fight and took care of him. He grew up on a moon called Concordia and became part of Death Watch.

After a big event called the Great Purge of Mandalore, Din joined a group called the Tribe on the planet Nevarro. He got Mandalorian armor there. The Tribe followed strict rules about wearing helmets. Once Din put on his helmet, he wasn’t allowed to take it off in front of anyone else. If he did, he wouldn’t be seen as a true Mandalorian anymore.

Din kept his past a secret and became a bounty hunter when he grew up. He got famous for being good at his job in the years after the Galactic Empire fell. People started calling him “the Mandalorian” or “Mando” for short. He had a ship called the Razor Crest, which was an old military ship from before the Empire’s time.

As the New Republic was starting, Din traveled around the outer parts of the galaxy catching criminals for money. He was part of the Bounty Hunters’ Guild and became one of their best hunters. He got a reputation for being expensive but very good at his job.

At some point, Din worked with a criminal named Ranzar Malk and two Twi’lek fighters called Xi’an and Qin, who were brother and sister. They went on a mission to a place called Alzoc III. Something happened during their time together that made the group fall apart, and Qin ended up getting caught.

1.2 Rising Through the Guild

1.2.1 Hunting a Mythrol

The Mythrol

Around 9 ABY, Din Djarin was looking for a Mythrol he was supposed to catch. He found him in a bar on the icy planet Pagodon. When Djarin walked in, three rough-looking guys were bothering the Mythrol. They stopped when they saw Djarin and started to bother him instead.

One of the men said Djarin had spilled his drink, even though he hadn’t. The bartender told Djarin what the man said, but Djarin didn’t say anything back. While the bartender was making another drink, the three men surrounded Djarin. One of them asked if Djarin’s armor was real beskar steel. Another one scratched Djarin’s chest plate with a knife.

When the bartender finally gave Djarin the drink, Djarin surprised everyone by attacking first. He smashed the drink on one guy’s head, knocking him out. Another guy tried to stab Djarin, but Djarin grabbed his arm and made him stab himself instead. The third guy tried to run away, but Djarin used a rope to pull him back and then shot the door controls, making the door close on the guy and cut him in half.

After dealing with those three, Djarin went over to the Mythrol. The Mythrol thanked Djarin for saving him, but then Djarin showed him a small device with the Mythrol’s picture on it. The Mythrol realized Djarin was there to catch him, not save him. He said there must be a mistake, but Djarin told him he could come quietly or Djarin would have to force him.

1.2.2 Departure from Pagodon

The Mythrol agreed to go with Djarin. As they were leaving, the Mythrol said he had hoped to be free for Life Day and see his family. Djarin told him that probably wasn’t going to happen this year.

They went to find someone to take them to Djarin’s ship. Djarin asked a Kubaz ferryman for a ride. The ferryman called a speeder driven by a droid, but Djarin didn’t want to ride with a droid. Instead, he paid extra for a less fancy speeder with a human driver.

The human drove them towards Djarin’s ship, but after he dropped them off, a big ice creature called a ravinak attacked him and pulled him under the ice. Djarin and the Mythrol quickly got onto Djarin’s ship, the Razor Crest, to take off. The ravinak tried to stop them by grabbing onto the ship, but Djarin stunned it with his special rifle and they escaped.

While they were flying to Nevarro, the Mythrol tried to talk to Djarin, but Djarin didn’t say anything back. When the Mythrol asked to use the bathroom, Djarin let him go to the lower deck. Down there, the Mythrol found other people Djarin had caught, frozen in carbonite. Before he could do anything, Djarin grabbed him and froze him in carbonite too.

1.2.3 A Mysterious New Job

Greef Karga

When Djarin got back to Nevarro, he went to the cantina to get paid by Greef Karga, who was in charge of giving out bounty hunting jobs. Karga was surprised at how fast Djarin had caught all his targets. Djarin didn’t want to be paid in Imperial credits, so Karga gave him a different kind of money called Calamari Flan, but only half as much.

When they talked about Djarin’s next job, Djarin tried to take all of Karga’s bounty pucks (the devices with pictures of targets on them). But Karga said there were other bounty hunters who needed work too, and those were all the pucks he had right now.

Djarin asked why there weren’t many pucks available. Karga said it wasn’t that there weren’t many, but that people didn’t want to pay the Guild’s prices. Djarin wasn’t happy with how little the highest-paying job was worth, saying it wouldn’t even cover his fuel costs. Then Karga told him about a special job where Djarin would have to meet the client in person. There was no puck for this job. Karga gave Djarin a small device that would let him meet the client, and Djarin took it right away and left.

1.2.4 Meeting the Client

Djarin went to where the client was supposed to be. He got to a building with a droid guarding the door. He showed the droid the device Karga gave him and went inside. In a room, he met “the Client,” who was part of what was left of the old Empire. There were also four stormtroopers there.

The Client said Karga had told him Djarin was the best bounty hunter around. While they were talking, a scientist named Dr. Penn Pershing came in, which startled Djarin. Djarin pulled out his weapons, and the stormtroopers pointed their guns at him. The Client introduced Pershing and told Djarin to put his weapons down. Djarin said the stormtroopers should put their guns down first. The Client reminded Djarin that Karga said he was expensive, and then told everyone to lower their weapons.

When Djarin sat down, the Client gave him a piece of beskar metal as a down payment. He said he wanted Djarin to bring back an “asset” and would give him a container full of beskar when he did. Pershing said the asset needed to be brought back alive. The Client said if that was too hard, Djarin could kill it, but he wouldn’t get as much beskar.

Djarin asked for a puck with information about the target, but the Client said he could only give him a tracking device. Pershing gave Djarin the device. Djarin asked for more information, but the Client said he could only tell him that the asset was 50 years old and where it was last seen.

Before Djarin left, the Client said the beskar should be given back to Mandalorians. He said it was good to bring back order after a time of chaos. After leaving, Djarin went to see “the Armorer” where his Mandalorian group lived in secret. He paid her with the Calamari Flan to make a shoulder piece from the beskar. She said the beskar had been taken during the Great Purge of Mandalore, when most Mandalorians were killed. She was glad it was being returned to them.

The Armorer asked if Djarin had earned a special symbol for his armor yet, and he said no. She said the extra beskar would help many young Mandalorians. Djarin remembered that he used to be one of those young Mandalorians. While she made the shoulder piece, he thought about when he was a child and his home was attacked.

1.2.5 Landing on Arvala-7

Djarin went to a desert planet called Arvala-7 to find the asset. When he landed and looked around with his rifle, a big animal called a blurrg attacked him. He tried to use the flamethrower on his wrist, but the blurrg caught his arm in its mouth. He hit it and got free, but then it caught his other arm and dragged him on the ground. A small alien called an Ugnaught named Kuiil saved him by stunning the blurrg. When another blurrg charged at Djarin, Kuiil stunned that one too.

Djarin thanked Kuiil, who offered to help him. Kuiil took Djarin back to his farm. There, Kuiil told Djarin that he had helped other bounty hunters who came looking for the same asset, but they all died. Djarin said he wasn’t sure if he wanted Kuiil’s help, but Kuiil said he did need it. Kuiil agreed to guide Djarin to where the asset was if Djarin gave him one of the blurrgs they had fought. He said Djarin would need to ride the other blurrg to get to the asset because the path was too hard without one. Djarin said he couldn’t ride a blurrg.

At the blurrg pen, Djarin tried to ride one of the blurrgs but kept falling off. He asked Kuiil if he had a speeder he could use instead. Kuiil told Djarin that his Mandalorian ancestors used to ride huge creatures called mythosaurs. This encouraged Djarin to try one more time, and he finally managed to stay on the blurrg’s back.

Kuiil then led Djarin to where the asset was. He hoped that when Djarin fought the people guarding the asset, it would get rid of the bad people who had been causing trouble on Arvala-7. When they got close to where the asset was being kept, Kuiil explained why he was helping Djarin. He thought Djarin could easily beat the bad guys because he was a Mandalorian.

1.2.6 Finding the Asset

Baby Yoda (The Asset)

After Kuiil left, Djarin used his rifle to look at the place where the asset was being kept. He was upset to see another bounty hunter, a droid called IG-11, going towards the place. Djarin watched as IG-11 tried to talk to the group of aliens guarding the asset. When they started shooting at IG-11, the droid started shooting back and made the aliens run inside the buildings.

Even though Djarin didn’t like droids, he went down to help. He told IG-11 to stop, but the droid shot him in the shoulder and knocked him down. Djarin got up and told IG-11 that he was also from the Bounty Hunters’ Guild. He said they should work together to get the asset and split the reward. IG-11 agreed, but then more of the alien guards came out and started shooting at them.

While hiding behind a speeder, Djarin found out which building the asset was in. He and IG-11 ran to hide behind the building’s pillars. IG-11 tried to blow itself up to avoid being caught, but Djarin told it to keep shooting while he tried to open the door. When there were too many aliens shooting at them, Djarin hid next to IG-11. The droid tried to blow itself up again, but then the aliens brought out a big gun called an E-Web and started shooting at them with it.

Djarin came up with a new plan. He told IG-11 to distract the aliens while he took control of the E-Web. Using the big gun, Djarin killed the rest of the aliens. After the fight, Djarin helped IG-11 stand up and asked if it was badly damaged. The droid said it was okay.

Djarin and IG-11 used the E-Web to break into the building where the asset was. Inside, they found that the asset was actually a baby alien that looked like the famous Jedi Master Yoda. Djarin was confused about how the baby could be 50 years old. IG-11 said some aliens age much slower than others.

When IG-11 tried to kill the baby, Djarin stopped it. He said they should bring the baby in alive. IG-11 said it was told to kill the baby, but Djarin shot the droid in the head to protect the child. Then Djarin took the baby into his care.

1.2.7 Confrontation with Jawas

After the fight, Djarin was walking through a canyon with the baby when three lizard-like aliens called Trandoshans attacked them. Djarin knocked out one, stunned another, and killed the third one with his rifle as it ran towards the baby. He noticed the Trandoshan had a tracking device like his, which meant they were also bounty hunters.

That night, while Djarin sat by a fire, the baby climbed out of its floating crib and tried to use some kind of power to heal a cut on Djarin’s arm. Djarin didn’t understand what the baby was doing, so he just put it back in the crib.

The next day, when Djarin got close to his ship, he saw that some small aliens called Jawas were taking it apart. He was angry and started shooting at them, but they all ran into their big sand-crawler vehicle. Djarin couldn’t damage the sand-crawler from far away, so he chased it and tried to climb up it. But when he got to the top, the Jawas zapped him with their guns and he fell off.

Djarin went back to his broken ship, then returned to Kuiil’s farm to ask for help. He said his ship was destroyed, but Kuiil said it was just taken apart, not destroyed. He said Jawas only steal things, they don’t destroy them. Kuiil suggested they try to trade with the Jawas to get the parts back. Djarin agreed because he didn’t have any other choice.

1.2.8 Negotiating with Jawas

Djarin and Kuiil went to meet the Jawas. Kuiil told Djarin to put down his weapons so they could talk to the Jawas, but Djarin didn’t want to. He said carrying weapons was part of being a Mandalorian. But when Kuiil said the Jawas wouldn’t give back the ship parts if Djarin kept his weapons, Djarin finally agreed.

While they were talking, the Jawas asked for Djarin’s beskar armor. Djarin said no in the Jawas’ language. The leader of the Jawas made fun of how Djarin spoke their language, which made Djarin angry. He used his flamethrower to scare the Jawas, but Kuiil stopped him. The Jawas also asked for the baby, but Djarin said no to that too.

Finally, the Jawas said they wanted the egg of a big animal called a mudhorn. The Jawas took Djarin, the baby, and Kuiil to the mudhorn’s cave. Djarin went inside, using a light on his helmet to see in the dark. He woke up the mudhorn, and it attacked him and knocked him outside. Djarin tried to use his rifle, but it was clogged with mud and didn’t work. When the mudhorn tried to attack the baby, Djarin moved it out of the way.

Djarin used all his weapons to fight the mudhorn, but nothing worked. He got hurt badly during the fight. When he was very tired, Djarin pulled out his knife to try one last time to fight the mudhorn. As the mudhorn was about to attack Djarin, the baby used some kind of magic power to lift the mudhorn into the air. This let Djarin stab the mudhorn in the neck and kill it.

Djarin got the mudhorn’s egg from the cave and brought it back to the Jawas. They were very happy and ate what was inside the egg. After trading for his ship parts, Djarin went back to his ship with Kuiil. While they fixed the ship, they talked about how they didn’t understand the baby’s magic powers. When the ship was fixed, Djarin thanked Kuiil and offered him a job on his crew. Kuiil said no because he wanted to live freely. Kuiil thanked Djarin for making his home peaceful again. Then Djarin left Arvala-7 with the baby to finish his job.

1.2.9 Delivering the Asset

When Djarin got back to Nevarro to give the baby to his client, Karga told him to take the baby directly to the Client. While they were flying there, the baby played with a round knob from one of the ship’s controls. Djarin took it away and put the baby back in its floating crib.

Djarin went back to the Imperial building with the baby. He told the stormtroopers to be careful with the baby’s crib, but they pushed it roughly anyway. When they went into the Client’s room, Djarin watched as the Client and Dr. Pershing looked at the baby. Djarin asked how many other bounty hunters were given tracking devices to find the baby. The Client said he needed to make sure someone would bring the baby because it was very important to him.

The Client gave Djarin the container of beskar he had promised. While Djarin was looking at the beskar, Dr. Pershing took the baby deeper into the building. Djarin asked what they were going to do with the baby, but the Client reminded him that bounty hunters aren’t supposed to ask questions about their jobs. More stormtroopers came into the room, so Djarin left quietly with his beskar.

1.2.10 Conflict with the Tribe

Paz Vizsla

Djarin took his beskar reward to where his Mandalorian group lived. The other Mandalorians noticed him as he walked in. When he asked the Armorer to make him a full set of beskar armor, other Mandalorians came into the room. One of them, named Paz Vizsla, looked at the beskar and said Djarin was a coward for working for Imperials. Vizsla tried to take off Djarin’s helmet, which started a fight. They both pulled out their knives.

The Armorer stopped the fight. She said Djarin wasn’t a coward and asked if he or someone else had taken off his helmet. When Djarin said no, she talked about the Mandalorian way of life, and all the other Mandalorians repeated it.

The Armorer asked what had damaged Djarin’s armor. He said it was a mudhorn. She offered to put a mudhorn symbol on his armor, but Djarin said no because the baby had helped him kill it. He said he didn’t kill it in a noble way. So instead, the Armorer offered to make Djarin some special weapons called whistling birds. Djarin agreed and asked her to save some beskar for the young Mandalorians. She used the rest to make Djarin a full set of traditional Mandalorian armor. While she was making it, Djarin again remembered the attack from when he was a child.

1.2.11 Back to Karga

After putting on his new armor, Djarin went back to the cantina to meet Karga about his next job. The other bounty hunters looked at him jealously as he walked up to Karga. Karga was happy because he had gotten some beskar too, thanks to Djarin’s successful job.

Djarin asked Karga how many tracking devices were given out for the baby. Karga said loudly that every bounty hunter in the Guild got one, and they all hated Djarin because he was the only one who completed the job. When Karga asked how he could thank Djarin, the Mandalorian just asked for another job. Karga suggested that Djarin should enjoy his success and offered to take him to some special Twi’lek baths. But Djarin insisted on getting another job, so Karga gave him several bounty pucks to choose from. The most valuable one was for the son of a nobleman.

Just before leaving the cantina, Djarin asked what would happen to the baby. Karga reminded him that it was against the Guild’s rules to ask about a bounty after finishing the job. He told Djarin to enjoy himself. Djarin mentioned that his client had connections to the old Empire, but Karga said the Empire was completely gone now, with only a few mercenaries and warlords left. He joked that Djarin should go to the Core Worlds and report this to the New Republic. Karga also suggested that Djarin buy some spice to help him relax. Then Djarin left the cantina.

1.3 The Chase for Safety

1.3.1 A Hunter’s Redemption

Din Djarin went back to his ship, the Razor Crest, to start hunting his next target. But when he tried to take off, he remembered Grogu (the Child) because the knob on a lever was missing. He had started to care for Grogu and felt bad about leaving him to a harsh fate. So, he decided to go back and rescue Grogu from the Imperial facility.

When Djarin returned, he found Grogu’s empty pram thrown away in the trash. He went to the roof of a building and used his helmet’s special vision and his sniper rifle to listen in on the Client and Dr. Pershing talking about their plans for Grogu inside the facility.

Djarin went to the entrance of the facility, tore off the head of the droid guarding the gate, and blew a hole in the wall with an explosive to get inside. Once inside, he killed three stormtroopers in a hallway. He used his knife and a special wire to kill another trooper. Then he entered the room where Grogu was being held. He killed the guard and destroyed a scary-looking droid that was hovering over the sleeping Grogu. Dr. Pershing was there too, begging Djarin not to hurt Grogu.

Djarin asked Pershing what he had done to Grogu. Pershing said he had protected Grogu and that the child would be dead if it weren’t for him. Djarin decided to let Pershing live and took Grogu with him. As he was leaving the facility, he went into a storage room where he knocked out two stormtroopers who tried to stop him. He then used his weapons to defeat more troopers who came after him.

1.3.2 Escaping Nevarro

As Djarin was leaving the facility with Grogu, he found himself surrounded by other bounty hunters in the street. Their tracking devices had started working again once Grogu was out of the facility. Greef Karga, Greef Karga, the head of the Bounty Hunters’ Guild, blocked Djarin’s way and told him to put Grogu down on a nearby speeder so they could talk. But Djarin insisted on keeping Grogu with him.

Djarin shot one of the bounty hunters and jumped onto the speeder with Grogu. He made the droid driving the speeder take them away from the other hunters, shooting at them as they escaped. But Karga shot the droid driver, making the speeder stop. Djarin used his special rifle to kill several bounty hunters, but they were too many. He was trapped in the speeder, using his body to shield Grogu from their shots.

Just when things looked bad, other Mandalorians from Djarin’s tribe showed up and attacked the bounty hunters. This surprised everyone and helped Djarin escape. One of the Mandalorians, named Paz Vizsla, landed next to Djarin and told him to go to his ship. Djarin said the tribe would have to move their hideout, and Vizsla repeated a Mandalorian saying, which Djarin said back to him.

As Djarin was running to his ship with Grogu, Karga tried to stop him one last time. Djarin used a special gas to blind Karga and shot him off the ship’s ramp, though Karga survived. As Djarin flew away, he saw Vizsla flying next to his ship. Vizsla gave him a salute before going back to the others. Djarin thought to himself that he needed to get a jetpack like Vizsla’s.

1.3.3 Seeking Refuge

Cara Dune

After escaping from Nevarro, Djarin was in space with Grogu. The child was playing with the ship’s controls, so Djarin put him in his lap. Looking at a map, Djarin chose a planet called Sorgan as a good place to hide for a while. When they got there, Djarin told Grogu to stay on the ship while he looked for a place to stay. But Grogu didn’t seem to understand and followed him anyway, so Djarin decided to take the child along.

They went to a local bar where Djarin wanted to get information about where they could lay low. He noticed a woman named Cara Dune, who used to be a soldier for the Rebel Alliance. Djarin asked the bar owner about Dune, but didn’t get much information. He decided to follow Dune when she left the bar, telling the owner to watch Grogu.

Outside, Djarin used his helmet’s special vision to track Dune’s footprints. When the trail ended, Dune ambushed him. They fought until they both pointed their guns at each other, then noticed Grogu watching them while drinking soup. After that, they sat down in the bar to talk about why they were both on Sorgan. Dune explained that she used to be a soldier but left and now had a bounty on her head. She was trying to hide on Sorgan. Before Dune left, she asked Djarin to leave because she had gotten to the planet first. Djarin told Grogu that the planet was already “taken.”

1.3.4 Protecting the Village

As Djarin was getting ready to leave Sorgan, two farmers named Caben and Stoke came to him asking for help. They wanted him to protect their village from a group of raiders. They offered him all the money their village had saved up. At first, Djarin said no, but when he heard that the village was in a remote area and had a place for him to stay, he agreed.

Djarin took the farmers’ money and told them to help him unpack his supplies. Then he went to find Cara Dune and offered her the money to help protect the village. When they got to the village, Djarin was shown to a barn where he would be staying.

A widow named Omera prepared the barn for Djarin while he unpacked. When Omera’s daughter Winta came into the room, Djarin was startled and pulled out his gun. Omera explained that they didn’t get many visitors and then left with her daughter. Later, Omera brought food for Djarin. He let Winta take Grogu outside to play with the other children.

Omera asked Djarin when he had last taken off his helmet. He said he took it off yesterday. Omera asked if anyone had ever seen his face. Djarin said no one had seen his face since he was a child, after the Mandalorians took him in following an attack on his home. He explained that this was part of the Mandalorian way of life. After Omera left, Djarin watched the village children play with Grogu while he ate with his helmet off.

Later, while looking for the raiders’ camp, Djarin and Dune found tracks that showed the raiders had a big war machine called an AT-ST. They went back to the village and told the people they should leave and find a safer place to live because the AT-ST was too dangerous. But the villagers refused to leave their homes. So Djarin and Dune agreed to train the villagers to fight and help them set traps for the AT-ST.

Before leaving the village to draw out the raiders, Djarin told Omera that he and Dune would get the raiders’ attention, and she said the villagers would be ready. That night, Djarin and Dune went to the raiders’ camp to lure them and the AT-ST to the village. They snuck into a tent and planted an explosive. When the raiders came in, Djarin and Dune fought them hand-to-hand and then ran out just before the explosive went off. This alerted the AT-ST, which chased them back to the village.

When they got to the village, Djarin and Dune told everyone to get ready. They all hid behind barriers as the AT-ST arrived and started shooting. While the raiders attacked the village, Djarin helped defend it. He let Dune use his rifle to try and lure the AT-ST into a trap they had set. When the AT-ST fell into the trap, Djarin blew up what was left of it. After that, the remaining raiders ran away.

1.3.5 Leaving Sorgan

Djarin and Dune had been in the village for several weeks. One day, Omera pointed out to Djarin that Grogu was happy playing with the village children. After Omera left, Dune asked Djarin what would happen if he took off his helmet. He said he could never put it on again if he did that. Dune joked that he could give up being a Mandalorian and settle down on Sorgan with Omera and raise Grogu.

As Djarin was getting ready to leave the village, he told Dune he was planning to leave Grogu there because he thought life with a bounty hunter would be too dangerous for the child. When Djarin met with Omera to tell her his plan, she asked him to stay in the village. She said the villagers were grateful for what he had done and tried to take off his helmet. But just then, another bounty hunter on the edge of the village aimed a weapon at Djarin. Djarin stopped Omera and said only Grogu belonged in the village.

At that moment, the bounty hunter changed his aim to Grogu, but Dune killed him before he could shoot. This made Djarin realize that Grogu was still in danger. So he left Sorgan with Grogu, saying goodbye to Dune and Omera.

1.3.6 Arrival on Tatooine

After leaving Sorgan with Grogu, Djarin’s ship was attacked by another bounty hunter named Riot Mar. Mar demanded that Djarin hand over Grogu. As Djarin tried to escape, his ship’s engines were badly damaged. Mar told Djarin he could bring him in “warm or cold,” meaning alive or dead. Djarin slowed down his ship, which made Mar fly past him. Then Djarin shot Mar’s ship, destroying it and killing him.

Needing to fix his ship, Djarin went to the planet Tatooine. He landed at a repair shop in Mos Eisley spaceport run by a woman named Peli Motto. Djarin left Grogu sleeping in the ship. When some of Motto’s repair droids tried to work on the ship, Djarin fired a warning shot at them. This made Motto angry. Djarin paid her 500 credits to fix the ship without using droids, and said he’d come back to pay the rest after he found some work.

Djarin went to a local cantina to look for bounty hunting jobs. The droid bartender told him the Bounty Hunters’ Guild didn’t work on Tatooine anymore. When Djarin said he wasn’t looking for Guild work, the droid said there were no jobs available. Then a young bounty hunter named Toro Calican came up to Djarin and said he had a job Djarin could help with. At first, Djarin said no because the target was a dangerous assassin named Fennec Shand. But he finally agreed when Calican, who wanted to join the Bounty Hunters’ Guild, begged and offered all his money. Djarin told Calican to get two speeder bikes ready outside in half an hour.

When Djarin went back to check on Grogu, he found that the child was missing. Motto had found Grogu and was taking care of him. She scolded Djarin for leaving the child alone on the ship. Djarin quickly thanked her for watching Grogu and fixing his ship before meeting Calican outside.

1.3.7 Hunting Fennec Shand

Fennec Shand

As Djarin and Calican rode their speeder bikes across the desert, they saw a group of Tusken Raiders with their banthas. Djarin explained that the Tuskens thought they were the original people of the planet and saw everyone else as invaders. When two Tuskens came up to them, Djarin talked to them using hand signals and gave them Calican’s binoculars as payment to pass through their land.

Later, they found a dewback (a big lizard-like animal) dragging its dead rider. Djarin told Calican to stay back while he checked it out. He found a tracking device on the dead body that showed Shand was nearby. As he was going back to cover, Shand shot at him twice with her sniper rifle, but his armor protected him. Djarin told Calican they should wait until dark to catch Shand, because she would be waiting for them to make the first move.

When night came, Calican tried to wake Djarin up, but Djarin was already awake. Djarin explained their plan: they would take turns using flash charges to blind Shand so they could get closer to her. As they moved towards Shand, they used the flash charges to block her rifle’s sight. But when Calican accidentally set off a charge too early, Shand shot Djarin’s speeder bike, throwing him to the ground.

Shand shot Djarin in the chest, knocking him down. This gave Calican time to sneak up behind Shand, and they started fighting. When Shand had Calican in a chokehold, Djarin interrupted the fight and told Shand to put handcuffs on herself. As they were taking Shand to the remaining speeder bike, Djarin told Calican to go find the dewback they had seen earlier. But Calican refused, saying Shand was his bounty. So Djarin went to look for the dewback himself, leaving Calican to watch Shand.

1.3.8 Calican’s Treachery

While Djarin was gone, Shand told Calican that Djarin had betrayed the Bounty Hunters’ Guild on Nevarro. Calican, wanting to make a big name for himself with the Guild, shot Shand and left her for dead. Then he went back to Mos Eisley and kidnapped both Motto and Grogu.

When Djarin came back with the dewback and found Shand’s body, he realized what had happened. He rode the dewback back to Mos Eisley to face Calican.

When Djarin got back to the repair shop, Calican demanded that he surrender. Djarin pretended to give up, but he was holding a flash charge. Calican told Motto to put handcuffs on Djarin. But Djarin set off the flash charge, causing confusion. In the chaos, he shot and killed Calican. Then he paid Motto extra money from Calican’s body to cover the repairs, and left Tatooine with Grogu.

1.3.9 A Desperate Mission

After the job on Tatooine, Djarin contacted an old associate named Ranzar Malk for work. He landed his ship at Malk’s space station. When Djarin came out of his ship, Malk greeted him and said he was surprised to see Djarin because of the trouble with the Bounty Hunters’ Guild. Malk explained that Djarin was hired to help four other people rescue one of their friends who had been captured by a rival group. What Djarin didn’t know was that the prisoner was actually Qin, a Twi’lek he used to work with but had abandoned during a previous job. Djarin wasn’t happy when he found out he was only hired because of his ship, but Malk said the ship was the only reason he let Djarin come to the station.

Malk introduced Djarin to Migs Mayfeld, the leader of the mission. When Malk mentioned that Mayfeld used to be an Imperial sharpshooter, Djarin made fun of him. Mayfeld called Djarin a “wise-ass” in response. Then Mayfeld introduced Djarin to the other team members: Burg, a big Devaronian who made fun of Djarin; Zero, a droid they called “Zero”; and Xi’an, another person Djarin used to work with.

When Mayfeld explained the mission, Djarin learned they were actually going to rescue a prisoner from a New Republic prison ship. He was angry that Malk had lied to him about the job and said the ship would be heavily guarded. Xi’an told him the ship was only run by droids, which appealed to Djarin because he hated droids. When Djarin found out that Zero would be flying his ship for a tricky maneuver to avoid scanners, he asked Malk if he trusted the droid. Malk said he didn’t trust anyone.

1.3.10 Team Troubles

On the way to the prison ship, Djarin went to the cockpit and watched Zero fly the ship into hyperspace. Zero told Djarin to go join the others in the back of the ship. When Djarin went to the lower deck, he caught Burg looking through his weapons. They had a tense moment, and Burg asked why Djarin was chosen for the job. Mayfeld broke up the tension by saying Mandalorians were supposed to be the greatest warriors in the galaxy. Burg asked why most Mandalorians were dead then, referring to a time when many Mandalorians were killed.

Things got more uncomfortable when Xi’an brought up a past mission on Alzoc III, creating more tension between Djarin and the others. They started guessing what Djarin looked like under his helmet, and Burg tried to take it off. This led to a fight between Djarin and Burg. During the fight, Burg accidentally opened the compartment where Grogu was hidden, revealing the child to everyone. Mayfeld picked up Grogu, which made Djarin very uncomfortable.

1.3.11 Boarding the Prison Ship

Suddenly, Zero dropped the ship out of hyperspace without warning and started a tricky maneuver to land on the prison ship. This made everyone stumble, and Mayfeld dropped Grogu. Djarin quickly picked up the child and put him back in the compartment, closing it. Then the team entered the prison ship through a hatch on Djarin’s ship and began searching for the prisoner.

As they moved through the ship towards the control room, they ran into some security droids in a hallway after Burg shot a small droid. The security droids pinned them down. Djarin snuck around behind the droids and destroyed them in a surprise attack while the others watched. After he defeated the droids, the others made fun of his efforts. Mayfeld told him to “clean up his mess,” and Burg purposely bumped into Djarin as he walked by.

When they reached the control room, they found a New Republic soldier named Lant Davan. They surrounded him as he pulled out his blaster. After Mayfeld found out which cell the prisoner was in, Davan took out a device that would call for help and threatened to use it. This led to a standoff. Djarin, unlike the others, didn’t want to kill Davan. He put away his blaster and told the others to do the same. Djarin asked Davan his name and said he would let him live if he let them find their prisoner. Mayfeld didn’t like this idea and kept his gun pointed at Davan, so Djarin aimed his gun at Mayfeld.

The standoff ended when Xi’an suddenly threw a knife and killed Davan. The team had to hurry to find the prisoner because Davan had activated the device to call for help before he died. When they got to the prisoner’s cell, Djarin was surprised to see it was Qin inside. Qin briefly scolded Djarin for abandoning him in the past. Then Burg pushed Djarin into the cell, Mayfeld closed the door to trap him inside, and the group left him there.

1.3.12 Confronting Mercenaries

While trapped in the cell, Djarin caught a security droid passing by using his special wire. He tore off the droid’s arm that had a blaster in it and used it to destroy the droid. Then he used a tool in the arm to open the cell door and went back to the control room. There, he locked several doors in the prison ship to split up the mercenaries who had trapped him. He also took the device that Davan had used to call for help.

Djarin then ambushed Burg, who had come into the control room. He tried to strangle Burg with his wire, but Burg was too strong and pulled Djarin down. They fought, with Djarin trying to use his weapons but not being able to hurt Burg. He even tried to use Burg’s own blasters against him, but Burg just threw him around the room. Finally, Djarin threw Burg into the control room doors and closed one door on him. When Burg started to lift the door with his strength, Djarin closed the other door too, trapping Burg and cutting off his horns.

After leaving the control room, Djarin ran into Xi’an. She tried to hit him with her throwing knives, but his armor protected him. Djarin defeated Xi’an and then snuck up behind Mayfeld in a hallway and captured him. After dealing with the three mercenaries, Djarin locked them all in one of the ship’s prison cells.

When Djarin found Qin about to enter his ship, he pointed his gun at him. Qin offered Djarin more money than Malk had, but Djarin reminded Qin of his code of honor before capturing him.

Back on his ship, Djarin destroyed Zero, who was about to shoot Grogu. Then he left the prison ship and returned to Malk’s station with Qin. Without Qin knowing, Djarin had put the device that calls for help on him before they arrived.

When they got to the station, Malk asked where the other team members were. Djarin said not to ask questions. After getting paid, Djarin left the station. Soon after, three New Republic pilots in X-wing fighters arrived, called by the device on Qin. They attacked Malk’s station and destroyed the ship he was trying to use to shoot down Djarin.

While traveling through hyperspace, Djarin took the knob off one of the ship’s levers and gave it to Grogu as a toy. He told the child that taking this job had been a “bad idea.”

1.4 The Battle for Nevarro

1.4.1 Gathering Help

Din Djarin, the Mandalorian bounty hunter, received a message from Greef Karga while traveling in space. Karga wanted Djarin’s help to take out the Client and his Imperial troops. He explained that after Djarin rescued the Child (also known as Grogu), more Imperials had come to Nevarro and forced the city’s people out. Karga suggested they work together to get rid of the Client, using Grogu as bait. In return, Karga promised to cancel Grogu’s bounty and clear Djarin’s name with the Bounty Hunters’ Guild. Djarin decided to accept the offer but wanted to bring in some help first.

Djarin went to the planet Sorgan to find Cara Dune, a former rebel shock trooper he had met before. He found her in the same place they first met and explained the mission. At first, Dune didn’t want to join because she was worried about getting caught by New Republic authorities. But when Djarin mentioned they’d be fighting Imperials, she became interested.

On Djarin’s ship, the Razor Crest, they looked at weapons and talked about whether they could trust Karga. They also worried about keeping Grogu safe from other bounty hunters. While they were talking, Grogu tried to fly the ship, causing it to shake. Djarin rushed to take control again. This made them realize they needed someone to watch Grogu, so they decided to go to Arvala-7 to ask for Kuiil’s help.

When they landed on Arvala-7, Djarin and Kuiil sat in the Ugnaught’s hut with Grogu. Suddenly, IG-11, a droid Djarin had destroyed earlier, came in carrying tea. Dune and Djarin pulled out their weapons, but Kuiil explained that he had fixed and reprogrammed IG-11 to help on his farm. Kuiil said the droid could also protect them if needed.

Djarin offered to hire Kuiil to protect Grogu. When Kuiil suggested IG-11 do it instead, Djarin wasn’t sure about bringing the droid along. But he agreed after Kuiil said that trusting him meant trusting his work on IG-11. Kuiil also decided to bring his blurrgs, riding animals, with them on the Razor Crest.

1.4.2 Back to Nevarro

On the way to Nevarro, Djarin and Dune had a friendly arm-wrestling match. Grogu, thinking Dune was hurting Djarin, used his powers to choke her. Djarin quickly stopped him and explained that Dune was a friend. Kuiil, who saw what happened, said this explained the story about Grogu helping Djarin fight a mudhorn. Djarin asked Kuiil to make a new floating crib for Grogu.

Later, in the ship’s cockpit, Djarin and Dune talked about their mission. Dune thought there might be more to the Imperial presence on Nevarro than they knew. When IG-11 offered them food, Djarin refused. After the droid left, they discussed whether it was safe to bring IG-11 on the mission. Djarin insisted on leaving the droid on the ship.

1.4.3 Reunion with Karga

When they got to Nevarro, they met Karga and his three helpers. They were all riding blurrgs. Karga suggested Dune stay on the ship, but Djarin said she was coming with them. When Karga asked to see Grogu, Djarin moved the crib towards him but kept his hand on his blaster, just in case. Then they all traveled across Nevarro’s lava fields and set up camp by a river when night came.

At the camp, Djarin and Karga talked about their plan to get rid of the Client. Suddenly, they were attacked by flying reptile creatures. One of Karga’s helpers was taken away. During the fight, one of the creatures pinned Djarin down, but he scared it off with his flamethrower. After they drove the creatures away, they saw that Karga was badly hurt. They watched in amazement as Grogu used his powers to heal Karga’s wounds. When the sun came up, they continued their journey to the city.

When they reached a cliff, Karga surprised everyone by killing his two remaining helpers. He explained that he had planned to betray Djarin and his friends, but changed his mind after Grogu saved his life. Djarin and Dune pointed their weapons at Karga, but Djarin listened to his explanation and they made a new plan together.

The new plan was for Djarin to pretend to turn himself in. This would get him close to the Client so he could kill him. Dune would pretend to be the one capturing him. Djarin told Kuiil to take Grogu back to the Razor Crest and stay inside to keep the child safe. Then Karga put handcuffs on Djarin, and the three of them headed into the city. Djarin kept a communicator with him to stay in touch with Kuiil.

1.4.4 Into the City

As they entered the city, they met two scout troopers. One of them asked to see Karga’s identification code. The trooper offered to buy Djarin’s helmet, but Karga said no and joked that he would hang it on his wall. Djarin was confused by this, but Karga told him to play along.

Inside the cantina, they met the Client. He asked Djarin why the people of Mandalore had fought against the Empire’s control of their planet. He also talked about how he thought the Empire’s rule helped other planets. Then the Client got a call on his hologram device and stepped away.

While this was happening, Djarin got out of his handcuffs and got his blaster back. But suddenly, the Client’s boss had his death troopers shoot at the cantina, killing the Client. Djarin and his friends quickly hid behind a table. When the shooting stopped, they moved to hide behind the cantina’s pillars. Looking outside, they saw they were surrounded by death troopers and a whole group of stormtroopers.

They watched as an Imperial ship landed and its pilot, Moff Gideon, got out. Djarin tried to contact Kuiil on his communicator, telling him to get to the ship as fast as possible. But Kuiil didn’t answer. What Djarin didn’t know was that Kuiil had been killed by the scout troopers they had seen earlier, and the troopers had taken Grogu to bring him back to Gideon.

1.4.5 Trapped by Enemies

Trapped in the cantina, Djarin, Karga, and Dune tried to figure out how to escape. Djarin remembered that there were sewers under the building that led to where his Mandalorian tribe lived. He thought the other Mandalorians might help them escape. Using his helmet’s special vision, he found a vent they could cut open to get into the sewers.

While Gideon’s troops set up a big blaster gun outside, Dune and Djarin tried to open the vent, but couldn’t. Gideon used this time to talk to the group. He surprised everyone by revealing Djarin’s real name. Then he gave them until nightfall to give up before he left.

Djarin recognized Gideon and told Dune and Karga who he was. He explained that no one had used his real name since he was a child. He told them about Mandalorian culture and his own past, saying that Gideon had been an Imperial officer during a time when many Mandalorians were killed. Djarin thought Grogu was probably still safe because Gideon wanted to capture them alive.

When Djarin tried to contact Kuiil again, there was no answer at first. Then IG-11 responded, telling them that Kuiil had been killed. Soon after, IG-11 arrived outside the cantina on a speeder bike with Grogu, and started attacking Gideon’s forces.

Djarin told Dune to provide cover fire while he and Karga went outside to fight the Imperials. During the fight, two death troopers almost got Djarin, but Karga shot them. Seeing that IG-11 was in trouble, Djarin grabbed the big blaster gun and fired at the troopers. But then Gideon came back and shot the gun’s power supply, knocking Djarin down and hurting him. Dune carried Djarin as the group ran back into the cantina.

1.4.6 Underground Escape

Lying on his back and badly hurt, Djarin told Dune to leave him behind and escape with Grogu. Dune didn’t want to, but Djarin gave her a necklace with a mythosaur skull on it. He told her to show it to the other Mandalorians so they would help her and the others escape. Then Djarin watched helplessly as Grogu used his powers to deflect fire from a trooper with a flamethrower.

When IG-11 managed to open the sewer grate, Djarin stayed behind, wanting to buy time for the others to escape. While Dune and Karga escaped into the sewers with Grogu, IG-11 stayed to help Djarin. The droid wanted to treat Djarin’s wounds, but Djarin didn’t trust him at first. IG-11 tried to remove Djarin’s helmet to help him, which made Djarin angry. He explained that his Mandalorian beliefs didn’t allow him to show his face to any living being. But since IG-11 wasn’t alive, Djarin let the droid take off his helmet and heal him with a special spray.

Later, Djarin and IG-11 caught up with the others in the sewers. As they walked through the tunnels, they reached the place where Djarin’s tribe lived. There, they found a pile of armor from dead Mandalorians. At first, Djarin blamed Karga for killing his people. But then the Armorer, a survivor from the tribe, came out of the shadows and told them that Gideon’s forces had done it. Djarin asked her to come with them, but she said no. She was collecting the leftover armor and wouldn’t leave until she was done.

When the Armorer saw Grogu, Djarin explained how the child had helped him fight a mudhorn on Arvala-7, and how he had been protecting Grogu ever since. The Armorer told Djarin that according to Mandalorian beliefs, he now had to take care of Grogu and find the child’s own people. She gave Djarin a special badge with a mudhorn on it, saying that he and Grogu were now their own clan. She also gave him a jetpack, which was a traditional Mandalorian tool. This showed that Djarin had become an important member of his tribe and a true Mandalorian warrior.

1.4.7 Fighting Gideon

The group escaped to an underground river of lava. Karga and Djarin tried to push a boat into the lava, but it was stuck to the ground by rocks. Dune shot the rocks, freeing the boat, and they all got on. This woke up a droid on the boat, which started to take them out of the tunnel. Using his helmet’s special vision, Djarin saw that a group of stormtroopers was waiting to attack them at the end of the tunnel. He and the others started to make a plan to escape.

IG-11 said he would sacrifice himself to make sure Grogu survived. The droid didn’t see any way for both of them to make it out alive. Djarin, who had come to trust the droid, wanted him to stay and help them fight. But in the end, he agreed to IG-11’s plan.

Djarin and the others watched as IG-11 walked through the lava to reach the stormtroopers at the end of the tunnel. When he got there, IG-11 blew himself up, killing all the troopers. But as soon as they got out of the tunnel, Gideon started shooting at them from his ship. While Gideon was turning around to attack again, Djarin used his new jetpack to fly up to the ship. He used a special cord to hold onto the ship and placed two explosive devices on it. This damaged the ship’s wing and made it crash.

Thinking Gideon was dead, Djarin went back to his friends. Karga offered him a chance to rejoin the Bounty Hunters’ Guild, but Djarin said no. He felt his job now was to take care of Grogu. Holding the child, Djarin used his jetpack to get back to his ship. Before leaving, he buried Kuiil. As he was getting ready to take off, he saw that Grogu had the mythosaur necklace he had given to Dune earlier. He decided to let Grogu keep it. Then they left Nevarro, no longer wanted by the Guild, to start their mission of finding Grogu’s people.

1.5 The Quest for Grogu’s Future

1.5.1 journey to Tatooine

After leaving Nevarro, Din Djarin met with Gor Koresh to find out where other Mandalorians were. He thought they could help him return the Child (Grogu) to his people. Koresh offered Djarin the information if he agreed to a bet, but Djarin refused. This led to a fight, which Djarin won easily. He then chased Koresh and got him to reveal that someone wearing Mandalorian armor was on Tatooine.

Djarin and the Child went to Tatooine, landing at Hangar 3-5 again. This time, he let Peli Motto’s pit droids fix the Razor Crest. Motto had R5-D4 show Djarin where to find Mos Pelgo, the town where the person in Mandalorian armor was said to be. Djarin took Motto’s speeder to Mos Pelgo, stopping at a Tusken camp for the night.

When he got to Mos Pelgo, people stared at him. He went into the town’s bar and asked about the man who looked like him. The bartender mentioned “The Marshal,” and soon Cobb Vanth walked in wearing Mandalorian armor he had bought from Jawas. Vanth offered Djarin a drink and took off his helmet, which surprised Djarin. When Djarin found out Vanth wasn’t a real Mandalorian, he demanded the armor back. Vanth refused, and they were about to fight when a sudden shake hit the town.

The shaking was caused by a krayt dragon that had been attacking the town and eating their animals. Vanth and Djarin made a deal: if they could kill the dragon, Vanth would give Djarin the armor. They set out to find the dragon’s lair and met some Tusken Raiders who also wanted to kill the dragon. After a failed attempt, Djarin got the people of Mos Pelgo to join forces with the Tuskens.

Back in the village, the locals weren’t happy about working with the Tuskens, who they saw as monsters. But Djarin told them the Tuskens had agreed to stop attacking the village if they worked together to kill the krayt dragon. The villagers agreed, and they all went back to the dragon’s lair. After a tough battle with many losses, they finally killed the krayt dragon. Keeping his word, Cobb Vanth gave his armor to Djarin, who said he hoped to see Vanth again. As Djarin rode back to his ship, he didn’t know that Boba Fett, the armor’s real owner, was watching him.

On the way back to Mos Eisley with Grogu, Djarin was attacked by some thieves. He beat them quickly. When he got back to Mos Eisley, he went into Chalmun’s Cantina and found Motto playing sabacc with “Doctor Mandible.” Motto asked if he had killed the Mandalorian he met, but Djarin said he just got the armor. Djarin then paid Dr. Mandible 500 credits for information about another group of Mandalorians. Later, Motto told him he could find the Mandalorians with help from “Frog Lady,” whose husband knew where some of them lived.

1.5.2 Journey to Trask

Frog Lady agreed to help Djarin if he would take her to Trask, a moon with estuaries. Djarin didn’t like that he had to travel without using hyperspace, but he eventually agreed. While traveling through deep space, Djarin met two New Republic X-wing pilots, Trapper Wolf and Carson Teva. They told him his ship was involved in a prison break and that he needed to give them his transponder. To avoid being arrested, Djarin flew quickly towards Maldo Kreis, with the X-wings chasing him. He managed to escape by crashing into an ice cave, but the Razor Crest was badly damaged.

After waking up, Djarin checked on the ship and made sure Frog Lady’s eggs were safe. He found Grogu eating some of the unfertilized eggs and put him in a compartment. While fixing the ship, Djarin explored the area. He later took Grogu into the cold caves and found Frog Lady bathing in a hot spring with her eggs. The place was full of small white eggs, which interested Grogu. He ate one, which woke up a bunch of ice spiders. The three of them had to run away quickly, fighting off the spiders as they went.

When they got back to the Razor Crest, Djarin tried to leave the planet, but one of the creatures stopped him. Luckily, the New Republic pilots found them and killed all the spiders. After a quick talk, they let Djarin go because he had helped stop a prison break and saved someone named Davan. Djarin finally escaped and made it to Trask in the badly damaged Razor Crest.

1.5.3 Landing on Trask

Bo Katan Kryze with the Darksaber in her hand
Bo-Katan Kryze

As Djarin got close to Trask, he realized the ship’s landing system wasn’t working. He had to land manually, which was very risky. Frog Lady helped keep the ship steady as they entered the atmosphere very fast, burning up as they came down. They managed to slow down enough to land safely, but one of the engines lost power, and the ship fell into the sea. The Razor Crest was pulled out of the water onto a landing pad, where Djarin paid a Mon Calamari dock worker one thousand credits to fix the ship enough so it could fly again. Frog Man, Frog Lady’s husband, told Djarin where to find other Mandalorians. Djarin then went to an inn to get information and food for the Child.

A Quarren sailor told Djarin he could find other Mandalorians on a nearby island and offered to take him and Grogu on his boat. But Djarin soon found out it was a trick. The Quarrens tried to feed them to their sea creature and steal Djarin’s armor. Luckily, three Mandalorians showed up and saved Djarin and the infant, killing the traitors. The group’s leader was Bo-Katan Kryze, the rightful heir to the throne of Mandalore. The other two fighters were Axe Woves and Koska Reeves. Djarin was upset when they took off their helmets, saying they weren’t real Mandalorians.

Kryze was surprised by his reaction but assured him of her Mandalorian heritage. She then figured out and told Djarin that he was a Child of the Watch, which she called a cult of religious fanatics that followed the Way of the Mandalore. This way of life, she said, had fallen out of favor with most Mandalorians. Djarin, confused by what he learned, angrily refused their help. He didn’t trust them and thought those who didn’t follow the Mandalorian Code weren’t real Mandalorians. He left with the Child and went back to shore, leaving the three warriors behind. However, later that night, they came back to save him from another group of angry Quarren.

Djarin then decided to go with Kryze and her friends to the inn to talk. He told them his mission was to take Grogu back to his kind with the help of the Jedi. Kryze made a deal: if Djarin helped them take over an Imperial ship, she would tell him how to find the Jedi he was looking for. The job was to steal weapons from an Imperial Gozanti cruiser. Djarin agreed and asked Frog Lady and her husband to watch the infant during the mission.

The four of them quickly got onto the cruiser, which upset the Imperial officer in charge. Kryze talked to him on the bridge, saying they were there to take over the ship. Djarin complained about the change in the deal, but Kryze reminded him that if he wanted information about the Jedi, he had to help them take the cruiser. The officer got a hologram message from Moff Gideon, who told him to crash the ship into the ocean to kill the Mandalorians. The captain agreed, killed the Imperial pilots, and steered the cruiser straight towards the water.

After beating several stormtroopers, the Mandalorian team made it to the bridge. They changed the ship’s course just before it crashed, and Kryze demanded that the officer tell her where Gideon was and about the Darksaber. The Imperial man killed himself before revealing anything, leaving Kryze without answers about the saber. Still, they successfully took over the cruiser, and Djarin asked for information on the Jedi. Kryze told him to go to the city of Calodan on the forest planet of Corvus and look for Ahsoka Tano. Djarin thanked Kryze and left the cruiser. He went to Frog Lady’s house to get Grogu, and they both left the ocean moon in the partly fixed Razor Crest.

1.5.4 Back to Nevarro

After trying and failing to fix the Crest with Grogu’s help, Djarin decided they needed to fully repair the ship for their trip to Corvus. He set a course for Nevarro. When they arrived, Greef Karga and Cara Dune, who was now the town’s new marshal, greeted Djarin and Grogu. Karga had two workers fix the Crest and welcomed Djarin and Grogu back. Djarin reluctantly let Karga take Grogu to the former cantina, which was now a school. Then Karga took Djarin to a building where the Mythrol he had caught before was waiting. After an awkward meeting, Karga explained the mission he wanted Djarin to help with while his ship was being fixed. Showing him a map of the planet, Karga said they needed to destroy the last Imperial base that was threatening the city.

1.5.5 Meeting Ahsoka Tano

Din Djarin with Ahsoka Tano

With the Razor Crest repaired, Djarin traveled to Corvus to find Ahsoka Tano. On the way, Grogu used the Force to unscrew the ship’s control knob, which Djarin took from him.

After landing, he went to the outer wall of Calodan and met a mercenary named Lang, who asked if he was a hunter looking for work. Djarin nodded and was allowed to enter the city.

Inside, the villagers avoided him when he tried to get information, except for one who asked him not to talk to them. Some guards then took Djarin to meet Morgan Elsbeth, the town’s ruler, who said she would give him her beskar spear if he killed the Jedi.

While searching in the woods, Tano surprised Djarin, attacking him with her lightsabers. He blocked her attacks with his beskar armor and used his flamethrower to make her back off. He then tied her up with his whipcord, but she jumped over a branch, making him let go. Before they could fight more, Djarin told Tano that Bo-Katan had sent him, and she noticed Grogu behind him and stopped fighting. She then read Grogu’s thoughts, learning that he was a Jedi youngling who survived the Purge and that his name was Grogu. She explained that Jedi Master Yoda was the only other member of his species she knew of, and that the Force was the energy that gave Grogu his powers. Djarin asked Tano if she could help Grogu.

The next morning, Tano tried to get Grogu to move a pebble with the Force, but he refused. Seeing his connection with Djarin, she had him encourage Grogu to take the stone, but he failed again. Djarin then pulled out the control knob and offered it to him, and Grogu took it from his hand, which made Djarin happy. Tano, however, saw the fear and attachment Grogu had to Djarin and refused to train him, saying those feelings could be dangerous. Before she left, Djarin told her he was sent to kill her and offered instead to help take down the magistrate in exchange for training the child. He told her about the caged prisoners and military strength in Calodan and was surprised to learn that Elsbeth was a survivor of the Clone Wars who had become a plunderer for the Empire.

As Tano attacked the settlement from the front, drawing the magistrate’s attention by throwing down Djarin’s shoulder piece to make it look like she had beaten him, Djarin dropped in from above to deal with the guards ordered to kill the citizens. He led the people to safety. Lang then approached him, learning of their team-up and saying he found it amusing. Djarin and Lang faced off. As Lang tried to get closer while talking to Djarin, he stopped and agreed to put down his weapon after seeing Tano enter the magistrate’s house. However, as he was putting down his big blaster, Lang tried to pull out another blaster to kill Djarin, but Djarin shot first and killed him. Soon after, he also killed an assassin droid on a rooftop that was trying to sneak up on him.

While the village celebrated their freedom after Elsbeth was defeated, Tano offered Djarin Elsbeth’s spear, saying it belonged with a Mandalorian. Djarin woke Grogu and spent what he thought were their last moments together. Tano came to the Razor Crest, noting their father-son bond and standing by her decision not to train him. She then sent him to Tython, telling him to place Grogu on the seeing stone and wait for a Jedi to come if he indeed chose that path.

1.5.6 Alliance with Boba Fett

Boba Fett

On the way to Tython, Djarin tried to get Grogu to practice taking the knob from his hand using the Force, still amazed by his powers. He then repeated that the “nice lady” said this planet could be where they could find a Jedi who could train Grogu more. Seeing the temple ruins, Djarin landed the Razor Crest on a nearby plain and used his jetpack to carry Grogu.

Djarin put Grogu on the seeing stone and scanned it for any machinery. He was startled to see another ship, Slave I, landing nearby and tried to get Grogu, but he was pushed back by the seeing stone’s energy field. Djarin rushed to meet the potential threat to give Grogu time to finish his task and encountered Boba Fett, who had been following him since he got his armor from Vanth.

The bounty hunter asked for his armor back. Djarin wasn’t sure if he really owned it and asked why he shouldn’t just shoot him. Fett answered by showing his sniper, Fennec Shand, who Djarin had chased on Tatooine, aiming at Grogu. To avoid a needless fight, Boba told Shand to lower her weapon, and after Djarin hesitantly took off his jetpack and put down his own rifle, they started to talk peacefully. Shand explained that Fett saved her from certain death, showing the machine parts in her body, and she now worked for him. Fett again said the armor belonged to his father, saying that if it was returned to him, he would make sure Grogu was safe.

1.5.7 Chaos on Tython

However, Fett and Djarin’s talks were interrupted when an Imperial ship landed and sent out a group of stormtroopers. Djarin tried again to get Grogu but was knocked out by the seeing stone’s energy field. He tried a third time after recovering before deciding to protect Grogu from the attackers instead. He helped Shand by firing a bunch of small missiles and shielded her from blasts with his armor. When they were cornered, Fett used an explosive to defeat multiple troopers, now wearing his beskar armor, which he had taken from the Razor Crest. Using all of its weapons, including wrist blasters, knee rockets, and a missile from his jetpack, the experienced Fett quickly killed the remaining stormtroopers and destroyed the two Imperial ships that had brought them as the retreating troops left the ground.

Suddenly, a powerful laser from a ship in space hit the Razor Crest, completely destroying it. Four dark troopers then left the attacking ship and took an exhausted Grogu before Djarin and Shand could reach him. Fett chased the troopers in Slave I, but Djarin told Shand to use her communicator to tell him not to attack them so they wouldn’t risk hurting Grogu. He still followed the troopers, recognizing the ship carrying them as Imperial design before returning to Tython’s surface.

Djarin looked through the wreckage of his ship, finding the beskar spear and control knob still intact. Fett showed his armor’s chain code to prove he was a Mandalorian and the son of a Mandalorian Civil War veteran. Keeping his word about Grogu’s safety, he offered to help Djarin get him back. The group traveled to Nevarro, where Djarin met with Cara Dune. He then asked for information on Migs Mayfeld, hoping to break him out to get information on Gideon’s ship. Dune, while hesitant at first, agreed when she learned what had happened to Grogu.

1.5.8 Infiltrating Morak

Djarin went to Nevarro to offer a bounty in exchange for Gideon to Cara Dune, now a marshal of the New Republic. With Dune’s help, Djarin found Mayfeld and traveled to the Karthon Chop Fields in Slave I. After Dune bent some New Republic rules to get custody of Mayfeld, they both returned to the ship. Mayfeld wasn’t happy to see Djarin but reluctantly got on board. Djarin told Mayfeld to help them find Gideon’s cruiser, saying that an ex-Imperial should remember their codes. Mayfeld didn’t want to help at first, saying he’d rather keep working in the fields than go against Moff Gideon. But after Dune told him about Grogu and offered him “a better view,” he said he would need to use an Imperial computer and that he knew of one on Morak. Djarin was sure there was nothing on Morak, let alone an Imperial base, but Mayfeld assured him he knew of a secret rhydonium refinery on the planet.

After landing on Morak, the group made a plan to get the information. Mayfeld explained they might be caught if any of their faces showed up on Imperial databases. Dune, Shand, and Fett all said they would be recognized because they were all wanted, so Djarin volunteered to go with Mayfeld. Djarin, Mayfeld, and Dune ambushed an Imperial transport, taking the armor of the drivers they knocked out as a disguise. Djarin reluctantly changed out of his armor and gave it to Dune to keep safe. Dune left to meet up with Shand to watch and support from a high spot near the refinery as Djarin and Mayfeld headed there with the transport.

On the way, Mayfeld tried to make small talk while taking off his helmet, but got nervous seeing the blown-up remains of other transports. He then talked about how unimportant regular people are during wars while passing through a village, focusing on Mandalorian battles and what seemed like hypocrisy about Djarin’s helmet rules. Djarin sat quietly, thinking about what Mayfeld said.

Partway through their route, pirates attacked and destroyed two rhydonium transports before attacking the one Djarin and Mayfeld were driving. Djarin got on top of the vehicle to fight them off as they jumped from their speeders and tried to put explosives on the rhydonium containers. He took out the first speeder with a pirate’s own bomb and shot one more pirate from the next before his blaster stopped working. He fought hand-to-hand with the rest, telling Mayfeld to speed up until he slowed back down to keep the load stable. Djarin managed to fight off two more groups of pirates before they were saved by a pair of TIE fighters and the refinery’s stormtroopers. Once safely inside, the Imperials welcomed them as heroes.

Making their way to the cafeteria, Mayfeld found the computer terminal inside but refused to go in and use it: General Valin Hess, his former commanding officer, was sitting inside. Mayfeld called off the mission, telling Djarin that it needed a face scan to access, so neither of them could use it. However, Djarin decided to take the data stick and go in anyway, ultimately removing his helmet to save Grogu and let the machine scan him. By doing this, Djarin broke the rules of the Children of the Watch and was no longer considered a Mandalorian by their standards. He quickly got the information on Gideon’s ship, but was stopped by Hess, who asked for his ID number. Djarin hesitated, but Mayfeld saved him by pretending to be hard of hearing after an incident on Taanab before saying they had work to do. However, Hess called them back over for a drink to celebrate their being the only transport to successfully deliver their shipment.

Hess asked what they should toast to, and Mayfeld suggested toasting to Operation: Cinder, a campaign he took part in, mentioning the thousands of deaths in the attack on Burnin Konn. When Hess glorified their sacrifice, Mayfeld reacted skeptically and angrily about the honor of their loss. Djarin sat nervously as he watched Mayfeld grow angrier with his former commander. Hess bragged about the New Republic’s weakness and the Empire’s returning strength, as well as how the refined rhydonium would create horrors worse than Burnin Konn to establish order in the galaxy. As Hess toasted to the Empire, Mayfeld shot him dead.

After a moment of shock from the people in the cafeteria, Djarin and Mayfeld had to shoot the witnesses. Mayfeld returned Djarin’s helmet, claiming he had never seen his face as Djarin put it on and took cover. They left the cafeteria through the window, fighting the now alerted soldiers of the facility. Shand and Dune provided cover by shooting the pursuing forces from afar. Fett then picked them up in Slave I, and Mayfeld used Fett’s rifle to blow up the rhydonium transport, destroying the refinery’s landing platform. As they were chased by TIE fighters, Fett destroyed them with a special bomb before meeting up with Dune and Fennec.

Mayfeld wished Djarin good luck on getting Grogu back and was ready to go back to prison with Dune. Impressed with his shooting and behavior, she instead said that he died in the explosion, to which Djarin agreed, allowing Mayfeld to walk away free. After leaving Morak, Djarin sent a threatening message to Gideon, copying the same speech Gideon had given on Nevarro and telling him that he was coming to get Grogu back.

1.5.9 Saving Grogu

Din Djarin in combat against MoffGideon
Din Djarin fighting Moff Gideon

After finding out where Gideon’s ship was, Djarin and his allies tracked down Doctor Pershing. They found his shuttle, leading to a chase through space, until Boba Fett disabled the shuttle with Slave I’s ion cannons. Once they boarded his shuttle, the co-pilot warned Djarin about Pershing’s importance.

Djarin said they had met before, then asked Pershing if Grogu was still alive. Pershing said yes, but the co-pilot grabbed him, holding a blaster to his head and shooting the pilot when he tried to negotiate with Cara Dune for his freedom.

The co-pilot told Dune and Djarin that Pershing was a top target for the New Republic, a clone engineer, and if he died because of them, Dune would wish she had never left Alderaan. He taunted her, saying that the destruction of her planet by the Death Star was justified as a necessary measure to eliminate terrorism in the galaxy. Having had enough, Dune shot the co-pilot in the face, narrowly missing Pershing and hitting him in the ear.

After securing Pershing, Djarin went to recruit Bo-Katan Kryze, as she was interested in hunting Gideon too, to get back the Darksaber. After a brief fight between Fett and Reeves, Kryze agreed to help them take Gideon’s ship, as she wanted to take the Darksaber from him, which she could then use to retake Mandalore. She asked Djarin to think about joining their efforts.

On Slave I, Kryze told the others about Gideon’s cruiser, saying that when the Empire was at its strongest, such a ship would have had hundreds of troopers, but now only had a small fraction of that. Pershing noted, however, that Gideon had a group of dark troopers on his ship. Djarin asked how many troopers were in the suits, but Pershing explained that they were all-droid models, kept in a cargo bay right next to where Grogu was being held.

Kryze explained her plan to send a distress call from the shuttle and make an emergency landing in the cruiser’s launch tube, blocking any potential attackers. She, Reeves, and Fennec Shand would then attack the bridge, distracting Gideon’s forces from Djarin, who would go to rescue Grogu. As both ships jumped into hyperspace, Kryze demanded that Gideon surrender to her. Both ships came out of hyperspace near Gideon’s cruiser, and Slave I fired on the shuttle to make Kryze’s request for emergency docking look real.

An Imperial officer allowed the request but told them to stay away from the cruiser’s launch tube while two TIE fighters launched. Kryze argued, saying they had to dock immediately. The hangar control officer stopped the launch as the incoming shuttle crashed in the bay. Fett destroyed the two TIEs chasing him and jumped away into hyperspace.

The boarding party killed the crew members in the bay before splitting up for their assigned tasks. As Djarin reached the dark troopers’ cargo bay, the door opened as the droids finished powering up. He rushed forward, using Pershing’s code cylinder to close the door, but one of the droids got through. Despite the droid’s resistance to most of Djarin’s weapons, Djarin destroyed it with his beskar spear and opened the storage bay to space, sucking the remaining droids out.

Djarin reached Grogu’s cell, defeating the two troopers guarding it with the beskar spear and facing Gideon holding the Darksaber over the Child. Gideon ordered him to drop his blaster and explained that whoever held the Darksaber had the right to the Mandalorian throne. Djarin ignored the history lesson and said he only came for the Child. Gideon gave in, saying all he wanted was to study the Child’s blood and its potential to bring order back to the galaxy. However, he turned on the Darksaber and attacked Djarin before he could reach Grogu. After a short fight in the hallway, Djarin disarmed and captured Gideon for the New Republic to question.

Djarin entered the bridge, holding the Darksaber and Grogu, and pushing a handcuffed Gideon to face Kryze. Gideon laughed at Djarin’s ignorance of the fact that the Darksaber could only be taken by defeating the holder in battle, much to Kryze’s disappointment. As Djarin had beaten Gideon, the Darksaber now belonged to him, and he could neither give it to Kryze nor yield to her, as its power was not in the weapon itself, but the story around it.

An alarm sounded on the cruiser, and Shand reported that its shields had been breached by the dark troopers. Gideon questioned Djarin’s ability to fight the whole group, since he had trouble with just one droid.

As the droids marched towards the bridge, Gideon covered a dropped blaster with his cape. Just then, another alarm sounded, and a lone X-wing fighter entered the hangar bay. Bo-Katan asked them to identify themselves, and Grogu sensed something through the Force.

The dark troopers stopped their attack on the door and turned around. Kryze watched on the screen as a hooded figure got out of the X-wing and walked through the ship, destroying dark troopers with a green lightsaber. With everyone distracted, Gideon grabbed the blaster and shot at Bo-Katan, knocking her down. Djarin jumped in front of Grogu, protecting him from the shots, and Dune disarmed Gideon, knocking him unconscious before he could kill himself.

1.5.9 The Arrival of Luke Skywalker

The Arrival of Luke Skywalker

Grogu reached for the screen, watching as the figure destroyed the last of the dark troopers outside the blast doors. Djarin opened the doors, asking if the man was a Jedi, which the man, Luke Skywalker, confirmed. He held out his hand to Grogu, who turned to Djarin. Djarin thought Grogu didn’t want to leave, but the Jedi revealed that he just wanted Djarin’s permission. The Jedi promised to give his life to protect Grogu, warning that talent without training was nothing, and he wouldn’t be safe until he mastered his abilities.

Djarin picked up Grogu and told him to go with the Jedi, promising that they would meet again. Grogu reached for his helmet, which Djarin removed, showing his face to him for the first time. He told Grogu not to be afraid and put him on the ground. The Jedi’s droid, R2-D2, came in, and Grogu walked towards it. The Jedi nodded and picked him up, then turned to leave, as Djarin watched with tears in his eyes.

1.6 New Mandalorian Path

1.6.1 Back to the Covert

After rescuing Grogu, Din Djarin went back to his old job as a bounty hunter. He was looking for his old group of Mandalorians, so he went to a place called Glavis Ringworld. There, he took a job to catch a bad guy named Kaba Baiz. In return, he would get information about where to find other Mandalorians.

Djarin went to Baiz’s shop to catch him. He tried to do it peacefully, but Baiz and his workers fought back. Djarin had to use his new weapon, the Darksaber, to defeat them. He ended up hurting his own leg with the Darksaber during the fight. In the end, he took Baiz’s head and convinced the other workers to let him go by giving them Baiz’s money.

Djarin gave Baiz’s head to the person who hired him. At first, the boss wanted Djarin to eat with him before giving him the information. But when Djarin threatened to take the bounty somewhere else, the boss quickly paid him and told him where to find the other Mandalorians.

Djarin followed some signs and found the place where the Mandalorians were hiding. He was happy to see that the Armorer and Paz Vizsla had survived after helping him escape from Nevarro earlier. Paz helped treat the wound Djarin got from the Darksaber.

The Armorer asked to see the Darksaber and told Djarin about how important it was. She also talked about Bo-Katan Kryze and how Mandalore was destroyed. Djarin told her about the beskar spear he had, and the Armorer said it was dangerous because it could hurt Mandalorians through their armor. Djarin asked her to make the spear into a gift for Grogu. Even though the Armorer said that being attached to others was good for Mandalorians but bad for Jedi, she agreed to make the gift.

“Have you ever removed your helmet?”

The Armorer taught Djarin how to use the Darksaber. She told him not to fight against the weapon itself. Paz Vizsla saw that Djarin wasn’t very good with it and challenged him to a fight for the Darksaber, saying it belonged to his family. Djarin won the fight.

After the fight, the Armorer asked both of them if they had ever taken off their helmets. Vizsla said he hadn’t, but Djarin had to admit that he had. Because of this, the Armorer told Djarin that he wasn’t a Mandalorian anymore unless he went to the Mines of Mandalore and bathed in the Living Waters.

1.6.2 Customizing the Starfighter

Djarin took the next flight to Tatooine. He had to give up his weapons to the security droid, even though he said it was against his religion. On the flight, a young alien reminded him of Grogu.

When he got to Tatooine, he went to see his friend Peli Motto. He saved her from a big rat that was trying to eat her droids. Then he paid her for the new ship she had promised him.

Instead of a new ship like his old one, Peli showed him a partly built starfighter. Djarin was disappointed at first and wanted his money back, but Peli kept trying to convince him. In the end, he agreed to help her fix it up.

They worked together to repair and improve the starfighter. They gave it new parts, a shiny paint job, and a bubble top instead of a place for a droid. When it was ready, Djarin took it for a test flight. He flew through a canyon and up into space, where he waved at the same young alien he had seen on his flight to Tatooine.

But his flight caught the attention of some X-wing pilots. They almost figured out who he was and that he was connected to some trouble on Nevarro. Djarin had to use his ship’s speed to get away from them. The pilots decided not to chase him because it would be too much work.

When Djarin landed back at Peli’s place, he told her he liked the new ship. Peli said someone had been looking for him, but she had locked them out. Then Fennec Shand showed up and offered Djarin a job working for Boba Fett. Djarin agreed to help for free because Fett had helped him before, but he said he needed to visit a “little friend” first.

1.6.3 Visiting the Jedi Academy

Djarin flew to a green, forested planet where Luke Skywalker was training Grogu. He met R2-D2 and followed the droid to a place where a temple was being built. R2-D2 shut down after telling one of the builder droids why Djarin was there. Djarin had to wait for a long time and even fell asleep.

Later, Ahsoka Tano woke Djarin up. She told him she was an old friend of Luke’s family. Djarin said he wanted to see Grogu, and Ahsoka showed him around. She told him that Luke was training Grogu and that the building would become a great school with Grogu as its first student.

Djarin told Ahsoka he was worried about Grogu’s safety. She assured him that being with Luke was the safest place in the galaxy. They walked to a hill where they could see Luke meditating with Grogu. Djarin wanted to go to them, but Ahsoka stopped him and asked if he was really there for Grogu or for himself.

Djarin said he just wanted to give Grogu a gift – some armor he had made for him. Ahsoka suggested that maybe Grogu wasn’t a Mandalorian child anymore, but a Jedi student. She offered to give Grogu the gift for Djarin. Djarin was sad that he couldn’t see Grogu himself, but he agreed and gave Ahsoka the gift. Then he went back to his ship and left.

1.6.4 Return to Tatooine

Djarin returned to Tatooine and went to Boba Fett’s palace. Fennec Shand introduced him to the rest of Fett’s team and said they needed more fighters. Djarin said he might be able to help with that.

Djarin traveled to a town called Freetown and met with Marshal Vanth. He asked Vanth to bring some fighters to help Fett’s group against the Pykes, who were causing trouble. Vanth wasn’t sure at first, but he said he would see what he could do.

1.6.5 Defending Mos Espa

Djarin met up with Fett and his team in the ruins of a place called Sanctuary. He told them that fighters from Freetown were coming to help. Fett agreed to protect Freetown and keep the spice trade away from there.

Djarin and Fennec Shand watched Fett’s back while he talked to some bad guys. Then Djarin and Fett fought against the Pykes while Shand went to deal with more Pykes in another town.

After delivering Fett’s message to the mayor’s assistant, Djarin and Fett flew out of the ruins and kept fighting the Pykes. Djarin used some of his weapons against them, but soon they were surrounded. Just in time, the fighters from Freetown arrived to help them, along with another ally named Krrsantan.

The Pykes started to run away, and everyone thought they had won. But Djarin noticed something was wrong and saw a big, dangerous droid coming towards them.

These droids were very tough and had strong shields. Even Djarin’s Darksaber and Krrsantan’s electric weapons couldn’t hurt them. Fett flew away to get more help while Djarin protected the others. Soon, Djarin had to run away too. He was picked up by Peli Motto in a cart, and she had brought Grogu with her.

Djarin was happy to see Grogu, but their reunion was cut short when the droid chasing them destroyed their cart. Djarin protected Grogu as they fell, and then they heard a loud roar. It was a rancor, a big monster that Fett was riding. The rancor attacked the droid and weakened its shields, letting Djarin finish it off.

Just as another droid was about to hurt Djarin, Grogu used his special powers to save him. Fett’s rancor destroyed the second droid, and Grogu cuddled with Djarin.

While Fett fought an old enemy named Cad Bane, Djarin and the others kept fighting the Pykes. After they won, they had to deal with Fett’s rancor, which had gone wild. Djarin tried to control it but couldn’t. Grogu used his powers again to calm the rancor down and make it sleep. Then Grogu fell asleep too, tired from using his powers.

1.6.6 Meeting the Aromorer

After the battle, Djarin and Grogu left Tatooine in Djarin’s new starfighter. Grogu wanted Djarin to use lightspeed, so he did, even though he didn’t really want to. Later, they visited a place called Black Spire Outpost on a planet named Batuu.

Djarin traveled to a place where some of his old Mandalorian group lived. He helped them fight a big creature, then went into their cave home. He met the Armorer again and asked her how he could become a Mandalorian again, since he had broken their rules by taking off his helmet.

The Armorer told him about the Living Waters in the Mines of Mandalore. If he bathed in them, he could be a Mandalorian again. But she thought the mines had been destroyed when Mandalore was attacked. Djarin showed her a Mandalorian inscription he had found that proved Mandalore might not be completely destroyed.

1.6.7 The Resurrection of IG-11

Djarin went to Nevarro and met with his old friend Greef Karga, who was now in charge of the town. As they walked around, they ran into some pirates who were causing trouble outside a school that used to be a bar. The pirates tried to shoot Karga, but Djarin quickly stopped them.

Djarin asked Karga for help fixing up an old droid called IG-11. He needed a droid for his trip to Mandalore. Karga agreed and got some small aliens called Anzellans to try to fix IG-11. When they turned IG-11 on, the droid tried to hurt Grogu because of its old programming. They had to stop IG-11, and the Anzellans said Djarin would need a new part to fix him properly.

When Djarin left Nevarro, he was attacked by a pirate named Gorian Shard and his crew. Shard was angry that Djarin had hurt his pirates in town. Djarin had to fly through an asteroid field to escape, destroying many of the pirates’ ships. He flew close to Shard’s big ship, ignored Shard’s offer to let him go if he gave up, and then jumped to lightspeed to get away.

1.6.8 Encounter with Bo-Katan Kryze

As Djarin departed Nevarro, he found himself embroiled in a harrowing space battle with the pirate crew of Gorian Shard. The skirmish tested Djarin’s piloting skills to their limits, but he emerged victorious, his determination to complete his mission only strengthened by the encounter.

Djarin’s search for answers led him to Kalevala, where he sought out Bo-Katan Kryze. He found her disillusioned and defeated, having lost the Darksaber and abandoned her plans to reclaim Mandalore.

Djarin told her about his plan to go to the Mines of Mandalore. Kryze thought his plan was silly and told him that Mandalore had been ruined and there was nothing special about the Living Waters. Djarin reminded her that she used to think the curse on Mandalore wasn’t real, and told her to make up her mind. He said he was going to find the mines anyway, and left Kalevala without Kryze’s help.

1.6.9 The Quest to Mandalore

The quest for IG-11’s memory chip brought Djarin to Tatooine, where he acquired R5-D4 from Peli Motto as an alternative companion. With his new droid and Grogu by his side, Djarin made the perilous journey to Mandalore. Their exploration of the planet’s treacherous mines led to confrontations with the native Alamites and a mysterious cyborg creature. In a moment of desperation, Djarin sent Grogu to seek Bo-Katan’s aid, a decision that would alter the course of Mandalorian history.

Bo-Katan’s timely intervention saved Djarin from certain doom. Together, they discovered the fabled Living Waters, where Djarin immersed himself to restore his Mandalorian status. A near-drowning incident led to a startling revelation – Bo-Katan encountered a living Mythosaur, a creature of legend thought long extinct.

1.6.10 Rescue mission

Their triumphant return to Kalevala was short-lived, as Imperial TIE fighters launched a devastating attack on Bo-Katan’s home. Forced to retreat, they sought refuge with the secret Mandalorian enclave. There, Djarin presented evidence of his redemption, and Bo-Katan, having also bathed in the Living Waters, found unexpected acceptance among the clan.

Back with the Mandalorians, Djarin took on the role of mentor, overseeing Grogu’s combat training. When young Ragnar Vizsla was snatched by a giant raptor during a training session, Djarin joined Bo-Katan and Paz Vizsla on a daring rescue mission. The success of this mission not only saved Ragnar but also cemented Bo-Katan’s leadership and earned her the clan’s respect.

1.6.11 Final Battles and New Beginnings

Djarin’s loyalty was soon tested again when Nevarro came under siege by Gorian Shard’s pirate forces. Answering Greef Karga’s plea for help, Djarin convinced the Mandalorian covert to come to Nevarro’s aid. Under Bo-Katan’s leadership, and with Djarin’s skilled assistance, the Mandalorians launched a successful counterattack, defeating the pirates and reclaiming their place in Nevarro society.

The next chapter of Djarin’s journey took him to the idyllic world of Plazir-15, alongside Bo-Katan and Grogu. Their mission to reconnect with Bo-Katan’s former army was sidetracked by a request from the planet’s rulers to neutralize malfunctioning droids. Djarin’s investigative skills came to the fore as they uncovered a deeper conspiracy involving the planet’s Security Commissioner, Helgait, a secret Separatist sympathizer.

Their success in resolving the droid crisis led to a pivotal moment in Mandalorian politics. When Bo-Katan challenged Axe Woves for leadership of the Mandalorian privateers, Djarin played a crucial role. His public acknowledgment of Bo-Katan’s heroic rescue on Mandalore effectively returned the Darksaber to her possession, solidifying her claim to leadership.

As these events unfolded, a shadow loomed over the galaxy. Moff Gideon, having escaped custody, was plotting with the Shadow Council to crush the Mandalorians’ resurgence. Unbeknownst to Djarin, his actions were setting the stage for a climactic confrontation that would determine the fate of Mandalore.

Before embarking on a reconnaissance mission to Mandalore, Djarin received a rebuilt version of IG-11, now designated IG-12 and controllable by Grogu. This new addition to their team would prove invaluable in the battles to come.

On Mandalore, Djarin and his companions discovered the Great Forge, but their elation was short-lived. An ambush by beskar-enhanced stormtroopers led to Djarin’s capture by a beskar-clad Moff Gideon. In captivity, Djarin learned of Gideon’s sinister plan to complete the Great Purge of Mandalore. Despite the dire circumstances, Djarin’s resourcefulness prevailed. With Grogu’s aid, he managed to escape and made a chilling discovery – cloning tanks filled with Force-sensitive replicas of Moff Gideon.

The final battle for Mandalore saw Djarin fighting alongside Bo-Katan and Grogu against Gideon and his Praetorian Guards. In a twist of fate, the legendary Darksaber was destroyed during the battle. As defeat seemed imminent, Axe Woves made the ultimate sacrifice, ramming the Mandalorian capital ship into the Imperial base.

In the fiery aftermath, Djarin witnessed Gideon’s demise, consumed by the explosion. In a moment that would be retold for generations, Grogu created a protective Force barrier around Djarin, Bo-Katan, and himself, shielding them from the blast and cementing his place as a true Mandalorian foundling.

As the dust settled on their greatest adventure, Djarin chose a path of continued service. He established a home on the outskirts of Nevarro’s capital, taking on honest contracts with New Republic officer Carson Teva. This new chapter in Djarin’s life symbolized the balance he had found between his Mandalorian heritage and his role as a father and protector.

2. Din Djarin’s Equipment

Early Armor

Din Djarin began his journey with a set of Mandalorian armor made from durasteel, which included some pieces made from beskar. This initial set included a shoulder pauldron, helmet, and heartplate.

Upgrading to Full Beskar Armor

With payments from his bounty hunting missions, Din began replacing his damaged armor pieces with new ones made entirely of beskar. Eventually, he completed a full beskar body suit, which included:

  • Helmet
  • Plated vest
  • Two pauldrons (one bearing his signet, the mudhorn)
  • Two vambraces
  • Two gauntlets
  • Two greaves
  • Two boots

Special Features of the Armor

Din’s armor had some special features:

  • Helmet: Capable of tracking heat signatures and long-range audio. It could also detect recent footprints.
  • Vambraces: Equipped with a whistling bird launcher that could shoot twelve explosive projectiles. They also had a flamethrower and a whipcord launcher.

Additional Gear

Besides his beskar armor, Din also had other important gear:

  • Jetpack: Made from beskar and could be controlled remotely.
  • Bandoliers, Cape, and Belt: Non-beskar components that completed his outfit.
  • Weapons: Din carried several weapons, including:
    • IB-94 blaster pistol
    • Vibro-knife
    • Amban phase-pulse blaster
    • Flash charges
    • Grav charges
    • Smoke bombs

The Razor Crest’s Arsenal

Din’s ship, the Razor Crest, was equipped with various weapons, such as:

  • Relby-v10 micro grenade launcher
  • EE-3 carbine rifle
  • DL-21 blaster pistol
  • Drum blaster

Additional Vehicles and Weapons

During his travels, Din used other vehicles and collected various weapons:

  • Zephyr-J Speeder Bike: Used on Tatooine.
  • Other Weapons and Armor: Collected various Mandalorian weapons and armor, including a vest, jetpack with single-shot missile launcher, and helmet with an aiming device.

Significant Acquisitions

  • Beskar Spear: Gifted by Ahsoka Tano.
  • Darksaber: Acquired after defeating Moff Gideon in combat.

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