Black Lightsaber (Darksaber): Characteristics, Meaning and Users

the characteristics, the meaning, and the users of the Darksaber

The Darksaber was an ancient black lightsaber created by Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian to join the Jedi Order, around 1050 BBY. It has been passed down through various owners, including Pre Vizsla, Darth Maul and Din Djarin.

Over time, the Darksaber became a powerful symbol of leadership among the Mandalorian people. Its history is filled with battles and changes of ownership, making it a legendary weapon in the Star Wars universe​​.

Characteristics of the Darksaber


The Darksaber blade was shorter and shaped more like a traditional sword than most lightsabers. The design looked distinctly Mandalorian, with an angular handle, hand guard and slit-shaped blade emitter, all made from beskar. It made a higher-pitched screeching sound compared to the usual hum of other lightsabers.

The Darksaber had a crystal that channeled Force energy, and the wielder’s thoughts and emotions controlled its power, often creating an electric effect when emotions were strong.

The Darksaber could block blows from other lightsabers, with the blades being drawn to each other like magnets. It couldn’t cut through pure beskar, but it could heat it until it turned red. It also couldn’t penetrate a Personal Combat Shield, but it could weaken and dissipate it with prolonged contact, as well as a deflector shield used by a Scorpenek annihilator droid.

Why is the Darksaber heavy?

The Darksaber is heavy due to its unique properties and the wielder’s mental state. Here are the key factors contributing to its heaviness:

  • Energy Flow: The Darksaber’s crystal is constantly energized, making it feel heavier than other lightsabers. This energy is influenced by the wielder’s thoughts, actions and emotions, which can either enhance or hinder their ability to wield the blade effectively.
  • Wielder’s Focus: The Darksaber requires a high level of focus and mental discipline to wield effectively. If the wielder’s mind is elsewhere or they are struggling with inner conflicts, the blade will feel heavier.
  • Kyber Crystal Sentience: The Darksaber’s Kyber crystal is sentient and can sense the wielder’s intentions. If the wielder is not worthy or does not align with the Darksaber’s purpose, the crystal can resist their efforts, making the blade feel heavier.
  • Symbolic Weight: The Darksaber is a symbol of leadership and unity among the Mandalorians. The responsibility and expectations associated with wielding the Darksaber can make it feel heavier to those who carry it.

Black Lightsaber (Darksaber) Meaning

The Darksaber represents unity and strength for the Mandalorian people, the power associated with the Dark Side of the Force, and leadership and authority among the Mandalorians.

Here are the key points about the meaning of the Darksaber:

  • Unity and Strength: The Darksaber is a symbol of unity and strength for the Mandalorians. It signifies strength as it is a powerful weapon won in battle, showing the leader’s power and ability to protect the Mandalorians.
  • Dark Side Connection: The Darksaber is closely tied to the Dark Side of the Force, which is often associated with power, fear and authoritarianism.
  • Leadership and Authority: The Darksaber is a symbol of leadership and authority among the Mandalorians. It is passed down from one leader to another, and its possession is often contested in battles for power and control
  • Historical Significance: The Darksaber was created by Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian to become a Jedi, and has been passed down through generations of Mandalorian leaders. It is a symbol of the Mandalorian culture and their history of martial prowess.

The Owners of the Darksaber in Star Wars

The owners of the Darksaber in Star Wars are:

  1. Tarre Vizsla
  2. House Vizsla
  3. Pre Vizsla
  4. Darth Maul
  5. Sabine Wren
  6. Bo-Katan Kryze
  7. Moff Gideon
  8. Din Djarin

1. Tarre Vizsla

Tarre Vizsla was a Force-user human male Mandalorian. Around 1050 BBY, he joined the Jedi Order, becoming the first Mandalorian Jedi. Tarre became a well-known Jedi Knight and created a the Darksaber, made with high-quality beskar.

The Darksaber became a symbol of leadership for House Vizsla, the Mandalorian group that Tarre Vizsla started on the planet Mandalore. With the Darksaber, Tarre led his people and became the leader of Mandalore, known as Mand’alor. House Vizsla later formed a smaller group called Clan Vizsla.

After Vizsla died, the Darksaber was kept in the Jedi Temple until members of House Vizsla took it during the fall of the Old Republic and used it to unite Mandalore. After his death, a big statue was built on Mandalore to honor him.

2. House Vizsla 

mandalorians clans: clan Vizsla and Death Watch Symbol
House Vizsla Symbol

House Vizsla was one of the houses in Mandalorian society, led by Clan Vizsla. The house also included other Mandalorian clans like Clan Saxon and Clan Wren.

House Vizsla played a key role in several major conflicts in Mandalorian history, including uniting Mandalore after Tarre Vizsla’s death, a civil war during the Clone Wars, and another civil war in the Imperial Era. The house’s emblem was a shriek-hawk, a bird from Mandalore.

After Vizsla died, the Darksaber was kept in the Jedi Temple. During the fall of the Old Republic, members of House Vizsla stole the Darksaber from the temple.

Using the Darksaber as a symbol of power, House Vizsla was able to conquer and unite all of Mandalore for a while.

3. Pre Vizsla

Pre Vizsla was a Mandalorian warrior who led the terrorist group Death Watch during the final years of the Galactic Republic.

He was a descendant of Tarre Vizsla and aimed to restore Mandalore’s warrior heritage by overthrowing the pacifist Duchess Satine Kryze. While publicly serving as the governor of Concordia, he secretly organized the Death Watch to oppose her.

Vizsla allied with the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars to gain support for his cause. However, Duchess Satine’s political moves kept Mandalore neutral, leading to the Confederacy withdrawing their support. Forced to flee, Vizsla and his weakened forces settled on Carlac.

His fortunes changed when he allied with Darth Maul and Savage Opress. Under Maul’s direction, they launched a successful attack on Mandalore. Vizsla deposed Satine and briefly ruled as Mandalore’s prime minister. However, his rule ended when Maul challenged and killed him in a duel. Vizsla’s actions ended Mandalore’s era of pacifism but led to further conflict and devastation on the planet.

Pre Vizsla owned the Darksaber during the Clone Wars. He obtained it after the Darksaber was passed down through generations of Clan Vizsla, which had managed to steal it back from the Jedi Order after Tarre Vizsla’s death

4. Darth Maul

Maul was a Force-user Dathomirian Zabrak male who became a crime lord during the Galactic Empire’s rule. He was known as Darth Maul when he was the apprentice of Darth Sidious.

Trained in the ways of the Force, Maul was a powerful warrior skilled in lightsaber combat. Even after losing his place as Sidious’ apprentice, he remained a cunning mastermind, always plotting to gain more power.

Maul was first revealed to the Jedi during the events leading up to the Invasion of Naboo, where he fought and killed Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn but was defeated and severely injured by Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Despite being presumed dead, Maul survived and returned during the Clone Wars, seeking revenge and power across the galaxy.

Darth Maul acquired the Darksaber during the Clone Wars. He took the Darksaber after defeating Pre Vizsla in combat. With the Darksaber, Maul claimed leadership over the Death Watch and used it to strengthen his control over Mandalore. He wielded the Darksaber in several battles, using it as a symbol of his rule over the planet.

Maul lost the Darksaber during his conflicts with the forces opposing his control, and it eventually came into the possession of Sabine Wren, a member of the Rebel Alliance ​​.

5. Sabine Wren

Sabine Wren was a Force-user human female Mandalorian warrior and artist who played a big role during the Galactic Civil War in the fight against the Galactic Empire.

Known for her colorful armor and graffiti art, Sabine was also a skilled fighter and eventually became a Jedi apprentice.

Sabine was part of the Ghost crew, a group of rebels that included notable figures like Ezra Bridger and Hera Syndulla. Her actions and art inspired many in the rebellion against the Empire.

Sabine Wren acquired the Darksaber in 2 BBY when she found it on Dathomir during her search for the former Sith Lord Maul. Initially reluctant to use the weapon, she was convinced by Kanan Jarrus and Fenn Rau to wield it to unite the Mandalorian people.

Sabine used the Darksaber to defeat Gar Saxon, the Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore, which helped her rally her family and other Mandalorian clans against the Empire. Eventually, she gave the Darksaber to Bo-Katan Kryze, believing she was the rightful leader to wield it and unite Mandalore​​.

6. Bo-Katan Kryze

Bo-Katan Kryze was a human female Mandalorian princess from House Kryze who became a leader of Mandalore during the New Republic Era. She was involved with the Death Watch and led the Nite Owls.

Bo-Katan and Pre Vizsla, the Death Watch leader, allied with Darth Maul and Savage Opress to overthrow Satine and take control of Mandalore. However, Maul killed Vizsla and took over leading to a civil war.

Bo-Katan freed Satine and contacted Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi for help, but Satine was killed by Maul. Eventually, the Galactic Republic invaded Mandalore and expelled Maul, making Bo-Katan the Regent of Mandalore.

Bo-Katan lost her position when she refused to follow Emperor Palpatine, and Clan Saxon took over. Mandalore suffered under Imperial rule leading to another civil war. Bo-Katan later gained the support of several clans by taking the Darksaber from Sabine Wren, a symbol of Mandalorian leadership, though not everyone accepted her because she didn’t win it in combat.

Despite her efforts, the Empire devastated Mandalore. Bo-Katan gave the Darksaber to Moff Gideon, hoping this would make the Empire stop destroying Mandalore. She then planned to reclaim the Darksaber and Mandalore. She joined forces with Din Djarin and others to rescue Grogu from Gideon. However, Din Djarin won the Darksaber from Gideon in combat, making him its rightful owner.

Eventually, Bo-Katan reclaimed the Darksaber by saving Djarin and united scattered Mandalorians to reclaim their homeworld. They defeated the Imperial remnants on Mandalore and began rebuilding, with Bo-Katan relighting the Great Forge.

7. Moff Gideon

Gideon was a human male warlord who led a remnant of the Galactic Empire during the early New Republic era. He played a key role in the Great Purge of Mandalore and held the title of Moff as an officer in the Imperial Security Bureau.

After the Galactic Civil War, he operated secretly in the Outer Rim, holding a base on Mandalore. Gideon valued power and knowledge, and sought to impose his own order on the galaxy, even willing to kill to achieve his goals.

During the Great Purge, Gideon killed millions and acquired the Darksaber by tricking Lady Bo-Katan Kryze into surrendering it. He was thought to have been executed for war crimes but survived and led his own forces.

Gideon sought Grogu, a Force-sensitive youngling, for his experiments. Although Din Djarin initially rescued Grogu from Gideon’s forces, Gideon managed to capture him again. In a subsequent rescue effort, Djarin defeated Gideon and obtained the Darksaber.

Gideon was sent to the New Republic for trial but was freed by Imperial commandos. He aimed to conquer the galaxy and defy the Shadow Council and Grand Admiral Thrawn but was killed by the Mandalorian resistance when they returned to reclaim their homeworld.

8. Din Djarin

Din Djarin, known as “The Mandalorian”, was a human male warrior during the New Republic era. He wore Mandalorian armor, carried an IB-94 blaster pistol and an Amban sniper rifle and had a beskar helmet.

Raised by the Children of the Watch, he believed all Mandalorians followed their strict code. Djarin became a skilled and silent hunter.

Following the collapse of the Galactic Empire, Djarin made a name for himself in the Bounty Hunters’ Guild, traveling across the Outer Rim in his ship, the Razor Crest.

In 9 ABY, he was hired to find a valuable asset on Arvala-7, which turned out to be a Force-sensitive child named Grogu. Instead of handing over Grogu to the Imperials, Djarin saved him and they formed a close bond.

Djarin and Grogu went on many adventures, meeting allies like Cara Dune, and facing enemies like Moff Gideon. Gideon captured Grogu, but Djarin, with the help of Boba Fett and others, rescued him. Djarin defeated Gideon in combat, becoming the owner of the Darksaber.

Grogu eventually went to train with Jedi Luke Skywalker, but later chose to return to Djarin. Djarin resumed bounty hunting, visited old friends and helped Boba Fett in a battle against the Pyke Syndicate. After the fight, Djarin and Grogu continued their adventures, preparing for a visit to Mandalore.

The Brief Users of the Darksaber in Star Wars

The brief users of the Darksaber in Star Wars were Ezra Bridger and Kanan Jarrus. While neither Ezra nor Kanan truly owned the Darksaber, both wielded it during pivotal moments in its history.

1. Ezra Bridger

Ezra Bridger

Ezra Bridger is a young Jedi from the planet Lothal who becomes a key figure in the Rebel Alliance. Trained by Kanan Jarrus, Ezra learns to use the Force and wields a lightsaber to fight against the evil Galactic Empire.

Throughout his journey, he grows from a street-smart orphan into a courageous leader who is dedicated to helping others and fighting for freedom.

Ezra Bridger encountered the Darksaber during a mission to Dathomir. He first used the Darksaber alongside his lightsaber to destroy an altar of the Nightsister spirits, demonstrating his skill in using two blades simultaneously​​.

Ezra continued to play a significant role in the story of the Darksaber by supporting Sabine Wren, who found the weapon. He helped her train with it and encouraged her to master it​.

2. Kanan Jarrus

Kanan Jarrus was a Force-user human male Jedi Knight who survived the Jedi Purge and later became a member of the Rebel Alliance.

Born “Caleb Dume”, he trained under Jedi Master Depa Billaba until Order 66 forced him into hiding. He adopted the alias Kanan Jarrus and lived as a fugitive, eventually joining forces with Hera Syndulla and forming the Ghost crew. Kanan was key in training Ezra Bridger and fighting against the Empire.

Kanan had also a significant role in the training of Sabine Wren, particularly with the Darksaber. After Sabine found the Darksaber, Kanan took it upon himself to teach her how to wield it.

Despite her initial reluctance, Sabine agreed to train with the Darksaber under Kanan’s guidance. This training was pivotal in her journey and in rallying the Mandalorians to the rebel cause.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Darksaber canon?

Yes, the Darksaber is canon in the Star Wars universe. It was first shown in “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” and has since appeared in many other media, such as “Star Wars Rebels” and “The Mandalorian”.

How many darksabers exist in the Star Wars universe?

There is only one darksaber in the Star Wars universe. Its rarity is due to the tradition that it can only be won by defeating its current owner in combat.

what kyber crystal is in the Darksaber?

The Darksaber contains a unique Kyber crystal that is different from those used in regular lightsabers. This crystal is responsible for the distinctive black color and properties of the Darksaber’s blade.

Is the Darksaber more powerful than a regular lightsaber?

Dave Filoni, a creative at Lucasfilm, says the Darksaber isn’t necessarily stronger than a regular lightsaber. The main difference is its design, with a flat energy blade that gives it a unique Mandalorian twist.

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