1. Who is Aayla Secura?

Aayla Secura was a Force-sensitive Rutian Twi’lek female who served as a Jedi Master during the final years of the Galactic Republic, distinguishing herself as a Jedi General during the Clone Wars.
Before the war, Secura was trained in the ways of the Force by Jedi Master Quinlan Vos, eventually earning the title of Jedi Knight.
When the civil war broke out in 22 BBY, Secura, along with other Jedi, became an officer in the newly-formed Grand Army of the Republic. She was given the rank of general and took command of the 327th Star Corps, with Commander Bly as her second-in-command.
Throughout the Clone Wars, Secura led her troops in numerous battles across the galaxy, including Geonosis, Quell, Coruscant, and Felucia. As the conflict neared its conclusion, the clones were ordered by Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine—secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious—to execute Order 66, leading to the sudden and brutal purge of the Jedi Order by their own soldiers. Secura was one of the first victims of this purge, shot in the back multiple times by Bly and other clone troopers.
Her death, along with those of many other Jedi, was felt through the Force by Grand Master Yoda, who survived the purge and went into exile as the Galactic Empire replaced the Republic. Secura’s demise was also witnessed in a Force vision by Depa Billaba and her Padawan, Caleb Dume, on Kaller. Decades later, Secura’s voice, along with other fallen Jedi, offered guidance and strength to Rey during her decisive battle against her grandfather, Darth Sidious, on Exegol.
2. How Did Aayla Secura Rise to the Rank of Jedi Knight?
Aayla Secura was a Rutian Twi’lek born on the planet Ryloth during the Republic Era. She had an uncle and came from the less reputable parts of her homeworld until she was rescued by Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos.
Recognizing her Force sensitivity, Vos brought the youngling to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where he personally oversaw her training, eventually taking her as his Padawan. Secura developed a close bond with Vos during their time together, and under his guidance, she rose to the rank of Jedi Knight. She also had associations with Kit Fisto and Tholme, the latter of whom had trained Vos.
At one point, Secura’s uncle was murdered, and in her grief and anger, she nearly succumbed to the dark side in her pursuit of the killer. However, with the guidance of Jedi Master Yoda and her own inner strength, she returned to the light. Secura also had a harrowing encounter with an Anzati dressed in robes resembling those of a Jedi or Sith. The Anzati seized her by the head and neck, but she managed to survive the ordeal.
3. What Was Aayla Secura’s Role in the Clone Wars?
Aayla Secura was a Jedi General who commanded the 327th Star Corps during the Clone Wars. She played important roles in major battles, including Geonosis, Quell, and Felucia, and led many successful missions against the Separatists. Despite facing intense challenges, such as infiltration missions and high-stakes rescues, she demonstrated bravery and tactical skill. Her leadership and combat expertise were evident throughout the war until her death during Order 66 on Felucia, where she was betrayed by her clone troopers.
3.1 How Did Aayla Secura Contribute to the Battle of Geonosis?
Secura was present on Coruscant during the final days of the Separatist Crisis. As Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi made his way to a class of Jedi younglings to consult with their instructor, Grand Master Yoda, regarding his investigation into the plot to assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala, he passed by Secura.
After Kenobi discovered the Separatist Droid Army on Geonosis, Jedi Master Mace Windu assembled a strike team of all available Jedi, including Secura. The team infiltrated the Petranaki Arena during the attempted execution of Kenobi, his apprentice Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Amidala.

Secura ignited her blue lightsaber and, alongside her fellow Jedi, engaged waves of battle droids in the Geonosian arena. Although the Jedi destroyed many droids, with Secura herself taking down a B2-series super battle droid, they were ultimately overwhelmed by the sheer number of enemies and blaster fire. The surviving Jedi were forced into the center of the arena, forming a defensive circle.
Count Dooku, a former Jedi and leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, ordered his forces to kill the remaining Jedi. However, the timely arrival of Yoda and the newly-formed Grand Army of the Republic allowed Secura and her allies to escape aboard several Low Altitude Assault Transports before their execution could be completed.
The First Battle of Geonosis began with the forces of the Confederacy and the Galactic Republic clashing on the battlefield. Secura, leading her own unit, fought on the front lines alongside Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Kit Fisto, and others, directing clone troopers in a decisive assault that ultimately forced the Confederacy’s military into retreat. Despite securing the first victory for the Republic, Yoda sensed the growing darkness, marking the beginning of the Clone Wars.
As a result of her efforts on Geonosis, Secura was given command of her own clone corps, the 327th Star Corps, along with her own fleet group, with Clone Commander Bly assigned as her second-in-command. She played a key role in several sneak attacks that led the Confederacy to brand her as a violent war criminal, issuing a citizen’s alert against her. At some point, Secura trained with a Mirialan who would later become the Seventh Sister.
3.2 What Risks Did Aayla Secura Take to Uncover Separatist Plans?
During the Clone Wars, after Quinlan Vos uncovered intelligence about a new Separatist droid, Secura, Bly, and the 327th Star Corps were deployed to the muddy planet of Escander, where the Separatists had established a base. Upon their arrival, they were attacked by droids, resulting in Bly being wounded.
Due to his injuries, another clone trooper took command of the unit. Secura instructed the clone to hold their position while she went alone to infiltrate the Separatist base. After an extended period of radio silence, the clone attempted to contact Secura but inadvertently alerted the droids to her presence. Disregarding her order, the clone entered the base to assist her. During his search, he found evidence of Secura’s capture in a research lab.
Eventually, the clone discovered Secura being interrogated by Asajj Ventress, who revealed that the intelligence had been leaked as a trap to capture Jedi. In the end, the clone distracted Ventress by activating the remaining droids, allowing him to free Secura, and the two successfully escaped the base.
3.3 What Challenges Did Aayla Secura Face in the Battle of Quell?
At another point during the Clone Wars, Secura and her fleet came under attack at Quell. Her flagship, the Liberty, was severely damaged and began descending through the atmosphere. The situation worsened when rocket droids boarded the ship. Secura and Bly managed to fend them off until Anakin Skywalker, his apprentice Ahsoka Tano, and Captain Rex arrived to rescue them. Together, they fought their way to Skywalker’s frigate.
However, during the escape, Skywalker was seriously injured after using the Force to shield them from an explosion. Secura assisted Tano in getting Skywalker aboard the frigate. As they attempted to dock with the Resolute, the frigate’s hyperdrive was accidentally activated by laser fire, and Secura ordered Admiral Yularen to detach the ships. She then instructed Tano to help Bly pilot the frigate to prevent it from colliding with a nearby star.

Despite the risk to Skywalker’s life, Secura ordered the power to be shut off to stabilize the situation. In the ensuing chaos, she was momentarily pushed away from the switch but used the Force to restore power. The ship ultimately crash-landed on the planet Maridun.
3.4 How Did Aayla Secura Protect a Village from Separatist Attack?
After the crash, Secura decided to seek help and ordered Tano to accompany her, along with Bly, Cameron, Lucky, and Flash. As they traveled, Secura sensed Tano’s growing doubt and confusion. Concerned about her master, Tano began questioning the Jedi philosophy on attachments. Secura reassured her that such feelings were natural, sharing that she had experienced the same struggles with her own master but learned to let go in time.
While en route, the group was attacked by Mastiff phalones, resulting in the deaths of three troopers. Secura, Tano, and Bly eventually discovered a village inhabited by Lurmen. Secura requested assistance from the village elder, Tee Watt Kaa, but he declined. However, upon learning of the plight of their friends, he allowed his son to accompany Tano and Bly to provide medical aid, on the condition that Secura remain in the village.
During her stay, Secura and Tee Watt Kaa discussed the Jedi’s involvement in the war, with Secura expressing her belief that their goal was not to incite conflict but to restore peace to the galaxy.
When Separatist General Lok Durd arrived to search the village for contraband, Secura, Skywalker, Tano, Rex, and Bly were forced to leave. After destroying a scout droid, Secura located Durd’s base and witnessed the test of his secret weapon, the Defoliator tank. She managed to rescue Bly from the tank’s effects.
Despite Tee Watt Kaa’s objections, Secura and Skywalker decided to steal Durd’s shuttle and prevent him from using the weapon on the Lurmen village. Secura and Tano infiltrated the base, destroyed the droids, and secured the shield generators. They returned to the village and set up a barrier and shield around its perimeter, again despite Tee Watt Kaa’s protests.
Together with the Lurmen, who eventually decided to defend their home, and the remaining Republic forces, Secura and the others fought off Durd’s squad until Skywalker disabled both Durd and his weapon. Secura then took Durd and the Defoliator’s gunner into custody aboard the stolen shuttle, just as the Republic fleet arrived.
3.5 What Other Battles and Challenges Did Aayla Secura Face During the War?
Secura later took a position on Coruscant, working alongside esteemed Jedi like Master Yoda and Master Windu. She was assigned to the communications center in the Jedi Temple when Cad Bane broke in to steal a Holocron. Additionally, she aided Yoda in diverting the Zillo Beast’s attention while Skywalker devised a plan to protect himself, the Chancellor, Senator Amidala, C-3PO, and R2-D2.
Seeing that their efforts were futile, Yoda and Secura jumped off the beast and regrouped with the others, using the Force to contain the cloud of gas released by the bombs targeting the creature.
Secura later joined Luminara Unduli on Alzoc III for a confrontation with the Sith assassin Asajj Ventress. She and her astromech droid, QT-KT, were sent on a mission to a Secret Research Facility on an unmapped moon to uncover a “big secret.” However, Secura was intercepted by Ventress, leading to a lightsaber duel between the two.
Between 20 BBY and 19 BBY, Secura returned to Quell with the 327th Star Corps, leading them in a battle on the planet’s surface. Her astromech droid, QT-KT, was selected to join D-Squad for a special mission, and Secura dropped off QT for the mission briefing. Secura was present at the funeral service for the victims of the bombing at the Jedi Temple hangar.
Later, she accompanied Masters Windu, Kenobi, Tiplee, and Commander Wolffe to investigate a recent battle on Ord Mantell. She and Master Windu then joined Masters Kenobi and Tiplee in the fight against Maul and Count Dooku. After Tiplee was killed, Secura left Maul’s ship with the prisoners. Secura reached the rank of Jedi Master by the time the Clone Wars came to an end.
3.6 Aayla Secura’s Death
In the war’s final days, Secura and Clone Commander Bly engaged Separatist forces on the Outer Rim world of Felucia. While stationed there, Secura attended a holographic meeting in the Temple’s war room with Windu, Yoda, Skywalker, and Mundi.
The group discussed Master Kenobi’s engagement with General Grievous on Utapau and voiced concerns about Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine’s abuse of emergency powers. Mundi suggested removing Palpatine from office if he refused to relinquish his powers after Grievous’s defeat, while Secura remained silent.
Ahsoka Tano, who had left the Order after being falsely accused of the Temple hangar bombing, joined the meeting and reported her successful capture of Maul on Mandalore. Secura acknowledged Tano with a brief glance but remained silent throughout the meeting before signing off to continue her campaign on Felucia.
As Secura and her troops prepared to engage Separatist spider tanks, Sheev Palpatine—secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious—issued Order 66, commanding the extermination of all Jedi across the galaxy.

Bly, having received the order, instructed his fellow clones to open fire on Secura. Distracted by a bird taking flight, Secura was unable to react in time and was shot twice in the back by the clones she had trusted and fought alongside.
As she collapsed beneath a large fungal tree, the clones continued to fire on her, ensuring her death. On Kashyyyk, Yoda sensed Secura’s death along with that of many other Jedi, which allowed him to defend himself and escape. Meanwhile, Master Depa Billaba, deep in meditation at the time, saw Secura’s death in a Force vision. She shared this vision with her Padawan, Caleb Dume, on Kaller before sacrificing herself to secure his survival.
During the Battle of Exegol, Secura’s voice was heard by Rey, along with those of many other Jedi from the past, aiding her in defeating the resurrected Darth Sidious. Secura advised Rey to let the Force guide her.
4. How Did Aayla Secura’s Personality Shape Her Jedi Path?
Known for her intelligence and occasional mischievousness, Secura was also compassionate and empathetic, despite what Confederate propaganda portrayed. Her compassion was evident in her conversation with Ahsoka Tano about the bond Tano shared with her master. Secura compared it to her own relationship with her master, Quinlan Vos, whom she saw as a father figure. Understanding the need to let go for the greater good, Secura advised Tano that she would eventually have to part with Skywalker for the same reason.
Secura also emphasized the importance of prioritizing the safety of many over the few, cautioning Tano against risking a thousand lives to save a single individual.
Although Secura mourned for her homeworld of Ryloth when it fell under Separatist occupation, her early upbringing in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant meant she lacked a deep connection to it. As a dedicated member of the Jedi Order, Secura felt her duty was to serve not just Ryloth but all the worlds within the Galactic Republic.
5. What Made Aayla Secura a Masterful Duelist in the Jedi Order?
Renowned as one of the Jedi Order’s most skilled combatants of her era, Secura was a master of Form IV, combining her expertise in martial arts with exceptional lightsaber dueling abilities. Her fighting style integrated her impressive athleticism and lightsaber proficiency to outmaneuver opponents.
Secura was also known for employing the nexu-stance evasive roll. With assistance from Mace Windu, she successfully held her ground against the rogue Sith Lord Maul.
6. Aayla Secura’s Lightsaber
Before and throughout the Clone Wars, Jedi Knight Aayla Secura wielded a blue lightsaber. She carried this weapon into the Battle of Geonosis, where she emerged as one of the thirty Jedi survivors.
Secura also relied on this lightsaber during her encounters with the Dark Jedi and bounty hunter Aurra Sing on Devaron, her skirmish with Confederate General Grievous on Hypori, and on other battlegrounds across the galaxy. She brought the same blade to fights on Quell, Maridun, and Alzoc III and continued wielding it during the Outer Rim Sieges until her death on Felucia, where she was betrayed and fatally ambushed by her troops before she could react. Occasionally, she also wielded a green lightsaber alongside her primary blade, using her skills in Jar’Kai dual-blade combat.
7. Aayla Secura’s Actress: Amy Allen

Aayla Secura was brought to life onscreen by actress and visual effects artist Amy Allen. Originally a crew member in the Star Wars visual effects department, Allen’s journey to becoming Aayla Secura was unexpected. While working on Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, director George Lucas recognized Allen as a natural fit for the role and selected her to portray the Twi’lek Jedi. With her distinctive look, blue body paint, and traditional Twi’lek head-tails (lekku), Allen embodied Aayla Secura with a compelling and memorable screen presence.
Allen reprised her role as Aayla in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, where she portrayed the character through Aayla’s final scenes, including her tragic death during Order 66. Although her screen time was brief, Allen’s portrayal made a lasting impression on fans, bringing physicality and grace to Aayla Secura’s combat scenes and Jedi presence. Her contribution helped establish Aayla as one of the most recognizable Jedi from the prequel era.
Beyond her appearances in the films, Amy Allen’s portrayal of Aayla Secura resonated strongly with the Star Wars community. Her character became a fan favorite, leading to expanded stories in comics, animated series, and books. Allen has also connected with fans directly through her appearances at conventions, where she frequently discusses her experiences portraying Aayla Secura and her appreciation for the character’s enduring impact.
Through Amy Allen’s portrayal, Aayla Secura transformed from a background character into a symbol of courage and grace within the Jedi Order. Her performance cemented Aayla’s place in Star Wars lore and contributed to the character’s legacy as a beloved Jedi figure.
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Tony Allen is a writer for LightsabersBlog.com, a website focused on everything related to lightsabers. Tony grew up in Austin, Texas, and went on to study Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas. Passionate about science fiction and fantasy, Tony has always been deeply involved in hobbies like tabletop RPGs, sci-fi novels, miniature painting, and crafting. This love for creative pursuits drives Tony to write about lightsabers in a way that ignites the imagination of fans around the world.