Razor Crest: The Mandalorian Ship

Razor Crest: The Mandalorian Ship used by Din Djarin

1. Overview

The Razor Crest was an ST-70 class M-111 Assault Ship belonging to Din Djarin, a Mandalorian bounty hunter. Before the Galactic Empire was formed in 19 BBY, this ship was used by the military to patrol areas.

Eventually, Din Djarin got his hands on it and used it as his home and workplace while hunting bounties in the Outer Rim Territories when the New Republic was just starting. He used this ship to look for a force-sensitive child named Grogu and later to find out more about Grogu’s kind in the year 9 ABY.

Sadly, the Razor Crest was blown up by a single shot from Gideon’s big ship during a fight on the planet Tython.

2. Components and Features

The Razor Crest had two laser guns, two engines, and a hyperdrive that let it travel very fast through space.

One person could fly it, and it had room for two more people.

Inside, there was a lot of useful stuff: a bathroom, a place to keep weapons, and a machine that could freeze people in carbonite.

The images show additional parts of the ship, providing a detailed view of its structure and functionality.

Din Djarin said the ship had special security features that could be turned on from inside, making it very safe.

The ship was tough and had survived the time when the Empire was in charge without being taken away.

3. History

3.1 Bounty Hunting Missions

Around the year 9 ABY, Din Djarin was using the Razor Crest as his home and to carry the people he caught. He went to the cold planet Pagodon and caught a Mythrol. When they got back to the ship, the Mythrol said it looked like junk and offered to pay for a better ride. Din ignored him. As they were about to leave, a ravinak attacked the ship, but Din scared it away with his special gun.

Din froze the Mythrol in carbonite and went back to Nevarro to deliver his bounties to Greef Karga, who was in charge of the Bounty Hunters’ Guild. He then accepted a new assignment from the Client and traveled to the desert planet Arvala-7.

On Arvala-7, Din found the person he was looking for. But when he got back to his ship, he found that some Jawas had taken it apart for parts. The ship couldn’t fly anymore. With help from an Ugnaught named Kuiil, Din made a deal with the Jawas. He had to get them a mudhorn egg. After he did that, they gave back the parts, and Din fixed his ship with Kuiil’s help. Then he left the planet.

3.2 Escaping the Bounty Hunters’ Guild

Din went back to Nevarro with Grogu and gave him to the Client. But then he felt bad about it and went back to save Grogu. He tried to get to his ship, but other bounty hunters stopped him. He managed to escape with help from other Mandalorians. Greef Karga had snuck onto the ship and tried to stop Din, but Din shot him and knocked him out of the ship. Then Din left Nevarro with Grogu.

Din decided to go to the forest planet Sorgan. He landed far from the town. He thought it wasn’t safe for Grogu, so he went back to the ship. But then two farmers asked him to protect their village from raiders. The farmers helped Din unload stuff from his ship. After the fight, Din had to leave because he found out the Bounty Hunters’ Guild was still looking for him.

The Razor Crest under attack by Riot Mar

While flying through space, another bounty hunter named Riot Mar attacked the Razor Crest. The ship got damaged and started leaking fuel.

Din outsmarted Mar and shot down his ship. But Din had to make an emergency landing in Hangar 3-5 on Tatooine. A mechanic named Peli Motto and her helper droids fixed the ship while Din went to look for work.

Din met a new bounty hunter named Toro Calican and they worked together to catch the mercenary Fennec Shand. While Motto was fixing the ship, Grogu wandered out and Motto started taking care of him. Calican ended up betraying Din and tried to use Motto and Grogu as hostages. Din killed Calican and left Tatooine, paying for the repairs with the money he got for catching Shand.

3.3 Infiltrating the Prison Ship

The Razor Crest parked at Ranzar Malk’s space station

Din took the Razor Crest to a space station where he met Ranzar Malk, also known as “Ran.”

Ran convinced Din to join a team of mercenaries to rescue someone from a New Republic prison ship.

Ran said he only wanted Din for the job because of his ship. The team included Migs Mayfeld, Burg, a droid called Zero, and Xi’an. Mayfeld didn’t like the Razor Crest, saying it looked like it could barely fly.

Din reluctantly let Zero pilot his ship during the mission. Zero found out the ship had some problems, like leaky power lines and a hyperdrive that wasn’t working at full power. But Ran said the ship was good because it couldn’t be tracked by the Empire or the New Republic.

The team left on the Razor Crest. During the trip, Din and Burg got into a fight and accidentally opened a compartment where Grogu was hiding. The others wondered about Grogu, and Mayfeld joked about taking him. When they got to the prison ship, Zero stayed on the Razor Crest while the others went inside.

During the mission, an alarm was set off, and Zero warned the team they had 20 minutes before more New Republic ships arrived. After finding the person they came to rescue (Xi’an’s brother Qin), the team betrayed Din and locked him in a cell. Zero found out about Din’s problems with the Bounty Hunters’ Guild and how important Grogu was. Din escaped and came back to the ship, where he shot Zero and flew back to Ran’s space station with Qin.

Din tricked Ran by putting a tracking device on Qin. As Din quickly left in his ship, New Republic X-wing fighters showed up and attacked the space station before Ran could do anything.

3.4 Return to Nevarro

While on the Razor Crest, Din got a message from Greef Karga. Karga said they should work together to get rid of the Client. He suggested that if Din brought Grogu back to Nevarro as bait, they could take out the Client, and then Karga would clear Din’s name and let him keep Grogu.

Before going back to Nevarro, Din went to Sorgan and asked Cara Dune, a former soldier, to help. On the ship, Din and Dune talked about the mission and got ready for the fight. In the cockpit, Grogu played with the ship’s controls and made it turn sharply.

Dune said they needed someone to watch Grogu, so they went to Arvala-7 to get Kuiil and his reprogrammed droid IG-11. Kuiil also brought three blurrgs (riding animals). During the trip to Nevarro, Din and Dune had an arm-wrestling match. Grogu thought Din was in danger and used the Force to choke Dune, but Din stopped him. Kuiil helped Din make a new floating crib for Grogu to keep him safe and hidden.

When they got to Nevarro, Karga and three other bounty hunters met them. They decided that Din, Kuiil, and Dune would ride the blurrgs, while IG-11 stayed on the ship to guard Grogu. Later, when their plan to beat the Client’s forces failed, Kuiil tried to run back to the Razor Crest with Grogu but was killed by two scout troopers on speeder bikes. The scout troopers took Grogu, but IG-11 left the ship to rescue him. After they all escaped from Moff Gideon’s forces, Din and his friends went back to the Razor Crest with Grogu. Din buried Kuiil and gave Grogu his special necklace. Dune and Karga stayed on Nevarro while Din left with Grogu.

3.5 Perilous Landings

Din went back to Tatooine looking for another Mandalorian who was said to be living in the town of Mos Pelgo. But he only found someone pretending to be a Mandalorian named Cobb Vanth, who had been using Mandalorian armor to protect the town. After Din got the armor, Peli Motto gave him a new lead, but there was a catch: Din had to take a passenger and her eggs to the moon Trask. They had to travel slowly to keep the eggs safe.

Razor Crest running away from Carson Teva and Trapper Wolf’s X-wings

The trip was interrupted near the planet Maldo Kreis by two New Republic pilots, Carson Teva and Trapper Wolf.

They wanted to check the ship, but they realized it had been involved in a raid on a prison ship.

Din tried to escape by flying into Maldo Kreis’ canyons, but the Razor Crest fell through some ice and got badly damaged.

Din was tired and didn’t have enough supplies to fix the ship properly, but his passenger insisted they keep going to Trask to save her eggs from the cold. While Din tried to fix the ship, the passenger wandered off and found a hot spring. Din went to find her with Grogu, but they were attacked by a swarm of ice spiders. They hid in the Razor Crest’s cockpit and were saved by Teva and Wolf. The pilots let Din go free because he had helped someone during the prison ship raid. The Razor Crest was still badly damaged, but Din sealed everyone in the cockpit (the only airtight part left) and took off.

The Razor Crest barely made it to Trask. It crashed into the sea and had to be pulled out by a crane. Din paid a worker 1,000 credits to fix the ship. When he came back after helping Bo-Katan Kryze capture an Imperial ship, the Razor Crest could fly again, but it was in terrible shape. As Din flew it back into space, parts of the ship kept falling off.

3.6 Unexpected Battle

While trying to reach the planet Corvus, where Din had been told he could find Ahsoka Tano, the Razor Crest’s hyperdrive broke down. Din had Grogu try to fix it, but the child couldn’t do it. Din had to go to Nevarro for more repairs. When he landed, Cara Dune and Greef Karga greeted him. Karga promised to fix the Razor Crest and asked Din to help attack an Imperial base that was still causing problems on Nevarro.

During the attack, Din found out that Moff Gideon was still alive and wanted Grogu’s blood. Worried about Grogu, Din rushed back to the city. His friends escaped from the base in an armored vehicle, chased by scout troopers and TIE fighters. Just when it looked like they were in trouble, the newly-repaired Razor Crest showed up and destroyed the TIE fighters. Karga invited Din to land for a drink and payment, but Din said the repairs were enough payment and left for Corvus. What Din didn’t know was that one of the workers who fixed his ship had put a tracking device on it for Moff Gideon.

3.7 Destruction

Din went to Corvus and met Ahsoka Tano, who told him Grogu’s name but said she wouldn’t train him. Instead, she told Din to go to Tython, where Grogu could use a special stone to try to contact another Jedi.

On Tython, Din landed the Razor Crest at the bottom of a mountain because there wasn’t enough space at the top. He left the ship open because he didn’t expect anyone else to come. While Grogu was using the stone, another ship called Slave I arrived. Din went to check it out and found Boba Fett and Fennec Shand, who wanted Fett’s armor back. Before they could make a deal, an Imperial ship landed next to the Razor Crest.

Destruction of Razor Crest

A big fight started. Fett and Shand fought the stormtroopers while Din tried to get Grogu. Fett went to the Razor Crest and put on his armor, then came back to help Din and Shand.

Fett destroyed the Imperial ships, but then Moff Gideon’s big ship fired one shot that completely destroyed the Razor Crest. Some dark troopers then took Grogu away.

Almost nothing was left of the Razor Crest. Din only found a spear he had gotten on Corvus and the little ball that Grogu liked to play with. Din didn’t spend much time being sad about losing his ship. He left Tython with Fett and Shand in Slave I, heading to Nevarro to try to find a way to rescue Grogu.

3.8 A New Ship

Din Djarin testing the new ship

After losing the Razor Crest, Din contacted Peli Motto to find a replacement. He hoped for a similar ship, but Motto had found an N-1 starfighter that needed repairs instead.

At first, Din was disappointed, but he agreed to help fix up the starfighter. He made changes to it so it would work well for him.

When he first tested the fighter, he tried to fly it like his old gunship. But he soon learned how to handle the faster, more agile starfighter. This new ship became Din’s way of getting around after the Razor Crest was destroyed.

Tony Allen is a writer for LightsabersBlog.com, a website focused on everything related to lightsabers. Tony grew up in Austin, Texas, and went on to study Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas. Passionate about science fiction and fantasy, Tony has always been deeply involved in hobbies like tabletop RPGs, sci-fi novels, miniature painting, and crafting. This love for creative pursuits drives Tony to write about lightsabers in a way that ignites the imagination of fans around the world.

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