What is a Mandalorian House?
For Mandalorians, a house was a political faction encompassing several clans. Among these factions were House Vizsla, House Kryze, and House Kast. The most significant houses reported to the Mandalorian leader, known as the Mand’alor.
1. House Vizsla
House Vizsla was one of several houses that made up the Mandalorian people. The leaders of House Vizsla came from Clan Vizsla. Other clans, such as Clan Wren and Clan Saxon, were also part of House Vizsla.
Throughout history, House Vizsla was involved in many significant events on Mandalore. It all started with Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian to become a Jedi and the creator of the Darksaber, which became very important to House Vizsla and all Mandalorians.
After Tarre Vizsla died, the Darksaber was kept in the Jedi Temple. But later, members of House Vizsla took it back. Using the Darksaber as a symbol of power, they were able to bring all of Mandalore together for a while.
House Vizsla had its own symbol: a bird called a shriek-hawk. This bird lives on Mandalore and hunts other animals. The symbol was later used by the terrorist group Death Watch.
Over time, House Vizsla was part of different conflicts on Mandalore. During the Clone Wars, they secretly worked against the peaceful government of Duchess Satine Kryze. They joined up with Count Dooku and his Separatists, even though they pretended to support peace.
When the Empire took over the galaxy, some in House Vizsla decided to work with them. They thought this would give them more power. But not everyone in House Vizsla agreed with this choice. This led to fighting between different clans within the house.

During the New Republic Era, Paz Vizsla was a member of The Tribe, a group of the Children of the Watch, a religious Mandalorian sect that adhered to the Mandalorian Creed and the Way of the Mandalore. The group resided in a Mandalorian covert on Nevarro.
Following Din Djarin’s mission to rescue Grogu, a Force-sensitive child, Paz Vizsla and the rest of the tribe were forced into public action. This exposure led to the covert’s destruction by an Imperial remnant led by Moff Gideon. Paz and “The Armorer” were the only survivors alongside Din Djarin.
After Djarin’s quest to bring Grogu to the Jedi, Djarin, Paz, and the Armorer reunited on the Glavis Ringworld space station, where they established another covert. Upon learning that Djarin had acquired the Darksaber through combat, Paz Vizsla challenged him to a duel to try to win it back for House Vizsla. However, Paz lost the fight.
2. House Kryze

House Kryze was a political faction in Mandalorian society, especially prominent during the Clone Wars and the New Republic Era. Based on Kalevala, the house once served as the royal family of the Mandalorians when Bo-Katan Kryze was a child. Bo-Katan’s father, Adonai Kryze, along with their subjects, witnessed her Mandalorian initiation ritual and showered her with gifts.
During the Clone Wars, Duchess Satine Kryze, Bo-Katan’s sister, led the New Mandalorian government until it was overthrown by the Death Watch, led by Pre Vizsla, with the covert support of the Shadow Collective. Death Watch later betrayed Maul and Savage Opress, leaders of the Shadow Collective, allowing Maul to find a suitable successor in the former Prime Minister Almec. Maul killed Vizsla in a duel, splintering Death Watch and establishing a puppet government under Almec.
Members of House Kryze, including Bo-Katan and her nephew Korkie Kryze, attempted to liberate Satine, but the rescue mission failed, and Satine was recaptured by Maul’s forces. Satine was later executed by Maul as vengeance against Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Leadership of House Kryze then passed to Bo-Katan.
Bo-Katan was proclaimed regent of Mandalore after helping the Jedi drive Maul from the planet. However, her rule ended when she refused to submit Mandalore to the new Galactic Empire. Clan Saxon betrayed her, bringing in the Empire to subjugate Mandalore in exchange for being named rulers. Bo-Katan and her loyal Nite Owls then sided with the Rebel Alliance to liberate Mandalore.
3. House Kast
House Kast is a Mandalorian faction that pledged allegiance to Bo-Katan Kryze in the Star Wars Rebels Season 4 premiere, “Heroes of Mandalore.” Although its appearances are limited to this episode and a mention in a 2020 book, it remains an intriguing part of Star Wars lore.
Two Mandalorians, Rook Kast and Veraslayn Kast, are speculated to be members of House Kast, though this has not been officially confirmed.

Rook Kast, known for her role as a super commando leader of the Shadow Collective and her involvement in the Siege of Mandalore at the end of the Clone Wars, was a member of the Death Watch and a devoted follower of Darth Maul. Her helmet, featuring metal spikes reminiscent of Maul’s Dathomirian Zabrak horns, has led to a popular theory that she might be the Armorer from The Mandalorian.
Veraslayn Kast, on the other hand, is recognized as an artist. The 2020 Star Wars Book provided more specific information about House Kast and its members.
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Tony Allen is a writer for LightsabersBlog.com, a website focused on everything related to lightsabers. Tony grew up in Austin, Texas, and went on to study Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas. Passionate about science fiction and fantasy, Tony has always been deeply involved in hobbies like tabletop RPGs, sci-fi novels, miniature painting, and crafting. This love for creative pursuits drives Tony to write about lightsabers in a way that ignites the imagination of fans around the world.