Turquoise Lightsaber Meaning and Users

the meaning of turquoise lightsaber

Turquoise lightsabers are extremely rare in Star Wars because their crystals are very expensive and hard to find, this lightsaber color does not exist in Star Wars canon and its meaning isn’t clear but we have some material from Star Wars Legends about it. In this article we will clarify the meaning of this lightsaber color, talk about the crystals that produce this color and discuss the users associated with it.

Turquoise Lightsaber Meaning

Turquoise is a blend of blue and green, it represents the balance between both blue and green lightsaber wielders.

Blue and green lightsabers are very common in Star wars, most Jedi use one of those two colors. Green lightsabers are for Jedi Consulars who focus on studying the Force while blue lightsabers are for Jedi Guardians who focus on protecting the galaxy.

The turquoise lightsaber represents a balance and a force alignment somewhere between a Jedi Guardian and a consular, this means that its wielders have both the strength and bravery of jedi guardians, and the wisdom and care of jedi consulars.

Obtaining a Turquoise Lightsaber

Turquoise lightsaber crystals are very expensive and hard to find. The first known way to get a Turquoise or teal blade was by using the Sunrider’s Destiny lightsaber crystal which was unique and could only be used by its rightful owner once tuned.

The second way was by using a rainbow gem as the lightsaber crystal. Rainbow gems can be found only on the planet of gallinore, they are a form of silicon based life. Jedi Tenel Ka Djo used several of these gems in her rancor tooth lightsaber hilt, creating a turquoise blade.

These gems were so valuable that each one was worth as much as a “Mon Calamari Star Cruiser” making her lightsaber one of the most valuable items in the galaxy.

Who Has a Turquoise Lightsaber in Star Wars?

It is extremely rare to find someone using a turquoise lightsaber. In Star Wars, the only known user of a turquoise lightsaber is the Jedi Tenel Ka Djo.

Tenel Ka Djo

Who is Tenel Ka Djo?

Tenel Ka Djo was a Force-sensitive female Jedi Knight from Hapes, she was the daughter of Prince Isolder, Chume’da of the Hapes Consortium and the Dathomiri witch Teneniel Djo.

Even though she was supposed to lead Hapes one day, she liked her mother’s culture better than her father’s, this upset some people in Hapes especially her grandmother “Ta’a Chume” who didn’t like being called by her full name “Tenel Ka Chume Ta’ Djo”. Tenel Ka joined Luke Skywalker’s Jedi academy as a young teenager.

Tenel Ka Djo’s First Lightsaber

For her first lightsaber, Tenel Ka carved detailed battle designs into the hilt, which was made from one of her great grandmother Augwynne Djo’s favorite rancor’s teeth, she polished the tooth with a black paste made from volcanic sand to highlight the carvings and used lava crystals that she later discovered to be flawed to create a gray-white blade, the tooth was also too small for the crystal setup she wanted but since her friends were ahead in making their lightsabers, she rushed to finish hers. Tenel Ka thought she could overcome any flaws with her fighting skills, not considering that a lightsaber is an energy weapon, this resulted in a defective lightsaber.

During a sparring practice with her fellow apprentice Jacen Solo, Tenel Ka’s lightsaber malfunctioned and turned off suddenly. Caught off guard by this, Jacen couldn’t pull back his lightsaber in time and accidentally cut off Tenel Ka’s left arm just above the elbow, the broken lightsaber fell and exploded destroying her severed arm completely, so it couldn’t be reattached.

Tenel Ka Djo Builds Her Turquoise Lightsaber

After recovering at Reef Fortress on Hapes and stopping an attempt to kill her and her grandmother Ta’a Chume “the Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium”, Tenel Ka decided to continue her Jedi training and rebuild her lightsaber, she used a second rancor tooth from Dathomir (a wild and fierce planet) and some rainbow gems from the tiara of the Royal Princess of Hapes, this lightsaber was carefully built and had a turquoise blade. Using several Rainbow Gems made it one of the most expensive lightsabers used by the Jedi.

Are Turquoise and Cyan Lightsabers The Same?

Turquoise and cyan lightsabers are similar but not exactly the same, here’s the difference between the two colors:

  • Turquoise: Turquoise is a bluish-green color, often described as a medium to dark blue-green with hints of green, it is named after the gemstone of the same name and is typically slightly darker and greener than cyan.
  • Cyan: Cyan is a greenish-blue color, often described as a light or bright blue-green, it is a primary color in the subtractive color model (used in printing) and one of the primary colors in the RGB additive color model (used in digital displays).

So, while they share similarities, turquoise is slightly darker and greener, while cyan tends to be lighter and bluer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the turquoise lightsaber canon?

The turquoise lightsaber is not mentioned in any of the official canon sources, it only appeared in Star Wars Legends.

Are turquoise lightsabers rare?

Yes, turquoise lightsabers are extremely rare because their crystals are very expensive and hard to find, Tenel Ka Djo is the only known character who has wielded one.

Are there variations in the shade or intensity of turquoise lightsabers?

Like other lightsaber colors, there can be variations in the shade or intensity of turquoise lightsabers depending on factors such as the quality of the crystal, the construction of the lightsaber and the wielder’s connection to the Force, these variations can add depth and character to the appearance of the lightsaber making each one unique.

Does Tenel Ka Djo’s first lightsaber also have a turquoise blade?

No, Tenel Ka Djo’s first lightsaber had a gray-white blade.

Can Cal Kestis use a turquoise lightsaber in the game “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order”?

No, he can’t. The available blade colors are: blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, cyan, indigo and magenta.

Is Tera Sinube’s lightsaber turquoise?

No, Tera Sinube’s lightsaber had a light blue blade.

Are turquoise and teal lightsabers the same?

No, turquoise and teal are not the same color, though they are similar and often confused, here are the differences:
Turquoise: A blue-green color, often lighter and more vibrant, resembling the color of the gemstone of the same name.
Teal: A darker, more muted blue-green color, often with a stronger hint of green.

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